All MPSSAA winter and spring sports have been suspended indefinitely

US is now testing 100 thousand per day for Kung flu. You will see the mortality rate drop.

Most models are dropping hard as well from their original projections. Like the one you posted a link for. That is because the models are consistently showing that since COV has shown to be aggressively contagious as more people are getting tested, the models are now taking into account that 80% of the cases are asymptomatic. That is why I have said I believe we currently likely have over 500K cases already in the US since maybe even December. Doctors just treated it like the flu/cold at that time. Yes, death rates are going to plummet...and that is a great thing.

On a separate topic, I still have not referred to this thing as the Chinese Flu or the Kung Flu. I have no need to be politically correct. Although when I was in elementary school I had a Hong Kong Phooey lunch box. Scatman Cruthers played the voice of the Kung Fu dog in the cartoon. Of course the 1970's were not so much concerned with political correctness. But I remember Scatman saying in one of the cartoon episodes, "If that guy doesn't shut up, I'm going to give him the slanty-eyed, flying rice patty kick." Eeeeeek! The uncut Bad New Bears movies would have made someone's head explode today.
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Most models are dropping hard as well from their original projections. Like the one you posted a link for. That is because the models are consistently showing that since COV has shown to be aggressively contagious as more people are getting tested, the models are now taking into account that 80% of the cases are asymptomatic. That is why I have said I believe we currently likely have over 500K cases already in the US since maybe even December. Doctors just treated it like the flu/cold at that time. Yes, death rates are going to plummet...and that is a great thing.

On a separate topic, I still have not referred to this thing as the Chinese Flu or the Kung Flu. I have no need to be politically correct. Although when I was in elementary school I had a Hong Kong Phooey lunch box. Scatman Cruthers played the voice of the Kung Fu dog in the cartoon. Of course the 1970's were not so much concerned with political correctness. But I remember Scatman saying in one of the cartoon episodes, "If that guy doesn't shut up, I'm going to give him the slanty-eyed, flying rice patty kick." Eeeeeek! The uncut Bad New Bears movies would have made someone's head explode today.

Maryland: 774 confirmed.... 5 deaths.... none listed as currently serious: .64%.
Obviously, that still does not encompass all who carry the virus. But the 'covid act now' cabal has polluted everything. They have been trying to panic states into shutting down until July. The craziness is far from over.
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One of the more frustrating things with regard to determining an accurate mortality rate for this is possibly, at least in part, due to how it's being reported (not necessarily by the media, but by health agencies across the world). This may explain the discrepancies we see that show a relatively low mortality rate in a place like Maryland (0.64%), and an astronomically high 10% in Italy. This issue may be due to differences between the mortality rate between the virus (coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2) and the disease caused by the virus (COVID-19). Not everyone who gets the virus develops the disease. At least, this is how I understand it.

What does seem pretty accurate and consistent, at least so far, is that about 10% of people infected with the virus require hospitalization, which is pretty scary. Going back to my comment earlier, this has a ripple effect that causes a host of other issues - not enough beds for not only other coronavirus patients, but also for everything else that requires hospitalization.
One of the more frustrating things with regard to determining an accurate mortality rate for this is possibly, at least in part, due to how it's being reported (not necessarily by the media, but by health agencies across the world). This may explain the discrepancies we see that show a relatively low mortality rate in a place like Maryland (0.64%), and an astronomically high 10% in Italy. This issue may be due to differences between the mortality rate between the virus (coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2) and the disease caused by the virus (COVID-19). Not everyone who gets the virus develops the disease. At least, this is how I understand it.

What does seem pretty accurate and consistent, at least so far, is that about 10% of people infected with the virus require hospitalization, which is pretty scary. Going back to my comment earlier, this has a ripple effect that causes a host of other issues - not enough beds for not only other coronavirus patients, but also for everything else that requires hospitalization.

10% of people infected with the virus require hospitalization, which is pretty scary.

With only 1690 serious cases in the US out of 105,012 confirmed cases, I doubt if that is an accurate number - again, there a many, many asymptomatic cases. Also, consider there are no reported serious cases in MD. I would suspect that with all the ventilators sent out, many are just sitting around waiting for all the projections to miraculously become accurate.
Do you have a source for this? This is great news if we are finally testing at this scale.

This is .64%, not .0064%. Still more than 6x more lethal than the flu.

I just blindly straight typed the number from my computer calculator. The emphasis I was after is how many deaths for few tested. We only establish a mortality rate for the flu after it runs its course. Both Birx and Fauci expect the mortality rate for the Kung flu to dramatically drop.
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Businesses cannot stay closed until July. The US will crumble the likes of which have never been seen in 200 years, and not from the virus.

Despite what models are predicting, and they are all extremely different in one way or another, politicians and decision makers in each state generally tow the line. Meaning, if one state does this, we will follow suit. God forbid one of those politicians makes a decision that doesn't tow the line. That would be grounds for getting voted out.

The fact there has never been a travel ban put in place with mandatory lock downs makes me massively disgusted. Instead of a 30 day lockdown, it seems leaders are more content to half-ass it to preserve freedoms and make this virus run ramped for another 3-6 months.

Plane tickets still under $100 one way wherever you want to travel.
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Businesses cannot stay closed until July. The US will crumble the likes of which have never been seen in 200 years, and not from the virus.

Despite what models are predicting, and they are all extremely different in one way or another, politicians and decision makers in each state generally tow the line. Meaning, if one state does this, we will follow suit. God forbid one of those politicians makes a decision that doesn't tow the line. That would be grounds for getting voted out.

The fact there has never been a travel ban put in place with mandatory lock downs makes me massively disgusted. Instead of a 30 day lockdown, it seems leaders are more content to half-ass it to preserve freedoms and make this virus run ramped for another 3-6 months.

Plane tickets still under $100 one way wherever you want to travel.

I think those in the know (ignoring the politically hyped projections) is something akin to what is happening in Harford County. Even the initial 86 year old, first case, has survived. Regardless of the people leaving NY, we are identifying pockets under mitigation and will transfer to contact tracing as the curve bends. That is why Deborah Birx's experience in contact tracing with HIV will be so vital as to how this all turns out. The situation below in Harford County results from only testing those with severe symptoms. We haven't evolved into widespread testing of all contacts. The below suggests the future, across the country, is not dim:

"BEL AIR, MD — The number of Coronavirus cases in Harford County climbed Friday to 19, County Executive Barry Glassman said in a statement. That number is up by 14 from last Friday when the county reported five cases. Two have been hospitalized and the rest are recovering at home. Glassman said the county's first case, an 86-year-old woman, has been released from the hospital and is now home. "
This should get a lot of play but don't hold your breath (appropriate choice of phrase). Tom Hanks is over 60 and has type 2 diabetes. He and Rita are world celebs who caught the virus and had a limited experience. This should be a lesson for most folks... but that doesn't fuel the needed panic. (Oh, if you scroll down the page you can see the 'well to do' in the Hamptons are seeking a travel ban on corona-fleeing New Yorkers. The town supervisor, Jay Schneiderman sent a letter to Cuomo.)
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From the New England Journal of Medicine, an article written by Anthony Fauci, MD. Well worth the read to gain perspective....

"This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968)...
This should get a lot of play but don't hold your breath (appropriate choice of phrase). Tom Hanks is over 60 and has type 2 diabetes. He and Rita are world celebs who caught the virus and had a limited experience. This should be a lesson for most folks... but that doesn't fuel the needed panic. (Oh, if you scroll down the page you can see the 'well to do' in the Hamptons are seeking a travel ban on corona-fleeing New Yorkers. The town supervisor, Jay Schneiderman sent a letter to Cuomo.)

Rhode Island sending cops, National Guard to find New Yorkers seeking coronavirus refuge

It's so funny watching Trump haters tell the world how great of a leader Cuomo has been during this crisis. Huh? It took Cuomo longer to shut down schools and non-essential business than West Virginia. NY is the epicenter. Cuomo has never shut down the borders, the subways, buses, etc., etc. But not to be one-sided politically, Trump lovers are bashing the Dems for the spread in cities everywhere. What the hell is wrong with people? This two party system and the blind hate that comes with it needs to collapse.
At least the president has his own slush fund to hand out to corporations, because we all know how a business can catch a virus, and how throwing money at a virus magically makes it go away. Saved by socialism!

United Airlines threatens to lay people off without handouts from the government. The day after being told they'll get handouts, they say 'handouts' wont be enough.

Obviously the proper response to a health crisis is to bailout corporations with taxpayers' money while telling the taxpayers you might have to die so CEOs wont suffer a drop in their quality of life.

Meanwhile we just had the largest single increase in jobless claims and the largest single increase in the debt in the history of the country. And people think we will be back to normal in a couple of weeks?

And who are we supposed to listen to? The doctors Lags throws at us, who told us that Trump knows a lot about this disease because he was a businessman, or do we believe the doctor who says, "dont believe my original model because it is way off, but do believe this model I just came up. I has to be correct."
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Who says we will be back to normal in 2 weeks? It will be more than 2 years if not way more. But we tend to blame individuals for this pandemic more than we do the actual virus.

I personally do not put much stock in any model because that are all so vast. It's just typical that headline news runs with the most drastic of them all. Slant, shock, sell. Americans suck it up.
Rhode Island sending cops, National Guard to find New Yorkers seeking coronavirus refuge

It's so funny watching Trump haters tell the world how great of a leader Cuomo has been during this crisis. Huh? It took Cuomo longer to shut down schools and non-essential business than West Virginia. NY is the epicenter. Cuomo has never shut down the borders, the subways, buses, etc., etc. But not to be one-sided politically, Trump lovers are bashing the Dems for the spread in cities everywhere. What the hell is wrong with people? This two party system and the blind hate that comes with it needs to collapse.

Cuomo not only kept the subways running but also allowed the massive Chinese New Year celebration.... and this is after Trump canceled flights from China. This was also followed by demonstrations against Trump in Chinatown.

"February 9, 2020

While some cities, such as Paris and Miami, have canceled new year celebrations amid the coronavirus outbreak as a precautionary measure, massive crowds flocked to Sunday’s parade in lower Manhattan.

There were around 20,000 people at the celebrations — on par with the crowd size in previous years, according to state Sen. John Liu.

“We have no confirmed cases in New York and we want people to know Chinatown is open and as vibrant as ever,” New York state Senator Brian Kavanagh said."
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At least the president has his own slush fund to hand out to corporations, because we all know how a business can catch a virus, and how throwing money at a virus magically makes it go away. Saved by socialism!

United Airlines threatens to lay people off without handouts from the government. The day after being told they'll get handouts, they say 'handouts' wont be enough.

Obviously the proper response to a health crisis is to bailout corporations with taxpayers' money while telling the taxpayers you might have to die so CEOs wont suffer a drop in their quality of life.

Meanwhile we just had the largest single increase in jobless claims and the largest single increase in the debt in the history of the country. And people think we will be back to normal in a couple of weeks?

And who are we supposed to listen to? The doctors Lags throws at us, who told us that Trump knows a lot about this disease because he was a businessman, or do we believe the doctor who says, "dont believe my original model because it is way off, but do believe this model I just came up. I has to be correct."

And who are we supposed to listen to? The doctors Lags throws at us

"Dr. Fauci has advised six Presidents on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues."

"Coronavirus task force member Dr. Deborah Birx is a retired U.S. Army physician who was appointed to the global AIDS Ambassador post by President Barack Obama in 2014."

More from NY if you can get this from Twitter:

And more.....
YouTube is banning this below vid down their algorithmic rabbit hole and Twitter is whacking individuals posting it. However, if you have interest to see a vid on Twitter that still has Barbot's comments after Trump's China travel ban... click the link below... and maybe you will get it.

NYC “Health Commissioner” Oxiris Barbot on Feb. 7th: “We’re telling New Yorkers, go about your lives, take the subway, go out, enjoy life”
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If people really want to read pure craziness, check out all the NY sources. Places like CNN are finally starting to focus on what's happening there as it will sell a billion copies now. Mind blowing out of the ordinary stuff. Seriously, if car wrecks are your fancy...start with the NY Post. Headlines that are only 4 days old or less. You can't make this stuff up.

The ACLU is now trying to stop mandatory quarantines by saying they are unconstitutional.
Trump considering quarantine of the entire state of NY
Governor hiding the truths about New York City health status as one of the nation's worst
New Yorkers are throwing coronavirus parties, defying social distancing
Police break up weddings amid state's large gathering ban
Rhode Island and Connecticut pulling over cars with NY license plates
Mount Sinai execs work from lush Florida vacation homes as coronavirus ravages NYC
If people really want to read pure craziness, check out all the NY sources. Places like CNN are finally starting to focus on what's happening there as it will sell a billion copies now. Mind blowing out of the ordinary stuff. Seriously, if car wrecks are your fancy...start with the NY Post. Headlines that are only 4 days old or less. You can't make this stuff up.

The ACLU is now trying to stop mandatory quarantines by saying they are unconstitutional.
Trump considering quarantine of the entire state of NY
Governor hiding the truths about New York City health status as one of the nation's worst
New Yorkers are throwing coronavirus parties, defying social distancing
Police break up weddings amid state's large gathering ban
Rhode Island and Connecticut pulling over cars with NY license plates
Mount Sinai execs work from lush Florida vacation homes as coronavirus ravages NYC

Cuomo is threatening to sue Rhode Island while claiming restrictions by the feds would be an "Act of War." I foresee the feds staying out of it and letting the states literally fight it out.

"These vagabond shoes... They are longing to stray"
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I foresee the feds staying out of it and letting the states literally fighting it out.

I could see that except it is the multiple other states, where NY residents are fleeing, that are begging for a NY quarantine.

This is the hardcore part: Like I said from the very beginning...political correctness, freedom to do what you want regardless of how it affects others, discrimination laws, etc. will permit COV-19 to bury this country. New York is up to bat. What is good for a few, most be good for everyone. New Yorkers must be allowed to disband around the country regardless of what it means for those living in other places.

It's almost like Baltimore making decisions for Western Maryland. What is good for the population center, has to be applied to all others regardless of what it means to them.
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China is still hiding numbers. The New York Post yesterday, reported that Bloomberg reporters in Wuhan province noticed two shipments of 5,000 urns to one funeral home over the previous two days. When asked by reporters how many were already sold and waiting to be picked up, the funeral home stated they did not know and were not authorized to provide any information.

In other words, the socialist-communist Chinese government, says to its citizens, sit-down, shut-up, or you disappear.
I could see that except it is the multiple other states, where NY residents are fleeing, that are begging for a NY quarantine.

This is the hardcore part: Like I said from the very beginning...political correctness, freedom to do what you want regardless of how it affects others, discrimination laws, etc. will permit COV-19 to bury this country. New York is up to bat. What is good for a few, most be good for everyone. New Yorkers must be allowed to disband around the country regardless of what it means for those living in other places.

It's almost like Baltimore making decisions for Western Maryland. What is good for the population center, has to be applied to all others regardless of what it means to them.

Thing is, if a quarantine were directed by the feds we would be in the exact same situation we are now and the multitude of clashes that are happening and will happen would be blamed as a federal problem.

As we all know, celebrations in the streets and accusations of racism were supported by all the politicians and media in NY the first week of Feb. Now, just a few weeks later, after encouraging the streets to be flooded, those same folks are screaming for masks and ventilators.

"I want to wake up (outside) the city that never sleeps... to find I'm king of the hill (in some podunk place I escaped to).... top of the heap."

Sing it Frank...

Concerning MD, headlines continue to scream horror:

"Our state has seen another dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases overnight, bringing Maryland to 992 confirmed cases," Gov. Larry Hogan tweeted Saturday."

All the while you have to dig down into the article for the actual facts about who and why...

"... a Wicomico County resident in her 60s with underlying medical conditions; a Baltimore City resident in her 60s with underlying medical conditions; and a Baltimore City resident in her 80s with underlying medical conditions.

The total number of deaths in the state due to COVID-19 is 10.

Authorities say a total of 11,516 negative test results have been returned to date in Maryland.

One good thing has happened:
The DHS guidelines list as essential:
Workers supporting the manufacturing of safety equipment and uniforms for law enforcement, public safety personnel, and first responders. Workers supporting the operation of firearm or ammunition product manufacturers, retailers, importers, distributors, and shooting ranges.

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Fear not... The CDC is tracking all those folks who fled NY - assuming they all have cellphones, which of course they do. So, all the feds have to do is feed that information to the states... and bingo! The Guard shows up... ugh, unless you are politically connected that is.

"WASHINGTON—Government officials across the U.S. are using location data from millions of cellphones in a bid to better understand the movements of Americans during the coronavirus pandemic and how they may be affecting the spread of the disease."
"Dr. Fauci has advised six Presidents on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues."

So you mean the guy who just said this?

"I mean, looking at what we're seeing now, you know, I would say between 100 and 200,000 (deaths). But I don't want to be held to that," he said, adding that the US is going to have "millions of cases

Of course, you'll stop referencing him now that he went against your opinion.
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Fear not... The CDC is tracking all those folks who fled NY - assuming they all have cellphones, which of course they do. So, all the feds have to do is feed that information to the states... and bingo! The Guard shows up... ugh, unless you are politically connected that is.

"WASHINGTON—Government officials across the U.S. are using location data from millions of cellphones in a bid to better understand the movements of Americans during the coronavirus pandemic and how they may be affecting the spread of the disease."
Yay! Big Brother to save us all!
So you mean the guy who just said this?

"I mean, looking at what we're seeing now, you know, I would say between 100 and 200,000 (deaths). But I don't want to be held to that," he said, adding that the US is going to have "millions of cases

Of course, you'll stop referencing him now that he went against your opinion.

Also note that Dr. Fauci stated on March 13 that CDC models suggest we could see up to 1.6 million deaths in the US. Although he did go on to note that the media tends to report on the higher end of ranges predicted by models. The more I have read up on Dr. Fauci, the more respect I put into his more even-keeled predictions. But it's important to know that when someone like this predicts we could have up to 100,000 or 200,000 deaths -- that is the very high end. COULD is the important word here. While that number sounds scary, it's a far cry from 1.6 million. Let's all hope that number keeps coming down. Whether we all agree or disagree in this discussion, some really good links are being shared here outside the mainstream crap. Keep them coming. I am so bored I don't even know or care what day it is. All I do is read, something I never had time for.
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Also note that Dr. Fauci stated on March 13 that CDC models suggest we could see up to 1.6 million deaths in the US. Although he did go on to note that the media tends to report on the higher end of ranges predicted by models. The more I have read up on Dr. Fauci, the more respect I put into his more even-keeled predictions. But it's important to know that when someone like this predicts we could have up to 100,000 or 200,000 deaths -- that is the very high end. COULD is the important word here. While that number sounds scary, it's a far cry from 1.6 million. Let's all hope that number keeps coming down. Whether we all agree or disagree in this discussion, some really good links are being shared here outside the mainstream crap. Keep them coming. I am so bored I don't even know or care what day it is. All I do is read, something I never had time for.

Fauci then goes on CNN today and says that he doesn't want to be held to the projections because it is a "moving target." So, I'm thinking that if he doesn't want to be held to the numbers.... why toss 'em out there. Mkay... maybe all the numbers stuff is aired as a motivation.

Methinks the same rationale was in play when Hogan appeared for an interview with a 'State Police' vest on. He gave the stern look and the we-don't-have-what-we-need line while detailing the arrest of someone for having multiple bonfire parties. Personally, I think the grim look from ole Hogan was knowing what a humongous tax increase means during a virus recession.

Oh.... here is a new link that indicates that the total daily 'new cases' was actually down from the 28th to the 29th. This site recaps things a little differently than some others:
So you mean the guy who just said this?

"I mean, looking at what we're seeing now, you know, I would say between 100 and 200,000 (deaths). But I don't want to be held to that," he said, adding that the US is going to have "millions of cases

Of course, you'll stop referencing him now that he went against your opinion.

Why not reference him. He didn't go against my opinion. I posted a link to his published work... not mine:

In case you skipped my post....

  • Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.,
  • H. Clifford Lane, M.D.,
  • and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.

"This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968)...

The numbers I put up were his and the other numbers were Birx's.

Furthermore, he had to go on CNN this morning and hammer again and again that the projection was a "moving target." He asked the media to stop holding him to that number. He wanted to get that number out to make people aware of the seriousness of what 'could' happen.

Sure, the very passionate toward the panic (giddily wishing for the worst) will believe that we will have 100,000 deaths by the middle of April... which is where all projections see the peak spread. Hopefully you are aware that folks are still dying this year from H1N1. That is why it is in this year's flu shot. So, the overall projected deaths from the Kung flu are spread over the full cycle, not from its inception to its peak.

Also.... The projections, according to Fauci, do not include the possible cure from tested drugs (1,100 patients now being tested in NY) nor the early release of a vaccine. That is because, at this time, they are unknowns.
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An interesting conspiracy theory out there. I'm not buying it, just found it interesting.

Impact of coronavirus on stock exchanges worldwide, within 1 month:

USA -26%
England -26%
Canada -25%
Brazil -27%
France -20%
Portugal -19%
South Africa -16%
Austrailia -24%
India -14%
Pakistan -17%
South Koreo -12%
North Korea - 17%

Now, look at this:

(China) + 0,3%

Guess who bought up most of the cheap stocks?
An interesting conspiracy theory out there. I'm not buying it, just found it interesting.

Impact of coronavirus on stock exchanges worldwide, within 1 month:

USA -26%
England -26%
Canada -25%
Brazil -27%
France -20%
Portugal -19%
South Africa -16%
Austrailia -24%
India -14%
Pakistan -17%
South Koreo -12%
North Korea - 17%

Now, look at this:

(China) + 0,3%

Guess who bought up most of the cheap stocks?

Their economy was struggling. They hated paying the tariffs. We were about to further put the screws to 'em on trade deals. They work their population like dogs for very little.

So, maybe they take care of some of their over population (remember how they limited the number of children per family). So, how perfect to release a lab created virus that targets the elderly. And, they break the western economies at the same time.

They couldn't just release it to the western countries... too obvious. So, releasing it in Wuhan is a win.... win for them.

I don't know. Maybe follow Occam's razor.
China doesn't pay the tariffs. Not to say that the tariffs don't have some impact on their economy, but they do not pay the tariffs.

China devalued its currency, making it weaker against the dollar so their products would be cheaper in order to offset the tariffs. The money goes into our treasury at the cost of theirs, which has been wrecking their economy. Connecting the dots for you.
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The hits just keep on coming. Unreal.
Gee, I just can't figure out why this disease keeps spreading. Now I'm ordered to stay at home with business and schools closed while the couple who just flew in from Wuhan is renting the apartment next door.

NYC crowds ignore social distancing rules to watch USNS Comfort

We are awash with flunatics: those who ignore the danger and those who cheer on the mounting dead and dying businesses.
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We are awash with flunatics: those who ignore the danger and those who cheer on the mounting dead and dying businesses.

I don't know how you do it but you have made me laugh, even at myself, several times in this thread. For all our arguments and differences through the years, the scary part is that you and I probably are more alike than most. That is we are both senile to a degree or in better terms..."out there". But I see nothing wrong with looking over the normal mental walls people build even if they want to think I am senile. My intentions for mankind are good in nature. The bad part is that I can be vigilant about it. Probably because there is so much stupidity in the social media world.
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Andrew Cuomo's response to Trump on a quarantine of New York this day March 30, “This would be a declaration of war on states,” the governor said on CNN. “If you start walling off areas all across the country, it would just be totally bizarre, counter-productive, anti-America, anti-social,” he said.

But I can't leave my house.

Cannot believe he used the word anti-social in response to COV-19. **** me!
I don't know how you do it but you have made me laugh, even at myself, several times in this thread. For all our arguments and differences through the years, the scary part is that you and I probably are more alike than most. That is we are both senile to a degree or in better terms..."out there". But I see nothing wrong with looking over the normal mental walls people build even if they want to think I am senile. My intentions for mankind are good in nature. The bad part is that I can be vigilant about it. Probably because there is so much stupidity in the social media world.
I have been getting my updates from you guys for days, you both seem to be way more informed than most of the media...perhaps they should read more and quit blaming and politicizing this crisis. I've always admired you both for being very passionate about what you believe whether I agreed with it or not, keep up the good work I for one appreciate all the informative posts!
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