All MPSSAA winter and spring sports have been suspended indefinitely

I have been getting my updates from you guys for days, you both seem to be way more informed than most of the media...perhaps they should read more and quit blaming and politicizing this crisis. I've always admired you both for being very passionate about what you believe whether I agreed with it or not, keep up the good work I for one appreciate all the informative posts!

Sorry if I sound so vigilant. My business is running on empty like everyone. I can't see my grand kids. I can't leave the house other than for food. But people are flying all around the country with every plane containing a COV-19 carrier. All I am doing is mostly sharing news though. I should just start a list of the dumbest news headlines ever told. Every 5 minutes I find a story that you really can't believe could be true.

Counties in Texas are now fighting about letting Felony 1 prisoners out of jail on personal recog bail (yes Felony 1 includes murder). Judges said the inmates are fearful of COV-19. No shit? We all are. The Attorney General blocked the order to set them free in Harris County, TX. They have already released many prisoners in PA. If the Feds pass this law of COV-19 fear, all prisoners in every state must be set free on personal recog bail if they say they are fearful of COV-19. OMG.

Just over a week ago, a Harris County, TX judge released a murder suspect on bond because the suspect claimed he feared contracting COVID-19 in jail.

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My question is, with San Francisco having the 2nd largest Chinatown (NY being first) and with more direct flights having arrived from China to California than any other state (Thousands of Chinese since December up until the travel ban), why isn't California the epicenter of the Kung flu?

The parallels are striking: Pelosi was in San Fran announcing through the media how we should support China and show up for the San Fran Chinese New Year celebration... just like Cuomo in NY. The streets were crowded.

What happened? Because it wasn't tracked, did the Kung flu blitz through San Fran early in January and the deaths written off as a common percentage of flu/pneumonia deaths, defining our current panic as media hype?

They keep saying the numbers will explode, but that does not explain why they didn't already explode.

Anyhow.... here are the current numbers... begging explanation:

NY deaths: 1,550 confirmed infected: 75,795
Cali deaths: 149 confirmed infected: 7,453
This sums it up from one perspective using vids and pics... Really lays bare what the politicians were saying and doing February and March.

Nice article overall about one politician who didn't miss things in January.....just wish he had shouted louder and others weren't distracted at the time.

They knew! They know now but still don't listen.

I can still book a flight leaving BWI tomorrow for Tampa non-stop for $45. And those same people allowing this tell me I can't leave my home. THIS VIRUS WAS BROUGHT HERE BY TRAVEL, IT SPREADS TO OTHER COMMUNITIES THROUGH TRAVEL. Damn it this is so asinine.
They knew! They know now but still don't listen.

I can still book a flight leaving BWI tomorrow for Tampa non-stop for $45. And those same people allowing this tell me I can't leave my home. THIS VIRUS WAS BROUGHT HERE BY TRAVEL, IT SPREADS TO OTHER COMMUNITIES THROUGH TRAVEL. Damn it this is so asinine.


Book your flight from NY to Tampa: York, NY, United States (JFK),to:Tampa, FL, United States (TPA),departure:04/2/2020TANYT&passengers=adults:1,children:0,seniors:0,infantinlap:Y&options=cabinclass:economy&mode=search&

Ugh... I am assuming here that for fear of catching the Kung flu that most of these flights are empty at this point.
Again, we are all visionaries that never see it coming.

Most can see it coming. My vision....


Give this lock down about 3-4 more months. And it will last that long at least. There will be a ton of people that won't be able to afford the basic necessities like food and shelter and the ability to get employment. Then the real revolution begins.

If people think the food lines are of significant size now with low income families showing up to feed their kids, just wait. Even in small communities where free lunch lines have gone over 500 on the day - expect 10 times that amount soon. Well before school opens again whenever that might be.

I also predict there will be no MLB season at all. No football season or fall sports either at any level. Even though the virus may dissipate to a degree and Stay at Home mandates will be lifted, SOCIAL DISTANCING is here to stay until a vaccine is in place. And because of such, we cannot afford to pack 80,000 fans into a stadium. Not even 2000 at a place like Greenway. Not even the norm of 300 fans these days. Watch. This thing is a long, long way from over. Even after the virus is gone.
This one I am pretty positive about...we will not see any live music or sports before a vaccine is approved and distributed.
My question is, with San Francisco having the 2nd largest Chinatown (NY being first) and with more direct flights having arrived from China to California than any other state (Thousands of Chinese since December up until the travel ban), why isn't California the epicenter of the Kung flu?

The parallels are striking: Pelosi was in San Fran announcing through the media how we should support China and show up for the San Fran Chinese New Year celebration... just like Cuomo in NY. The streets were crowded.

What happened? Because it wasn't tracked, did the Kung flu blitz through San Fran early in January and the deaths written off as a common percentage of flu/pneumonia deaths, defining our current panic as media hype?

They keep saying the numbers will explode, but that does not explain why they didn't already explode.

Anyhow.... here are the current numbers... begging explanation:

NY deaths: 1,550 confirmed infected: 75,795
Cali deaths: 149 confirmed infected: 7,453

I cannot guess as to why California overall is down compared to NY State but when comparing SF to NYC, SF is just a little over 10% of the population of NYC (about 900,000 compared to 8.7 million).

While NYC and State politicians were calling people racist if they did not come to China Town or party in the streets, SF heeded the warnings and started putting precautions in place weeks prior to NYC.

I also read that Travis Air Force Base in California was being used as a quarantine area for people coming back from China. Not sure if NY State was putting travelers in quarantine as early as California. SF itself was cancelling massive tech and trade shows earlier than NYC was cancelling events.
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I cannot guess as to why California overall is down compared to NY State but when comparing SF to NYC, SF is just a little over 10% of the population of NYC (about 900,000 compared to 8.7 million).

While NYC and State politicians were calling people racist if they did not come to China Town or party in the streets, SF heeded the warnings and started putting precautions in place weeks prior to NYC.

I also read that Travis Air Force Base in California was being used as a quarantine area for people coming back from China. Not sure if NY State was putting travelers in quarantine as early as California. SF itself was cancelling massive tech and trade shows earlier than NYC was cancelling events.

I like that as an answer. I still imagine all the shit on the streets and the massive homeless population. Oh well, lets hope things continue.... and then, of course, there is LA.
This one I am pretty positive about...we will not see any live music or sports before a vaccine is approved and distributed.

Here is the actual edict from Herr Hogan... pretty lax by Stasi/Nazi standards, though we should expect to see a parade of 'longhairs' from various officials or they should be forced to tell us who/where they are getting shorn.

Also, basis the presser, the 100k+ deaths in the presented model are strictly based on NY/NJ and extrapolated at that rate for the rest of the country. When the media tried to pin Fauci/Birx down, they never answered the question. When asked about how soon we will see 20k - 30k deaths... and where they will be.... Fauci/Birx tap danced around the questions. Bottom line, either we are going to see 100k even with mitigation or we are not. Either that number is tossed out to motivate people to do what they should be doing or it is an honest figure based on real world expectations.
Wow! raiding a home in Brooklyn. Apparently, stealing and hording medical supplies from NY hospitals... and all the while blaming the administration for not sending them....
“You'll never get ahead of anyone as long as you try to get even with him.” - Lou Holtz.

I was fortunate to hear him as a keynote speaker at our company meeting.... Here is something interesting from him considering the Kung flu. Like Holtz or hate 'em... he is a character with some great patter:

Sapakoff: The Lou Holtz coronavirus pep talk comes from the heart
BIG SURPRISE OF THE DAY -- eeeks a Fox News link

China tried to hide Kung Flu when it first broke out (Dah)
China now hiding overall stats

There are literally over half a million cases in China right now.

It was laughingly unbelievable that China had slammed the door on new cases.... That, of course, did not prevent folks from festooning social media with the we-have-surpassed-china-in-new-cases meme.
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More fodder for my Doomsday Predictions. Just wait and see. Oh, the banks are absolutely going to require they get paid regardless. It's all going to be a complete domino effect.

Businesses won't be able to pay rent/mortgage. Homeowners can't pay mortgage, tenants can't pay rent which means landlords can't pay bills, utilities won't get paid, property taxes that fund 60% to 70% of all city budgets won't get paid (police, fire, ambulance, construction, roads, highways, infrastructure) money for food will be short, money for consumers to make purchases of goods and services will be short, over 50 million jobs will be gone, etc., etc., etc.


40% of N.Y. Tenants May Not Pay Rent This Month. What Happens Then?
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40% of N.Y. Tenants May Not Pay Rent This Month. What Happens Then?

".....No one knows for sure how many renters in New York City will have a hard time paying...." - from the NY Slimes piece.

So, let's write another fuggin' scare missive to see if we can get more of that government lucre!! I have an idea: It's gettin' to summer time, cover Central Park with tents and put the NY illegals in 'em. Give the government paid housing to citizens out of work.

I know that sounds unsympathetic, but I have no emotion left to care about NY. They elected the schmucks that run the city and.... well, there they are. As a nation we are triaging the place after they brought this high degree of the Kung flu on themselves by flooding the streets while accusing others of being racist. The investment bankers have fled.... so, let NY extend its own hand to the remaining citizens.

Besides (I'm a libertarian and not a conservative.... but Cuomo can kiss my ass):

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Scratching my head on some of these numbers as NY no longer attempts in any way to separate those who die with the virus versus those who die from it....

Further followup and a very good read:

John P.A. IoannidisDepartments of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Health, of Biomedical Data Science, and of Statistics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA,

"The evolving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic1 is certainly cause for concern. Proper communication and optimal decision-making is an ongoing challenge, as data evolve. The challenge is compounded, however, by exaggerated information. This can lead to inappropriate actions. It is important to differentiate promptly the true epidemic from an epidemic of false claims and potentially harmful actions."

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This should be the major news.... you can guess why it isn't:

We'll just have to see how long the flunatics can delay us from getting this vaccine to the folks:

Possibly the most mammoth news of the week - yet no headlines. I poke but could care less anymore about what mainstream has to say or the people that glue to every word without doing their own research.

Love how you find these links Lag. Keep them coming please. I share a good many of them in my lists. You are hardcore (that was a compliment).

My news and quote of the day:
Russian plane with coronavirus medical gear lands in U.S. after Trump-Putin call

A U.S. official in Washington confirmed the shipment was a direct result of Trump's phone conversation with Putin. The official said it carried 60 tons of ventilators, masks, respirators and other items. Peskov complained that "some U.S. officials had made it needlessly difficult to expedite the aid."
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Possibly the most mammoth news of the week - yet no headlines. I poke but could care less anymore about what mainstream has to say or the people that glue to every word without doing their own research.

Love how you find these links Lag. Keep them coming please. I share a good many of them in my lists. You are hardcore (that was a compliment).

My news and quote of the day:
Russian plane with coronavirus medical gear lands in U.S. after Trump-Putin call

A U.S. official in Washington confirmed the shipment was a direct result of Trump's phone conversation with Putin. The official said it carried 60 tons of ventilators, masks, respirators and other items. Peskov complained that "some U.S. officials had made it needlessly difficult to expedite the aid."

From the same link you posted (nice catch by you as usual)....

"Nothing to see here. Just a Russian military aircraft landing at JFK with 60 tons of medical supplies to support America’s #COVID19 response. A propaganda bonanza as our own government shrinks from America’s leadership role in a global crisis," said Brett McGurk, a former American diplomat for Trump and former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush."

Brett McGurk... a bitter man...

Incidentally, it's going right to NY, one of the hotbeds of the "Russia... Russia.... Russia" meme via Chuck Schumer. It forces the receipt of the aid while demanding from the media the criticism of having received it. Too rich. Gotta be planned. I can imagine the conversation between Trump and Putin, with Putin saying he could front NY some shit... and Trump musing that the aid couldn't go to a better place.
When Herr Hogan puts out the eventual edict that you must wear a mask to go out in 'pooblick' will it include a limit on the number of masks you have in your possession.... you know.... like to prevent hording. I mean... only 10 round magazines for firearms can be sold.... so, the concept of limiting necessities has been established.

I do my own drywall (hypothetically of course), so if I have a box of masks (hypothetically of course) might I be in future violation of hording? Will prior purchases be tracked? Will 4AM raids ensue?

Sarcasm, of course... but I will not put anything past flunatics.
Who needs masks??? "Its all a hoax and being blown out of proportion..."

Absolutely, the lies.... out of context distortions... memes... not the virus, but the political hoaxes from the most despicable of sources - twisting... hoaxing up and continuing today. Politicians and the media are using the pandemic in order to try and destroy people.

The political attacks were called a hoax, never the virus.

Since we all understand your implication.... here are some facts: Prior to this administration stopping flights from China on 1/31 not a single world leader sounded the alarm while local 'big city' politicians encouraged our streets to be filled. From 1/31 to the end of February there were three democrat debates and not a single candidate mentioned the virus and not one question about it was asked.
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Here is a conservative website questioning the model being used:

The model projected that over 121,000 people would be hospitalized in the country yesterday. The actual number was 31,142. (25.7%)

Texas: Projection – 1,716; Actual – 196 (11.4%)

Georgia: Projection – 2,777; Actual – 952 (34.3%)

Virginia: Projection – 607; Actual – 305 (50%)

Tennessee: Projection – 2,214; Actual number – 200 (9%)

New York: Projection – 50,962; Actual number – 18,368 (36%)
As we all figured, looks like Dementia Don's travel ban with China wasnt a travel ban. He still let US citizens travel back and forth.

Calls of Racism > People dying of virus

Get out and support Chinese New Year!!

China had 81,000 cases and then stopped the virus completely without a cure. Riiiight. OMG, hahahaha. The world is so F***ed
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White House prediction of virus deaths mystifies experts and Trump’s advisers
"Leading disease forecasters, whose research the White House used to conclude 100,000 to 240,000 people could die nationwide, said they don’t challenge the numbers’ validity but that they don’t know how the White House arrived at them."

Say what? The experts, with the modelers, concluded those numbers and gave the administration little choice in following the conclusion
Here's tons of American supplies being flown to China because... well, America First right.

A batch of US medical supplies, including 2 million masks, will be shipped to Wuhan, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak, late Thursday, the US-China Business Council announced on Thursday.

The much-needed supplies are organized by USCBC, the National Committee on US-China Relations and the George H. W. Bush Foundation for US-China Relations.

FedEx has offered to donate air transportation of these relief supplies to China, Jacob Parker, Senior Vice-President of the USCBC, said at a news conference Thursday morning in Washington.

... a reliable supply was identified by the Bush China Foundation through its newly established and rapidly growing US-China Coronavirus Action Network, "US-China CAN," and representatives of the business organizations swiftly arranged for purchase and transport, according to a statement from the USCBC.

Parker said the masks were produced in facilities in Mexico and have been shipped to the US before they are scheduled to fly to China late Thursday.

Most of the donated goods on the flight will be rushed to Wuhan hospitals with support from Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and China Charity Federation, he said.

So, was Trump supposed to seize masks and deny a charitable donation that was only mildly coordinated at best by our government when there was no breakout in this country? Oh, the spin. What is really worse.... those who actually horde and steal or those who lie about it to forward political gain.

More on the business council:

When bored, you can review this timeline of what was actually going on. I checked it and it looks pretty good... I'm sure for you... not so much:
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And as we get closer to 1984 every day, here's a federal agency changing it's own mission statement after son-in-flaw Jared Kushner said that federal stockpiles of supplies aren't for the American people.

Jared Kushner said that federal stockpiles of supplies aren't for the American people.

Can you actually read the fuggin' King's English. That is not what the article says at all.

This is what it says about changes to the Health and Human Services website:

According to a brief online summary on the Department of Health and Human Services website, the stockpile's role "is to supplement state and local supplies during public health emergencies. Many states have products stockpiled, as well."

That's smart. We are now taking into account what stockpiles the states already have. This is to prevent states from hoarding.... and worse, to prevent some bureaucrat from over ordering and then stealing the excess.

Here is a link to the U.S. Departent of Health & Human Services website where you should have gone in the first place to read what it says.... well, with the chance that you can understand it.
Calls of Racism > People dying of virus

Get out and support Chinese New Year!!

China had 81,000 cases and then stopped the virus completely without a cure. Riiiight. OMG, hahahaha. The world is so F***ed

It used to take a generation or so to completely rewrite history. Now it can happen in an afternoon on the same day.

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