All MPSSAA winter and spring sports have been suspended indefinitely

Proud to be a Deplorable, I mean a American that loves his Country unlike You
I like living life and i'm not going to hide from a virus just as I didn't hide from the flu or chicken pox

Thanks for confirming what we all knew, by comparing covid to the flu and chickenpox.. ffs you guys ever listen to the shit you spew?
In May

Can't buy the comparison of snow days to COVID. That's like comparing the dangers of getting in an auto vs. COVID. As you have said...apples and oranges.

You are wrong about being obligated to answer questions. Because I have $5000 that says you and others like you will want school activities restricted/shut down all the way through June because someone can get COVID. In fact, yenz will still be advocating lockdown even next August even with a vaccine in place that can't be distributed fast enough or people refuse to take it. Mark it down this day Helmick said this. LOL and sad at the same time.

Enjoy the turket and trimmings with family everyone. Super spreader, long as I get a belly full.

Now your flipping again...I thought it would be music to your ears to hear that the rest of MD is starting to echo what the schools are doing...I thought you would be elated that you would finally have an answer to this endless string of student athletes who are clamoring at your door asking you "why Todd?!? why can't I play sports when my mom and dad can still go to the casino!?!" ... Your whole argument has been it's not right...parents shouldn't be allowed to be doing all this stuff if kids can't!! And now...the message from the state is "adults need to be more careful, were going to start restricting capacity at bars and casinos because more and more people are getting sick"...and your response to that's wrong to shut things down. It's exactly what you've been saying...all these risky behaviors by adults aren't safe...and now youre saying restrictions are dumb. Make up your damn mind, son.

The UPMC covid unit is opened back up and full. The tent is back up. Shit is going down. And you can't make up your mind whether you want kids playing football or adults at casinos or both or neither. Parents who actually have kids in the school system aren't even as batshit crazy over this as you are. Is high school athletics all you have?
Awesome, We Need More Conservative Voters When The Liberals Have People Voting from Communist China & Terrorist Groups Like Black Lives Matter & Antifa

Just for the record, when I said bigdawgref is a Klan sympathizer I am making that determination from things he has said in the past.

Also for the record, I am not affiliated with or approve of illegal actions from BLM, Antifa, Proud Boys, or any other group that commits criminal acts. I’m not even a liberal.
oh my, the race card.... yeah that's worked so good for ya over the years.
Who cares who endorses who?
BLM & Antifa Endorsed Joe Biden yet oh that's okay

I don't support any of these groups, I really don't care what color or religion someone is well **** Muslims... I could care less what happens to them.

OBTW, Racism goes both ways and you post some very racist shit on your instagram, I guess I could post a link and some pictures of it, but I really could care less as people being butthurt doesn't concern me. I don't always worry about peoples feelings, I mean people act like they are gonna hurt me with words and that's never been the case. it's a free Country, Free to Say whatever We want, sometimes people won't like it and they will cry sometimes they beat the hell out of the other person and sometimes they kill em... life and choices are always about consequences
OBTW, Racism goes both ways and you post some very racist shit on your instagram, I guess I could post a link and some pictures of it, but I really could care less as people being butthurt doesn't concern me.

But we're supposed to care about you being butthurt enough about BLM to start an entire thread about them in a high school football forum?

All you do is vomit your feelings on here because someone from the John Birch Society liked the same post when you put it on Facebook. For a guy who says he doesn't care about feelings, you sure spend a hell of a lot of your time posting your feelings on social media.

We can all tell you're hurting because Americans chose Biden over the softest, most frail and least effective president ever. I expected you to cry becuase of how bad the loss was, but for how manly you like to talk about yourself on here, you are really coming across as nothing more than a whiney little bitch.
oh my, the race card.... yeah that's worked so good for ya over the years.
Who cares who endorses who?
BLM & Antifa Endorsed Joe Biden yet oh that's okay

I don't support any of these groups, I really don't care what color or religion someone is well **** Muslims... I could care less what happens to them.

OBTW, Racism goes both ways and you post some very racist shit on your instagram, I guess I could post a link and some pictures of it, but I really could care less as people being butthurt doesn't concern me. I don't always worry about peoples feelings, I mean people act like they are gonna hurt me with words and that's never been the case. it's a free Country, Free to Say whatever We want, sometimes people won't like it and they will cry sometimes they beat the hell out of the other person and sometimes they kill em... life and choices are always about consequences

Sometimes I get the feeling this guy is just talking to himself, lol. And this is my last comment because I’m wasting my time.

I never mentioned anything about race, racism or the race card. For some reason he talks about Antifa in every post. I clearly said I don’t support the BLM organization, Antifa or the Proud Boys. I’ve never even met anybody from Antifa. Once again, nothing Antifa does is awesome. You said the KKK is awesome and you want to talk about racism? Lol

And your logic is way off. We all understand that Americans have the right to wear a Klan hood of wave a Nazi flag. But why would you do it? This is not about freedom of expression. What does the Nazi flag have to do with supporting Trump? And I wasn’t referring to the Confederate flag, there are multiple photos of people walking around last weekend waving the Hitler Nazi flag. I actually don’t have a problem with personal use of the Confederate flag. And my IG is public, feel free to re-post anything.
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Except your flow chart does not reflect: colleges, bars, casinos, private schools, political events, etc. being open that also perpetuate the spread. You and I both know colleges should never have opened in the first place. Students away from home do not care, they go home on weekends and come back. Things like this are all about money over safety and the state/local health dept looks the other way. Shameful stuff man.

I got asked again today by one of my employees who is a senior volleyball player at FH. Why are other other activities permitted for adults but not us?

What is your answer to them? I can't tell.

You, lags and others still denying the seriousness of this virus? Is it still just like the flu? Should we continue our lives business as usual? Still denying science? I'm just asking for a friend...:oops:🤷‍♂️

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