why would I be mad? I could care less what some homo James Corden, Steven Colbert or Jimmy Fallon think, I mean seriously there no different than the idiots on the View during the day or the weirdo's on Liberal news like Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon or Rachel Maddow. They are all seriously ill and messed in the head and they believe someone owes them something. We do not other than 25 years ago we would of had them put in a mental institution but nowadays we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
I will still sleep great Tonight, my only thoughts each day are thank God My Wife, Kids and Grandchild are Healthy and Safe, I wonder How Much Money my Business made me Yesterday (I'll Check that out Tomorrow) and I hope it doesn't rain as I really want to Golf Tomorrow and I wonder how I can piss off some pussy ass liberals before bed.
New developments in the Kenosha police shooting, a second video of the officer involved shooting of Jacob Blake has been shared.
and to answer the idiot asking the question in the video, BECAUSE HE CAN'T FOLLOW DIRECTIONS AND HE RESISTED ARREST. and then to say that's why we don't like the PO-LICE..... Well You don't like them because you don't understand consequences for your actions and you don't like to follow directions either... Step Right Up... You Can Be The Next Contestant