All MPSSAA winter and spring sports have been suspended indefinitely

But good luck proving in court with zero reasonable doubt where a person contacted a global contagious virus. Like trying to prove who stepped on that dead ant. You don't know if Person A or Person B bought in the virus. How do you know it wasn't on a delivery package or on the sole of someone's shoe, etc., etc., etc., etc. I mean, you do know science has shown COV sticks to shoes and money for 24-72 hours?

I can accept your disdain for Cuomo, but you are all over the map regarding accountability and responsibility for the spread of the disease.

Unless one is if the mindset of Georgia’s Governor, who, for six weeks, did not realize the virus could be transmitted by folks who have the virus but are asymptomatic, one realizes people carry the virus known or unknown to them, depending on testing or lack thereof.

Oh, Person B did test positive, so a local health care facility, in cooperation with the Allegany County Health Dept. and the Mineral County Health Department, knowingly and willfully exposed multiple patients and employees in a health care facility with zero cases to the virus. Keep in mind, Person B was mandated to report to work, after those listed above were notified that Person B’s spouse was diagnosed last Monday. Therefore, for five days Person B went to work prior to being diagnosed.

That was okay in your mind, though.

My sincere prayer is this virus does not infect patients and employees at the health care facility where Person B works.

All have been tested, and results are pending. As you have stated, one won’t know for certain if one has it unless multiple tests are done. Time will tell.

Peace to all.
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I can accept your disdain for Cuomo, but you are all over the map regarding accountability and responsibility for the spread of the disease.

Unless one is if the mindset of Georgia’s Governor, who, for six weeks, did not realize the virus could be transmitted by folks who have the virus but are asymptomatic, one realizes people carry the virus known or unknown to them, depending on testing or lack thereof.

Oh, Person B did test positive, so a local health care facility, in cooperation with the Allegany County Health Dept. and the Mineral County Health Department, knowingly and willfully exposed multiple patients and employees in a health care facility with zero cases to the virus. Keep in mind, Person B was mandated to report to work, after those listed above were notified that Person B’s spouse was diagnosed last Monday. Therefore, for five days Person B went to work prior to being diagnosed.

That was okay in your mind, though.

My sincere prayer is this virus does not infect patients and employees at the health care facility where Person B works.

All have been tested, and results are pending. As you have stated, one won’t know for certain if one has it unless multiple tests are done. Time will tell.

Peace to all.

Agree. Some very valid points. After some self-induced critical thinking, I can see your argument more. If your spouse has COV and you work at the nursing home, the County/State should have mandated a procedure that isolates and protects the people in the nursing home with ultimate priority. People died that didn't have to.

I can be stubborn, but hopefully am not too much so to over come my own ignorance. See, I learned some things through our debates about seeing the other side of things.

Can you imagine though Gov. Hogan mandating laws that require placing multiple COV infected patients (who we already know are infected) in the nursing home? And testing them before admittance is illegal? Wow.
Can you imagine though Gov. Hogan mandating laws that require placing multiple COV infected patients (who we already know are infected) in the nursing home? And testing them before admittance is illegal? Wow.

No. That would be representative of the negligence of which I have mentioned.

Now, the questions are as follows:

1.) Where do the patients go in the interim?

2.) How often is a patient tested prior to releasing said patient back to a nursing home?

These are not easy questions.
Maybe Allegany count shouldn't have decided to make sure 90% of jobs (an exaggeration because someone will attack the number rather than the point) reliant upon prisons. You really have to love the hypocrisy of the people in this area who say the government is evil, but will also accept the government check for a lifetime.

True that. I hear families complain about the prisons frequently. Even when they even have immediate family members collecting the paycheck that puts food in their mouths working there. Can't have it both ways I guess.

A big HOWEVER though...I'm not sure the fact local area people being desperate for jobs gives the state the right to dump released prisoners on the local small town rural doorstep in the name of providing those jobs to the locals. Kind of like Annapolis purchasing 500,000 COV tests from South Korea in exchange for purchasing large amounts of opium based products and dumping them to addicts on the streets of Maryland. We needed the tests desperately, don't get me wrong.
No. That would be representative of the negligence of which I have mentioned.

Now, the questions are as follows:

1.) Where do the patients go in the interim?

2.) How often is a patient tested prior to releasing said patient back to a nursing home?

These are not easy questions.

The article states these COV infected patients are not just readmitted nursing home patients. The nursing homes were used as an overflow for hospitals to keep hospital beds open in the case of overload. Basically it's like having UMPC dump 30 newly recovering COV patients into one of the local nursing homes in an effort to keep a number of beds open at the hospital. The argument the nursing home directors used was why didn't these states just find another building to house the COV patients in somewhere else. You don't want to put already infected COV
into the nursing home, especially while making it illegal to test even when you have the tests.
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The article states these COV infected patients are not nursing home patients. The nursing homes were used as an overflow for hospitals to keep hospital beds open in the case of overload. Basically it's like having UMPC dump 30 new COV patients into one of the local nursing homes in an effort to keep a number of beds open at the hospital. The argument the nursing home directors used was why didn't these states just find another building to house the COV patients in somewhere else. You don't want to put already infected COV overflow into the nursing home, especially while making it illegal to test even when you have the tests.

In NY they refused to send the elderly to the Javits Convention Center where there were around 2 thousand beds set up for COV patients.... unused.... yet they jammed the extra elderly in nursing homes, where they were never really tested.
Makes you proud to be an American.....

Two undercover officers working on the COVID-19 Taskforce Enforcement made contact with each solicitor to set up an appointment for a cosmetic/ beauty service that is prohibited under the emergency ordinance.

Police arrested 31-year-old Ana Isabel Castro-Garcia at the 1200 block of Harding Street after she allegedly agreed to provide an undercover officer with nail service.

Castro-Garcia allegedly admitted that she was running a nail salon inside her house and promoting her business via social media.

She was arrested and charged with Violation of Emergency Management Plan C/B and was transported to the Webb County Jail where she was held in lieu of a$500.00 bond set by Judge Dominguez.
This is an excellent piece:

With one you get more dead people but you can't get away with declaring martial law.....

"According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1.9 million people will die from cancer in 2020. How in good conscious have we arrived at a point where we are scaling back testing for a condition that will kill far more people than coronavirus?"

"I paid into SS therefore its all mine" mentality is unequivocally wrong

I never even implied that. I specifically stated neither SS nor Medicare is democratic socialism... and..... please read this more carefully this time... if I had been able to keep and invest the money I would have more of it. In your case, if you could have kept and invested your money you would have at least some of it... cause guess what.... in twenty years it will not be there - not in the form it is now.

There was no 'implication,' you literally said it -

MCSoccerplex said: If you think you have paid as much into Social Security and Medicare that you are currently receiving and have receivied, you are wrong.

You responded: Not true.

Again, I'm glad you are now admitting you were incorrect to assume the SS you receive is 100% funded by your contributions. But much like we've seen from the White House, fact checking is pretty easy to do when mispeakings and mistakes are all in writing.
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There was no 'implication,' you literally said it -

Again, I'm glad you are now admitting you were incorrect to assume the SS you receive is 100% funded by your contributions. But much like we've seen from the White House, fact checking is pretty easy to do when mispeakings and mistakes are all in writing.

You are contorting yourself into an out of context bullshit.... My statement as a return on investment is completely accurate..... the money I am currently receiving is no where near what I would have received if paid myself through investments....(And to be very specific on Medicare, it has only paid for vaccines so far - would love to have had the investment dollars along with my retiree insurance)... It is very bad forum form to clip off the explanation in a post... that is done by trolls.....note the complete exchange:

If you think you have paid as much into Social Security and Medicare that you are currently receiving and have receivied, you are wrong.

Not true.

Actually, if I were allowed to invest the money I paid into both government programs I would have additional millions. I once ran the numbers factoring inflation.... quite a few millions.

I know what is coming.......The first house I bought was at 16% interest rate. Inflation was over 25% a year. When I see what is happening now I know that younger folks who never went through that are totally clueless.

There was no 'implication,' you literally said it -

Not true.... go back to 'Orange man Bad'....and being bitter that you are paying into a system that will probably give you nothing. You should be agreeing with me instead of trying to defend a system that is royally screwing you.
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What you wrote after "not true" has nothing to do with explaining it.

I said that you are wrong to think something.

And you said "not true"...that means "no, I'm not wrong"

The blather afterwards about "if I was allowed to invest the money" does not explain that you said "not true".

A better way for you to have responded would be to say "you are correct, that I did not fund 100% of the SS benefits I receive. However, if I could have invested it...blah blah blah" Then I would have fully agreed with you.

In typical trump fashion, instead of just admitting you misspoke...and moving on, you tried to validate your completely inaccurate statement.

Kinda like trumps disinfectant snafu. Had he just said, "I shouldn't have suggested injecting disinfectant into your body, I apologize for stating it that way", he had to go on a blathering diatribe about being sarcastic and just joking, etc. Not taking any ownership in saying something wrong. Sound familiar?

Anyway, we can move on. We agree. You did not fund your SS 100%, and if you had been given the opportunity to invest that money yourself you would have more.
What you wrote after "not true" has nothing to do with explaining it.

I said that you are wrong to think something.

And you said "not true"...that means "no, I'm not wrong"

The blather afterwards about "if I was allowed to invest the money" does not explain that you said "not true".

A better way for you to have responded would be to say "you are correct, that I did not fund 100% of the SS benefits I receive. However, if I could have invested it...blah blah blah" Then I would have fully agreed with you.

In typical trump fashion, instead of just admitting you misspoke...and moving on, you tried to validate your completely inaccurate statement.

Kinda like trumps disinfectant snafu. Had he just said, "I shouldn't have suggested injecting disinfectant into your body, I apologize for stating it that way", he had to go on a blathering diatribe about being sarcastic and just joking, etc. Not taking any ownership in saying something wrong. Sound familiar?

Anyway, we can move on. We agree. You did not fund your SS 100%, and if you had been given the opportunity to invest that money yourself you would have more.

The blather afterwards about "if I was allowed to invest the money" does not explain that you
said "not true".

I don't care if you think it explains it or not. I think I went out of my way to post the explanation that you purposefully left out. And.... we can move on agreeing that both of us could have made more money given the opportunity to invest it rather than pay into Social Security.
Had Ike given George the gas and supplies, instead of the British twit, ole George would have been in Berlin in a couple months.... saved hundreds of thousands of lives.... driven the Russians back and spared us the Cold War.
That actually would have cost hundreds of thoudands more lives, and we would have gained nothing from it because Berlin was in the Russian zone. Which is why none of the Western Allies tried for Berlin.
Makes you proud to be an American.....

Two undercover officers working on the COVID-19 Taskforce Enforcement made contact with each solicitor to set up an appointment for a cosmetic/ beauty service that is prohibited under the emergency ordinance.

Police arrested 31-year-old Ana Isabel Castro-Garcia at the 1200 block of Harding Street after she allegedly agreed to provide an undercover officer with nail service.

Castro-Garcia allegedly admitted that she was running a nail salon inside her house and promoting her business via social media.

She was arrested and charged with Violation of Emergency Management Plan C/B and was transported to the Webb County Jail where she was held in lieu of a$500.00 bond set by Judge Dominguez.
So we aren't a nation of laws anymore? You should be allowed to break laws you don't like?
In typical trump fashion, instead of just admitting you misspoke...and moving on, you tried to validate your completely inaccurate statement.
I was beginning to think I was the only who saw that. If he put as much effort into his original posts as he does his end-around explanation of why he thinks he's right, he'd save himself a lot of time.
Could be allot worse Pelosi Biden and the rest of the idiot Democrats no don't ban travel from China come on down to China town. Give me a break what a ****ing joke
Or Trump could keep telling people to inject bleach and take unproven medication. Yeah, let's say we banned travel from China then let 40,000 people travel from there. Good God, man.
We're talkin' about serious work, not the part-time, burger-flippin' - zero benefit - jobs under the Obama administration, which was the worst recession-recovery in history and we were told good-payin' jobs were gone forever:,-contract-work-449057
You mean the good paying job that still haven't come back under Trump? Wages are growing slower under Trump than Obama (much slower). Remember that Trump's best year of gdp growth is 2.87 (after he said he'd reach 6% growth). That's the lowest 'best' growth of any president in history. Jimmy Carter had a GDP over 6 one year for reference. Trump isn't even half as good as Carter.
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You can believe what ever bullshit you want to ill keep working making and making money. Until some liberal asshole gets in office then work will go back to being seasonal. 4 more year
You can argue against facts that make you look bad, but you'll lose that argument... as it appears you lost at life. I'm sorry things are so bad for you, but you got what you voted for... The most unemployed people in American history, the largest deficit in American history, the most government spending in American history.
Seriously, if Trump truly loves the uneducated he must have grabbed you by the pussy.
Try actually reading the information at the link. Yes, getting a shit job is a job.... or more like a hand-job. The unemployment rate went down under Obama... but 1 million fewer workers were working and the jobs they got under Obama were low-paying, zero benefit - piss-ass , shit-hook jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The disappearance of conventional full-time work, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. work, has hit every demographic. “Workers seeking full-time, steady work have lost,” said Krueger.

Under Obama, 1 million fewer workers, overall, are working than before the beginning of the Great Recession.,-contract-work-449057

"Real median hourly wages grew just 1 percent during 2019, and in 24 states, the median hourly wage grew 1 percent or less," Capital & Main reported. "Stagnant median wage growth also plagued the Obama recovery. Real hourly wage growth for the typical worker remained under 2 percent, even in the final years of his presidency. By contrast, median hourly wages grew at a rate of 2.7 percent annually during the tight labor market of the late 1990s.

I guess the drop in wage growth under Trump was from all those high-paying job he brought back, huh?:cool:
Or Trump could keep telling people to inject bleach and take unproven medication. Yeah, let's say we banned travel from China then let 40,000 people travel from there. Good God, man.
The 40,000 where American citizens if your dumb enough to inject bleach you already have a problem at this point all medication is unproven. Are you telling me if you get sick with this shit you wont take any meds i mean really nothing has been proven yet
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You can argue against facts that make you look bad, but you'll lose that argument... as it appears you lost at life. I'm sorry things are so bad for you, but you got what you voted for... The most unemployed people in American history, the largest deficit in American history, the most government spending in American history.
Seriously, if Trump truly loves the uneducated he must have grabbed you by the pussy.
Ah are you upset you little privileged liberal prix probably never put a good days work in your hole life. All caused by the virus but thats right you ****ers never waste a disaster
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That actually would have cost hundreds of thoudands more lives, and we would have gained nothing from it because Berlin was in the Russian zone. Which is why none of the Western Allies tried for Berlin.

Berlin was in the Russian zone. Which is why none of the Western Allies tried for Berlin

Actually, there was no Russian zone when Patton had a chance to quickly defeat Hitler.
The Russian zone, or at that time their 'sphere of influence' - was set up at the Yalta conference near the end of the war in February 1945. What little Stalin agreed to, he reneged on all of it.

On the other hand, Patton was at the Moselle River, a west-bank tributary of the Rhine, near the end of August 1944. The Russian army was still in Poland and Hitler still controlled Germany. Patton was at the doorstep of Germany with the speediest and best performing Allied Army. Quickly crossing the Rhine and racing to Berlin (as was his standard of performance), Patton could have ended the war, saved lives, and prevented the future of the Soviet Block. Alas, he was withheld the gas and supplies.
"Real median hourly wages grew just 1 percent during 2019, and in 24 states, the median hourly wage grew 1 percent or less," Capital & Main reported. "Stagnant median wage growth also plagued the Obama recovery. Real hourly wage growth for the typical worker remained under 2 percent, even in the final years of his presidency. By contrast, median hourly wages grew at a rate of 2.7 percent annually during the tight labor market of the late 1990s.

I guess the drop in wage growth under Trump was from all those high-paying job he brought back, huh?:cool:

Well, let's see.... Obama had stagnant median wage growth with an economy of burger-flippin' part-time jobs. Apparently, the only increase workers really got with such low-pay jobs was an increase in the minimum wage.✓&
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You mean the good paying job that still haven't come back under Trump? Wages are growing slower under Trump than Obama (much slower). Remember that Trump's best year of gdp growth is 2.87 (after he said he'd reach 6% growth). That's the lowest 'best' growth of any president in history. Jimmy Carter had a GDP over 6 one year for reference. Trump isn't even half as good as Carter.

Most of the higher GDP under Obama was taxpayer funded Obamacare and padding that number in the GDP.

While the economy grew 2.6 percent in the fourth quarter, what most reports don’t mention is that 20 percent of that growth was health care spending. And the majority of that spending was taxpayer-funded subsidies from ObamaCare.
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So we aren't a nation of laws anymore? You should be allowed to break laws you don't like?

So we aren't a nation of laws anymore?

You mean Federal laws too? I would have taken you for a big Sanctuary-for-all-the-border-jumpers type person. How about voter fraud?
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America has no idea what is about to happen. When the bills and loan payments are due...goodnight.

Take it from a very small business owner. I've heard nothing on 3 loan and 2 grant applications. Still no stimulus check. Income cut by 60%. What many don't understand about loans is that even thought they are very low interest now they are still debt. I've been operating debt free for 3 years. Even if I get the loans, I will spend the next 3 years trying to pay them off. I am about out of money to purchase supplies.

The shit won't hit the fan economically yet...but when it does down the road here soon...hell is coming.
  • Like
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America has no idea what is about to happen. When the bills and loan payments are due...goodnight.

Take it from a very small business owner. I've heard nothing on 3 loan and 2 grant applications. Still no stimulus check. Income cut by 60%. What many don't understand about loans is that even thought they are very low interest now they are still debt. I've been operating debt free for 3 years. Even if I get the loans, I will spend the next 3 years trying to pay them off. I am about out of money to purchase supplies.

The shit won't hit the fan economically yet...but when it does down the road here soon...hell is coming.

Man... I understand. As I posted a few days back, It's guys like you.... the small business owner... the real work-for-a-livin' stiffs that are getting screwed.

Remember the Port Deposit carryout..... over a dozen cops show up because it appears the parking lot is crowded. I guess with such few cars on the road there is no revenue writing tickets. Bankruptcy and three's-a-crowd SWAT teams coming.
Holy shit, the VP might be the dumbest member of the Flu Klux Klan:

Pence when asked why he didn't wear a mask while visiting patients at hospital:

""And since I don't have the coronavirus, I thought it'd be a good opportunity for me to be here, to be able to speak to these researchers, these incredible health care personnel, and look them in the eye and say thank you."

The guy in charge if the response team thinks you wear a mask over your eyes. Is it any wonder so many Americans have died when this is our leadership?
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Berlin was in the Russian zone. Which is why none of the Western Allies tried for Berlin

Actually, there was no Russian zone when Patton had a chance to quickly defeat Hitler.
The Russian zone, or at that time their 'sphere of influence' - was set up at the Yalta conference near the end of the war in February 1945. What little Stalin agreed to, he reneged on all of it.

On the other hand, Patton was at the Moselle River, a west-bank tributary of the Rhine, near the end of August 1944. The Russian army was still in Poland and Hitler still controlled Germany. Patton was at the doorstep of Germany with the speediest and best performing Allied Army. Quickly crossing the Rhine and racing to Berlin (as was his standard of performance), Patton could have ended the war, saved lives, and prevented the future of the Soviet Block. Alas, he was withheld the gas and supplies.

General Eisenhower later said that not taking Berlin was his greatest regret but I believe he was only referring to Soviet committed atrocities that occurred.

Geopolitically speaking, Eisenhower did not find it reasonable to lose more American or Western Allied life in taking Berlin given the Yalta conference. Plus, after the stiff resistance the allies faced at the Elbe River, Eisenhower stopped his forces there and focused on the southern highlands due to intelligence that the Nazis were going to retreat and put up a guerrilla war from that area.

But Churchill, General Patton and General Montgomery saw the writing on the wall with Stalin. They advocated for taking as much German territory as possible before the Soviet Army could get it and use it as a bargaining chip, knowing, that the Soviets if they got their hands on any other territory outside of the agreed upon terms would use it against the Western Allies. This is why Western Allies were diverted in the closing weeks/months of the war to cut off the Scandinavia Low Countries as the Soviets we’re rushing to seize Denmark.

During the entire war, the Soviets fought a vicious war against Finland to seize that country. This is often a forgotten piece of history. That is why Finland had to side with the Nazis. In their place between a rock and a hard place, the Nazis were a lesser of two evils than Stalin. Stalin would have never let Finland go.

Churchill, Patton and Montgomery saw the future and distrusted Stalin. Others saw the future as well but chose to accept it. Patton was so adamant about taking Berlin and then pushing the Soviets back to their own land while they were weak, exhausted and extended that Eisenhower and the top brass censured him. Churchill wanted to squash the Socialist-Communists but needed the American might to lead the way.

But we didn’t. There are pros and cons to the decisions. Pros: not having any more Western Allied men killed or European civilians; not extending the World War in Europe which would have made it more difficult to beat the Japanese as forces would not have been able to be diverted to the Pacific and the Soviets would have allied with the Japanese at that point. Cons: leaving 1/2 of The European continent in imprisonment and under socialist rule; leaving the women of Berlin to the mercy of the Soviets, leaving the Soviets as a superpower with further vast resources; and in hindsight, not striking them when the West had the upper-hand, leaving the Soviets to eventually develop atomic/nuclear power.
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General Eisenhower later said that not taking Berlin was his greatest regret but I believe he was only referring to Soviet committed atrocities that occurred.

Geopolitically speaking, Eisenhower did not find it reasonable to lose more American or Western Allied life in taking Berlin given the Yalta conference. Plus, after the stiff resistance the allies faced at the Elbe River, Eisenhower stopped his forces there and focused on the southern highlands due to intelligence that the Nazis were going to retreat and put up a guerrilla war from that area.

But Churchill, General Patton and General Montgomery saw the writing on the wall with Stalin. They advocated for taking as much German territory as possible before the Soviet Army could get it and use it as a bargaining chip, knowing, that the Soviets if they got their hands on any other territory outside of the agreed upon terms would use it against the Western Allies. This is why Western Allies were diverted in the closing weeks/months of the war to cut off the Scandinavia Low Countries as the Soviets we’re rushing to seize Denmark.

During the entire war, the Soviets fought a vicious war against Finland to seize that country. This is often a forgotten piece of history. That is why Finland had to side with the Nazis. In their place between a rock and a hard place, the Nazis were a lesser of two evils than Stalin. Stalin would have never let Finland go.

Churchill, Patton and Montgomery saw the future and distrusted Stalin. Others saw the future as well but chose to accept it. Patton was so adamant about taking Berlin and then pushing the Soviets back to their own land while they were weak, exhausted and extended that Eisenhower and the top brass censured him. Churchill wanted to squash the Socialist-Communists but needed the American might to lead the way.

But we didn’t. There are pros and cons to the decisions. Pros: not having any more Western Allied men killed or European civilians; not extending the World War in Europe which would have made it more difficult to beat the Japanese as forces would not have been able to be diverted to e Pacific and the Soviets would have allied with the Japanese at that point. Cons: leaving 1/2 of The European continent in imprisonment and under socialist rule; leaving the women of Berlin to the mercy of the Soviets, leaving the Soviets as a superpower with further vast resources; and in hindsight, not striking them when the West had the upper-hand, leaving the Soviets to eventually develop atomic/nuclear power.

Well studied and written.... I would like to add some more information:

The key dates would be.... again... Patton at the Rhine in August 1944; Yalta conference in February 1945 - the Western Allied Armies at the Elbe, near Berlin, in April 1945.

The pulling of gas and supplies from Patton in August of 1944 had nothing to do with a fierce enemy at the time or mounting casualties. It had everything to do with giving everything to Montgomery and permitting him to enter Germany first because the British had suffered so much and deserved the honor.

This gave us Monty's plan Operation Market-Garden, September of 1944. It was one of the worst catastrophes of the war. This bled our supplies and stalled our advance into the winter of 1944... which also gave us the Battle of the Bulge.

Could Patton have made it to Berlin before Christmas 1944? Well, he sure as hell thought he could and everything he had done with his army so far indicated he could. Instead, winter came and allowed one last German offensive.

During that time Russia advanced through Poland killing both Germans and the Polish Resistance. This was consistent with Stalin who murdered everyone he considered a future threat. At Yalta, February 1945, he promised reforms but the Western Allied armies on the ground knew of Stalin's butchery.

This leads us to the Elbe, near Berlin, in April 1945. Ike stopped the Western Allies cold even though the German army was surrendering in front of them. Could the Germans have started resistance once they got closer than 60 miles to Berlin? Maybe... but Jeeps with recon drove right up to the city without encountering a single soldier.

The fierce battle for Berlin was because the Russians were taking it. I contend that the remnants of the German army would have gladly surrendered to anybody but the Russians. Instead, Ike purposely kept the Elbe river between himself and the Russians - as he has so stated in his memoirs. Ike stayed back over the river and allowed the murdering and raping of Berlin.

Was it the best decision at the time? Well... it was the easiest. Personally, I think that the failure to support Patton way back in August 1944 was a worse decision by far. The Market-Garden disaster, the Battle of the Bulge as well as the future Soviet empire could possibly have been avoided.
I don't want to argue, just somebody please tell me where my math listed below is incorrect about COV-19.


Here are the case numbers for Maryland as of April 29:

20,849 confirmed cases
985 deaths
110,929 tested

That means that out of all the 110,929 people tested, 18.8% tested positive.
The population in Maryland is 6,006,401 people.
18.8% of the population is 1,129,203 people.
1,129,203 people in Maryland likely have or had COV-19.
985 people have died.
The death rate comes out to 0.8%.

So out of all people in Maryland who got infected with COV-19, less than 1% of them died.
I don't want to argue, just somebody please tell me where my math listed below is incorrect about COV-19.


Here are the case numbers for Maryland as of April 29:

20,849 confirmed cases
985 deaths
110,929 tested

That means that out of all the 110,929 people tested, 18.8% tested positive.
The population in Maryland is 6,006,401 people.
18.8% of the population is 1,129,203 people.
1,129,203 people in Maryland likely have or had COV-19.
985 people have died.So out of all people in Maryland who got infected with COV-19, less than 1% of them died. The death rate comes out to 0.8%.

Numbers look good to me. Also consider that the CDC is allowing estimated cause of death and the MD test kits from South Korea have not been approved by the FDA.
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Numbers look good to me. Also consider that the CDC is allowing estimated cause of death and the MD test kits from South Korea have not been approved by the FDA.
50% more deaths look good to you? And what else is Hogan supposed to do when the president refuses to do his job. He literally had to hide the masks and guard them so trump couldn't seize them. Chloroquine hasnt been approved by the CDC for treating the virus, but it hasnt stopped the Flu Klux Klan from pushing it.
Well studied and written.... I would like to add some more information:

The key dates would be.... again... Patton at the Rhine in August 1944; Yalta conference in February 1945 - the Western Allied Armies at the Elbe, near Berlin, in April 1945.

The pulling of gas and supplies from Patton in August of 1944 had nothing to do with a fierce enemy at the time or mounting casualties. It had everything to do with giving everything to Montgomery and permitting him to enter Germany first because the British had suffered so much and deserved the honor.

This gave us Monty's plan Operation Market-Garden, September of 1944. It was one of the worst catastrophes of the war. This bled our supplies and stalled our advance into the winter of 1944... which also gave us the Battle of the Bulge.

Could Patton have made it to Berlin before Christmas 1944? Well, he sure as hell thought he could and everything he had done with his army so far indicated he could. Instead, winter came and allowed one last German offensive.

During that time Russia advanced through Poland killing both Germans and the Polish Resistance. This was consistent with Stalin who murdered everyone he considered a future threat. At Yalta, February 1945, he promised reforms but the Western Allied armies on the ground knew of Stalin's butchery.

This leads us to the Elbe, near Berlin, in April 1945. Ike stopped the Western Allies cold even though the German army was surrendering in front of them. Could the Germans have started resistance once they got closer than 60 miles to Berlin? Maybe... but Jeeps with recon drove right up to the city without encountering a single soldier.

The fierce battle for Berlin was because the Russians were taking it. I contend that the remnants of the German army would have gladly surrendered to anybody but the Russians. Instead, Ike purposely kept the Elbe river between himself and the Russians - as he has so stated in his memoirs. Ike stayed back over the river and allowed the murdering and raping of Berlin.

Was it the best decision at the time? Well... it was the easiest. Personally, I think that the failure to support Patton way back in August 1944 was a worse decision by far. The Market-Garden disaster, the Battle of the Bulge as well as the future Soviet empire could possibly have been avoided.
Patton didnt cross the Rhine until March of 1945.
He was still fighting in France at the end of August.
If you want to know about Patton's leadership... look into the story of his failed nepotistic mission to save his son in law. Ask the members of the 101st airborne if he was as good as he claimed.

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