So...let me get this straight -
It isn’t negligence if a health care facility with zero cases of COVID-19 mandates an employee work at said facility when the facility knows the employee’s spouse has been diagnosed with COVD-19. As you stated two days ago, it would not be negligence if the spouse was also infected and brought the virus into the facility and folks died as a result.
All the while, you are questioning whether a school or coach could be sued for negligence if a player knowingly or unknowingly transferred the virus to others and a person died.
Your perspectives are rather contradictory.
I believe you stated one can’t sue for negligence due to not truly knowing how a person contracted the virus.
I will be interested in seeing how you attempt to resolve your very contradictory comments.
Do I think somebody should be allowed to sue for negligence over a COV death? Hell no!
Do I think somebody should be allowed to sue if your son happens to be infected from COV he may have caught in a sporting event? Hell no!
Do I think somebody should be allowed to sue if your son happens to tear his knee ligaments in a sporting event? Hell no! -- the same thing.
Do I think somebody will sue? Hell yes.
Note the difference between what I think is OK and what can happen. I never said someone in the nursing home wouldn't try to sue.
And as America turns...liability runs the country. And the lawyers make tons of money. That is why I am a HUGE supporter of forcing people who sue and lose their case, that they be mandated to pay the defendant's court costs.
But good luck proving in court with zero reasonable doubt where a person contacted a global contagious virus. Like trying to prove who stepped on that dead ant. You don't know if Person A or Person B bought in the virus. How do you know it wasn't on a delivery package or on the sole of someone's shoe, etc., etc., etc., etc. I mean, you do know science has shown COV sticks to shoes and money for 24-72 hours?
If people want to start suing for contracting COV...then I will consider suing the state of Maryland for forcing my business to be shut down. Or in other your world, every business can sue. Just like everyone who had a relative die for COV can. Ridiculous. It's a pandemic man.
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