All MPSSAA winter and spring sports have been suspended indefinitely

Here's The Attorney General Keith Ellison of Minnesota
Proud of Antifa a Terrorist Organization and His Son is all for the group as well.
so yeah Could care less what happens to this guy........

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Interesting perspective I found on Twitter:

Day 1: That’s awful, I feel sick
Day 2: Still awful, but riots?
Day 3: but why looting and assault
Day 4: Hold up, murder?
Day 5: Where are the police?
Day 6: No, I am not kneeling
Day 7: Holy Shit, stop rioting
Day 8: Defund cops? WTF
Day 9: OMG this has to end
Day 10: **** you

O shit and he's white see it goes both ways should have complied with the officers order and backed up

Perfect example of a useful idiot. The day the first brick got tossed a sensible person would have said to themselves that they want none of it.

I guess those that aspire to a more civil and human society are fortunate that not everyone thinks as brutish as you. Here's a public service announcement. When the time comes and it will come, being a boot licker won't save you!

Here's a public service announcement. When the time comes and it will come...

You think two-bit, limp-dicks and their sleep-arounds, bolstered as part of a mob, are going to take over the country?
Here's a public service announcement. When the time comes and it will come...

You think two-bit, limp-dicks and their sleep-arounds, bolstered as part of a mob, are going to take over the country?

Lol no I don't. Although I'm sure the Kingdom of Great Britain underestimated their foe just like you..
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf Announces Policing Reforms

Once again Wolf gets it wrong. Should be real simple stuff. Here is my list of needed reforms: end evaluations by quota arrests; institute accountability of deadly force equal to accountability demanded of citizenry; no restraint to head or neck; end no-knock warrants and SWAT; end DWI roadblocks; no tack-on resist charges; severely reduce reasons for police to pull-you-over; Stop counterproductive shouting at people, causing reflexive reactions ending in their death ; body cam vids to be released to public after any charges upon defendant request; end confiscation of property/money unless full due process.... I am sure others can add to this list.

As always, community support is the number one tool of law enforcement, long since lost in our major cities. Anything and everything that isolates and intimidates the public should go. Right now, the police do not prevent crime; they process victims and in between have a tendency to strong-arm those whom they arrest.

This is Wolf's bullshit reforms:
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Lol no I don't. Although I'm sure the Kingdom of Great Britain underestimated their foe just like you..

Although I'm sure the Kingdom of Great Britain underestimated their foe just like you

I would like to understand, but I have no idea what you are trying to say here. Kindly explain a little more.... I am fully aware that the UK's immigration policy has pretty much destroyed the country. If assaulted on the street, good luck getting the police to do something about it. But make what has been predetermined as 'hate speech' online will guarantee getting you a visit by the constabulary within 24 hours.
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You'll be the one tasting a boot

I gather he thinks that he is going to be the next Nicolas Maduro, pushing the buttons in a Venezuelan type society. To do that he is going to have to confiscate over 400 million guns.
Lol no I don't. Although I'm sure the Kingdom of Great Britain underestimated their foe just like you..

What, no more coronavirus fears?

If a month ago you were in favor of continuing restrictions on business, restaurants, imposing mandatory masks, social distance rules, stay at home rules, arguing against anti-lockdown protesters while believing one COVID-19 death was one too many but now you are silent about the infection control aspects of mass gatherings in the name of political protests - you should be ignored going forward. You have now acknowledged that the cure is worse than the disease and that all restrictions should be removed. Or you are a hypocrite. It's one or the other.

You and many others were so wrong, uniformed, fearful, brain washed about COVID-19. The ability to think for yourself has been lost during this pandemic. Adolf Hitler would be proud of how easily many you were brain washed until self-interest over social justice removed your lack of a spine.

Now I am SMDH.

This COVID-19 discussion is officially over. And I don't give a damn when it peaks again. Apply the lessons you have learned.
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What, no more coronavirus fears?

If a month ago you were in favor of continuing restrictions on business, restaurants, imposing mandatory masks, social distance rules, stay at home rules, arguing against anti-lockdown protesters while believing one COVID-19 death was one too many but now you are silent about the infection control aspects of mass gatherings in the name of political protests - you should be ignored going forward. You have now acknowledged that the cure is worse than the disease and that all restrictions should be removed. Or you are a hypocrite. It's one or the other.

You and many others were so wrong, uniformed, fearful, brain washed about COVID-19. The ability to think for yourself has been lost during this pandemic. Adolf Hitler would be proud of how easily many you were brain washed until self-interest over social justice removed your lack of a spine.

Now I am SMDH.

This COVID-19 discussion is officially over. And I don't give a damn when it peaks again. Apply the lessons you have learned.

FFS its not even worth explaining to you the cyclical effect of flu season in relation to summer/winter months. The novelty of the virus several months ago and herd immunity in regards to it becoming established since. Not going to waste my breath trying to explain common sense to those that lack it
What, no more coronavirus fears?

If a month ago you were in favor of continuing restrictions on business, restaurants, imposing mandatory masks, social distance rules, stay at home rules, arguing against anti-lockdown protesters while believing one COVID-19 death was one too many but now you are silent about the infection control aspects of mass gatherings in the name of political protests - you should be ignored going forward. You have now acknowledged that the cure is worse than the disease and that all restrictions should be removed. Or you are a hypocrite. It's one or the other.

You and many others were so wrong, uniformed, fearful, brain washed about COVID-19. The ability to think for yourself has been lost during this pandemic. Adolf Hitler would be proud of how easily many you were brain washed until self-interest over social justice removed your lack of a spine.

Now I am SMDH.

This COVID-19 discussion is officially over. And I don't give a damn when it peaks again. Apply the lessons you have learned.

Furthermore there's a difference between protesting state sanctioned murder and protesting not being able to get your hair and nails done. Once again these are common sense ideas not worth wasting my breath over or trying to convince you otherwise. I'll simply "let the blind lead the blind"
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Furthermore there's a difference between protesting state sanctioned murder and protesting not being able to get your hair and nails done. Once again these are common sense ideas not worth wasting my breath over or convince you otherwise. I'll simply "let the blind lead the blind"

And waste your breath you did. Your opinion on COVID is, was and will be worthless from here on out. Self interest, greedy hypocrite.

Yea, it was about getting hair and nails done. Like rioting because some black guy got treated unfairly by a white guy (sarcasm). I'll simply let the dumb lead the dumb. At least grow a spine.
FFS its not even worth explaining to you the cyclical effect of flu season in relation to summer/winter months. The novelty of the virus several months ago and herd immunity in regards to it becoming established since. Not going to waste my breath trying to explain common sense to those that lack it

Yea, I'm sure all protesters thought long and hard about flu season. LOL

And for the record, I stand with you on the protest. But as for our COVID debates, you were way off.
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Yea, I'm sure all protesters thought long and hard about flu season. LOL

And for the record, I stand with you on the protest. But as for our COVID debates, you were way off.

The minute they crammed seniors into nursing homes to increase the number of dead, the Kung flu became the excuse for the lockdown, not the reason. The minute the bricks were thrown and the minority businesses were burned, Floyd's death became an excuse for destruction, not the reason.

The expected loss of 8 million jobs in May turned into a gain of 2.5 million jobs in today's jobs report. As I type this the Dow is now over 27 thousand. All of this in spite of the lockdown states. Can they turn up the rioting and squeeze back down on the lockdowns? How much can the average citizen tolerate these attempts to over throw our country? Can we expect greater violence and greater Kung flu panic, as if that is possible?

Incidentally, Rasmussen (the only polling agency to get the exact spread between Trump and Clinton correct on the national vote at +2% Clinton) declares in a Tweet:

Rasmussen Reports

Reader Tip: Coming Later

Our Daily Presidential Tracking poll today shows Black Likely Voter approval of the job
@realDonaldTrump is now over 40%.

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) 10:54 AM · Jun 5, 2020
Yea, I'm sure all protesters thought long and hard about flu season. LOL

And for the record, I stand with you on the protest. But as for our COVID debates, you were way off.

Ffs i thought we were discussing my views on covid. My response are my views not the protesters.. Ffs again lol
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I don't care if this guy was white, black, Yellow or purple with 1 leg and 1 arm, The Police are facing attacks and they were moving people from that area and in the 1 video the old man was causing a confrontation and swiped at the cops hand so YEAH He got what he deserved in this case, the Police in all of these Cities shouldn't have to deal with all this liberal bullshit.
Out of all of these cases that people keep bringing up I only see 1 that was Totally uncalled for and 1 that had other circumstances that helped cause it.
Larry Elder Says it Perfect... if we would teach Our kids to Respect the Police and follow directions we wouldn't have all of these people resisting arrest and getting shot, if they treat you wrong You can report that later but hey You're still alive.
Larry Elder: do what the police told ya, follow directions hand at 10 o'clock hand at 2 o'clock say yes sir, no sir that's the real reason it happens. Until it's taught to these kids at a younger age and people can finally follow directions it will keep happening over and over.............
it's not just with cops, it's with employers where the employees now days think they can do and say whatever and it's also the problem with youth sports with the parents and kids against coaches and referees as People just don't understand Authority

I don't care if this guy was white, black, Yellow or purple with 1 leg and 1 arm, The Police are facing attacks and they were moving people from that area and in the 1 video the old man was causing a confrontation and swiped at the cops hand so YEAH He got what he deserved in this case, the Police in all of these Cities shouldn't have to deal with all this liberal bullshit.
Out of all of these cases that people keep bringing up I only see 1 that was Totally uncalled for and 1 that had other circumstances that helped cause it.
Larry Elder Says it Perfect... if we would teach Our kids to Respect the Police and follow directions we wouldn't have all of these people resisting arrest and getting shot, if they treat you wrong You can report that later but hey You're still alive.
Larry Elder: do what the police told ya, follow directions hand at 10 o'clock hand at 2 o'clock say yes sir, no sir that's the real reason it happens. Until it's taught to these kids at a younger age and people can finally follow directions it will keep happening over and over.............
it's not just with cops, it's with employers where the employees now days think they can do and say whatever and it's also the problem with youth sports with the parents and kids against coaches and referees as People just don't understand Authority

I don't care what you say or what some uncle tom coon says... You're not convincing me and I'm not trying to convince you. So you can save the time it takes to type a message towards me. Save it for someone else willing entertain your bullshit. I'm happy to let history decide who was right and wrong. Judging from the past I'm comfortable in my stance...
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I don't care what you say or what some uncle tom coon says... You're not convincing me and I'm not trying to convince you. So you can save the time it takes to type a message towards me. Save it for someone else willing entertain your bullshit. I'm happy to let history decide who was right and wrong. Judging from the past I'm comfortable in my stance...

I don't care what you say or what some uncle tom coon says

Of course you do. And you continue to expose your ugly, fetid soul. can save the time it takes to type a message towards m....Save it for someone else willing entertain your bullshit.

There's less than a handful of us posting in this forum, so you are obviously 'willing to entertain' we few.
Ffs i thought we were discussing my views on covid. My response are my views not the protesters.. Ffs again lol

By your own words, hair and nails not getting done is the analogy. Seriously? Again, your opinion has proven worthless. Just as it was 2 months ago.

Too bad they didn't cancel your senior year of football, prom, graduation. And that's just the least important stuff moronic thinking about COVID created. No need to mention the jobs lost, the growth of food lines, people having their homes taken, farmers losing their crops. Maybe if you are lucky, some family you love will have their utilities cut off the next few months.
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Although on the glass half full theory...Things I have learned through a pandemic:

Duncan Hines cake mix for $1 in the Dollar Store really can be used to make a pancake. No syrup required.
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Brandon Tatum former Arizona State Football Player & former Police Officer Explains this whole situation better than anyone. if you have time for 1 Video Today it should be this one.

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I guess some will have a nasty name for this lady who will run for Rep. Elijah Cummings' seat. She says, " Residents constantly call the city to remove trash, no one shows up for months. Rats & roaches are a problem in almost every home" She will no doubt lose. There is no desire for change. There are no demonstrations for this.
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