All MPSSAA winter and spring sports have been suspended indefinitely

Just to be clear, yes in PG I was not wearing my seat belt. In Cumberland I was obeying every municipal law and I was never told why I was stopped. And even if I was speeding I'm not sure why that calls for a narcotics search.

Why didn't you ask? There is always a violation or reasonable suspicion of something and that would explain the dog and such. If they refused to tell you, why didn't you ask for a supervisor or drive down to the station and give them the officer's name and badge number? Seems to me, since they let you go and didn't 'funny up' something, I would suspect.... they had a suspicion of something. Could have been your auto type that was reported as being used by a drug mule.

Well, if you are speeding (hypothetically of course) in a high drug dealing area, then I could understand. Frankly, with the situation in Cumberland.... If I were speeding down there I would not be surprised to get 'the dog' on my ass.
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so then why is team snowflake requiring covid waivers for the Tulsa rally? most people dont take such measures for hoaxes.

Of course they do. It's lip service. Or, they could take the path of 'most people' in our cities and simply fill the streets rioting.
Just like that, I'm back to jab at COV fear mongers.


Florida reports 1,698 new coronavirus cases, biggest daily increase as total nears 70K

Ummmm, copy and paste buried from within the article:
"but statewide testing also continues to expand."

Ummmm, yea. The more you test, the more cases you will find.

Jesus Christ Almighty!
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Just like that, I'm back to jab at COV fear mongers.


Florida reports 1,698 new coronavirus cases, biggest daily increase as total nears 70K

Ummmm, copy and paste buried from within the article:
"but statewide testing also continues to expand."

Ummmm, yea. The more you test, the more cases you will find.

Jesus Christ Almighty!

I would say around half the country is laughing. They know it's a scam. They know these are merely positive tests and not sick folks on their way to crowd the hospitals. New lockdowns are coming. Wolves exist because there are sheep to feed them. The more tolerated; the more tortured.

Folks sucked up 'new normal' without saying, "Wait a minute... When did two-thirds of the states vote to put that in the Constitution?"

Not since King George III appointed governors in the colonies had said governors decided who could earn a living or freely assemble, but it has happened now with nary a whimper.
I've already seen the link the first time...

Bottom line: some are allowed to fill the streets while others are not allowed to fill their children's stomachs.

Yep, and some are allowed to attend a Trump rally as long as they sign a COVID-19 waiver.

From the article: In China, where the new coronavirus originated, two new cases of COVID-19, the disease it causes, were recorded in the capital.

Hahahahahahahahaha, hahaha, hahahahahaha. Two new cases.
What's even funnier is hearing a news source quote numbers from China. Hahahahaha. They only have better testing and 84,000 cases while the US has over 2 milliion? OMG, and people are still listening.

NEWSFLASH: 60 million Americans already had COVID, not 2 million

Since the first wave didn't over run the hospitals, maybe this second wave will. And if that fails, we can always discuss a third wave to fear.
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And mark my words...there will be talk of another lock down somewhere in November. Rest assured, it will be before election time, not after.

Either way, Joe Biden is a lost cause irregardless of his onset of dementia. Burned by the same fire the Dems tried to set on Brett Kavanaugh and his sexual allegations. How many pictures have to unfold of Biden groping a woman of any age for that campaign to unravel finally. You know, the same #MeToo men haters who blasted Kavanaugh that now smile for the camera and swear loyalty to anyone that can ease their Trump anguish.

Won't surprise me when the Dems realize too late that Cuomo has to be their man come November if they want a shot at president. You know, the same Cuomo who murdered how many nursing home patients by signing mandates that COV patients be thrown in those homes with old sick people? You know, the same putz who hired the NAACP to fight the federal government to make sure 3 million New Yorkers could flee the city in the middle of a pandemic to spread COVID across American on a jet airliner for under $35.

Yea, and Trump is the problem. I would vote for a monkey over Trump. I would vote for a turd in the streets of San Francisco over any Democratic Socialist Party nominee however.
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And mark my words...there will be talk of another lock down somewhere in November. Rest assured, it will be before election time, not after.

Either way, Joe Biden is a lost cause irregardless of his onset of dementia. Burned by the same fire the Dems tried to set on Brett Kavanaugh and his sexual allegations. How many pictures have to unfold of Biden groping a woman of any age for that campaign to unravel finally. You know, the same #MeToo men haters who blasted Kavanaugh that now smile for the camera and swear loyalty to anyone that can ease their Trump anguish.

Won't surprise me when the Dems realize too late that Cuomo has to be their man come November if they want a shot at president. You know, the same Cuomo who murdered how many nursing home patients by signing mandates that COV patients be thrown in those homes with old sick people? You know, the same putz who hired the NAACP to fight the federal government to make sure 3 million New Yorkers could flee the city in the middle of a pandemic to spread COVID across American on a jet airliner for under $35.

Yea, and Trump is the problem. I would vote for a monkey over Trump. I would vote for a turd in the streets of San Francisco over any Democratic Socialist Party nominee however.

This is the truth about the necessity of lockdowns and all you need to know:
This is the truth about the necessity of lockdowns and all you need to know:

Yep, Half of those people were arguing for COV lock down just a week earlier. LOL. You can't make this stuff up.

What many don't realize is that the protests after George Floyd's death were a massive blessing for COVID fear and fear mongers. All of the sudden "POOF" America opened up again. While the media had something else to focus their fear mongering on.

Went to 1812 Brewery last night to see live music. Good crowd there. So glad to see people again. And if the government attempts to lock down again we can always protest.
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Yep, Half of those people were arguing for COV lock down just a week earlier. LOL. You can't make this stuff up.

What many don't realize is that the protests after George Floyd's death were a massive blessing for COVID fear and fear mongers. All of the sudden "POOF" America opened up again. While the media had something else to focus their fear mongering on.

Went to 1812 Brewery last night to see live music. Good crowd there. So glad to see people again. And if the government attempts to lock down again we can always protest.

And if the government attempts to lock down again we can always protest.

Sadly, that is what it is probably going to take. Whereas, the ANTIFA, BLM and general thugdom out for some free stuff... or college kids out with a date... will know the law does not apply to them. But just as we have seen before, should a lockdown be announced, mommy will get arrested at the park with her toddler, a business guy will get perp-walked from his shop or a minister will get dragged from the alter.

This is what is really systemic: the bias against the law abiding and the small business guy who has no political clout. It may take a mega-million rally on fed property authorized by executive order. I dunno.

So far, I look at PA and I see most of the state just taking it up the ass. Somehow the average law abiding schmuck thinks the courts will save them, but most of the lower level judges are just as commie as the governor. Besides, it takes too long. As I posted before, it is time to go back to real normal or - take the A train - straight to eat shit and die.

Sorry, nobody needs an oldster like me telling others how to effect the country going forward. It's your country now. I can still move out in the middle of nowhere for my remaining years.
And if the government attempts to lock down again we can always protest.

Sadly, that is what it is probably going to take. Whereas, the ANTIFA, BLM and general thugdom out for some free stuff... or college kids out with a date... will know the law does not apply to them. But just as we have seen before, should a lockdown be announced, mommy will get arrested at the park with her toddler, a business guy will get perp-walked from his shop or a minister will get dragged from the alter.

This is what is really systemic: the bias against the law abiding and the small business guy who has no political clout. It may take a mega-million rally on fed property authorized by executive order. I dunno.

So far, I look at PA and I see most of the state just taking it up the ass. Somehow the average law abiding schmuck thinks the courts will save them, but most of the lower level judges are just as commie as the governor. Besides, it takes too long. As I posted before, it is time to go back to real normal or - take the A train - straight to eat shit and die.

Sorry, nobody needs an oldster like me telling others how to effect the country going forward. It's your country now. I can still move out in the middle of nowhere for my remaining years.

When it comes to "oldsters", what's really disappointing is seeing how the leaders who grew up during the 60s with their anti-establishment views, peace, love, happiness, whatever... have really f**ked up the world. Many of them are so afraid of responsibility that they choose not to make a decision. Most every leader local and around the country is just so fearful of responsibility (liability). It's so horrible. Hopefully my generation (70s and 80s children) can pull us out. I'm guessing not however as the liability baton gets passed.

In my daily routines...the only people who cringe and fear opening up schools and sports are the 60s generation leaders in place. When something happens that could make someone responsible they curl in a ball and tremble. The MPSSAA is full of this crap that was passed down from the previous leaders, that is why they would never stand up for anything. I hope they do cancel the fall sports postseason and that organization goes bankrupt.

It's literally like this as I witness it first hand...if 100 people vote on something and 85 votes are for, they won't pass it because the other 15 people don't like it. That is the world we live in.
When it comes to "oldsters", what's really disappointing is seeing how the leaders who grew up during the 60s with their anti-establishment views, peace, love, happiness, whatever... have really f**ked up the world. Many of them are so afraid of responsibility that they choose not to make a decision. Most every leader local and around the country is just so fearful of responsibility (liability). It's so horrible. Hopefully my generation (70s and 80s children) can pull us out. I'm guessing not however as the liability baton gets passed.

In my daily routines...the only people who cringe and fear opening up schools and sports are the 60s generation leaders in place. When something happens that could make someone responsible they curl in a ball and tremble. The MPSSAA is full of this crap that was passed down from the previous leaders, that is why they would never stand up for anything. I hope they do cancel the fall sports postseason and that organization goes bankrupt.

It's literally like this as I witness it first hand...if 100 people vote on something and 85 votes are for, they won't pass it because the other 15 people don't like it. That is the world we live in.

Here is the country that was handed to you: over an average 10 year span those who started out in the lowest economic bracket, only 5% remained there. Of the highest earners during the same period only 13% remained there. What that means is mobility to make it or lose it. The greatness you inherited is the ability to make something of yourself with a vibrant middle class - many as entrepreneurs or small business owners. That's the legacy you have. You make it or lose it on your own. My generation didn't lose it. It was there for you.

Today's successful elders weren't part of the tune-in-turn-on-and-drop-out movement and neither was I. Except for Keith Richards, the drug crazed movement killed itself off or went into education - perhaps the ilk you bump heads with. I was born in 1950 and Bill Gates was born in 1955. Most successful people followed his 'Windows' into the dynamic world we have today... again, if you can keep it.

My generation prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming president. So, what are you going to do? Do you expect me at my age to stage a protest? I don't have a business. In fact, everybody my age was given a golden parachute to get out of the corporate world. The corporations are run by those younger than I.

I would hope that you don't continue thinking that oldsters handed you a ****ed up world. Au contraire, you were handed the greatest country with the greatest opportunity in the history of the world. But, each generation must preserve it on their own. We did. We elected Reagan when it was necessary and a 'political Patton' in Trump when it was necessary.

But I can tell you, your age group and younger are facing a turning point. If you let them continue to lock you out and bully you by race, you will piss it all away. This is your fight. You were not handed a losing hand. But shit is slipping through your fingers.
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And mark my words...there will be talk of another lock down somewhere in November. Rest assured, it will be before election time, not after.

Either way, Joe Biden is a lost cause irregardless of his onset of dementia. Burned by the same fire the Dems tried to set on Brett Kavanaugh and his sexual allegations. How many pictures have to unfold of Biden groping a woman of any age for that campaign to unravel finally. You know, the same #MeToo men haters who blasted Kavanaugh that now smile for the camera and swear loyalty to anyone that can ease their Trump anguish.

Won't surprise me when the Dems realize too late that Cuomo has to be their man come November if they want a shot at president. You know, the same Cuomo who murdered how many nursing home patients by signing mandates that COV patients be thrown in those homes with old sick people? You know, the same putz who hired the NAACP to fight the federal government to make sure 3 million New Yorkers could flee the city in the middle of a pandemic to spread COVID across American on a jet airliner for under $35.

Yea, and Trump is the problem. I would vote for a monkey over Trump. I would vote for a turd in the streets of San Francisco over any Democratic Socialist Party nominee however.
Just curious what is your take on polls showing Biden up 14 points?
Here is the country that was handed to you: over an average 10 year span those who started out in the lowest economic bracket, only 25% remained there. Of the highest earners during the same period only 13% remained there. What that means is mobility to make it or lose it. The greatness you inherited is the ability to make something of yourself with a vibrant middle class - many as entrepreneurs or small business owners. That's the legacy you have. You make it or lose it on your own. My generation didn't lose it. It was there for you.

Today's successful elders weren't part of the tune-in-turn-on-and-drop-out movement and neither was I. Except for Keith Richards, the drug crazed movement killed itself off or went into education - perhaps the ilk you bump heads with. I was born in 1950 and Bill Gates was born in 1955. Most successful people followed his 'Windows' into the dynamic world we have today... again, if you can keep it.

My generation prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming president. So, what are you going to do? Do you expect me at my age to stage a protest? I don't have a business. In fact, everybody my age was given a golden parachute to get out of the corporate world. The corporations are run by those younger than I.

I would hope that you don't continue thinking that oldsters handed you a ****ed up world. Au contraire, you were handed the greatest country with the greatest opportunity in the history of the world. But, each generation must preserve it on their own. We did. We elected Reagan when it was necessary and a 'political Patton' in Trump when it was necessary.

But I can tell you, your age group and younger are facing a turning point. If you let them continue to lock you out and bully you by race, you will piss it all away. This is your fight. You were not handed a losing hand. But shit is slipping through your fingers.
Very well said Lag. I am still shocked every time a dem/liberal says they can't believe Trump won. If they don't get it you can't explain it to them, it's just not something they want to hear or they can't see they are a part of why he was elected. Will it happen again...well if the extremism keeps up no matter what he does it will look like a better alternative than to what is being offered as an alternative.
Just curious what is your take on polls showing Biden up 14 points?

I don't really care. Trump or doesn't matter. Does anyone else feel this way?

Here is the country that was handed to you: over an average 10 year span those who started out in the lowest economic bracket, only 5% remained there. Of the highest earners during the same period only 13% remained there. What that means is mobility to make it or lose it. The greatness you inherited is the ability to make something of yourself with a vibrant middle class - many as entrepreneurs or small business owners. That's the legacy you have. You make it or lose it on your own. My generation didn't lose it. It was there for you.

Today's successful elders weren't part of the tune-in-turn-on-and-drop-out movement and neither was I. Except for Keith Richards, the drug crazed movement killed itself off or went into education - perhaps the ilk you bump heads with. I was born in 1950 and Bill Gates was born in 1955. Most successful people followed his 'Windows' into the dynamic world we have today... again, if you can keep it.

My generation prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming president. So, what are you going to do? Do you expect me at my age to stage a protest? I don't have a business. In fact, everybody my age was given a golden parachute to get out of the corporate world. The corporations are run by those younger than I.

I would hope that you don't continue thinking that oldsters handed you a ****ed up world. Au contraire, you were handed the greatest country with the greatest opportunity in the history of the world. But, each generation must preserve it on their own. We did. We elected Reagan when it was necessary and a 'political Patton' in Trump when it was necessary.

But I can tell you, your age group and younger are facing a turning point. If you let them continue to lock you out and bully you by race, you will piss it all away. This is your fight. You were not handed a losing hand. But shit is slipping through your fingers.

No, I wasn't saying the 60s generation handed us a ****ed up world. Sorry if it came across that way. My mom and dad graduated high school in 60 and 61 and they continually tell me then would not have traded in growing up during those times for anything today. Just consider me old now I guess as I look at the younger generations and shake my head. No respect for anyone or themselves. I'm not going to get into a long political discussion with my warped ideals. Let's just say my generation never had to fight a war (meaning kids were never drafted). I never had to fight in a war. But one thing war does is make people appreciate the things they have. People don't appreciate the things we have. Does that add up and make sense somewhat?

You are also correct, the people in charge now from the 60s were not the tune in peace lovers. Those people disappeared from societal decisions. But the kids my generation or (a little after raised) are disgraceful. I can't even look in the mirror sometimes.
Why didn't you ask? There is always a violation or reasonable suspicion of something and that would explain the dog and such. If they refused to tell you, why didn't you ask for a supervisor or drive down to the station and give them the officer's name and badge number? Seems to me, since they let you go and didn't 'funny up' something, I would suspect.... they had a suspicion of something. Could have been your auto type that was reported as being used by a drug mule.

Well, if you are speeding (hypothetically of course) in a high drug dealing area, then I could understand. Frankly, with the situation in Cumberland.... If I were speeding down there I would not be surprised to get 'the dog' on my ass.

"Why didn't you ask?" "There is always a violation or reasonable suspicion"? LOL - This is another naive statement that I know you don't understand. But if you are a minority the goal is to make the stop as short as possible. I know it seems like common sense to ask why you were stopped, but after he called for back-up I knew the guy was incompetent.

I was pulled over about 200 yards from my house on Greene Street. To be fair to Cumberland Police this was the first negative experience I've had with them in 40 years. I said earlier I believe 95% of police in this country are good cops. That incident happened on Saturday, on Monday morning I sent an scathing email to the mayor, police chief and every member of the council. A police assistant chief (I believe) called me about 5 minutes later and apologized.
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Just curious what is your take on polls showing Biden up 14 points?

I always look at the internals of a poll before trying to assess anything by them. First of all, margin of error is not what they are selling. The margin of error is not the accuracy of the result of a given question. A margin of error is if you took the same poll in the same way you would get the same result within a given margin. Big difference. Stupid methodology in: stupid results out.

So, the current Biden polls are usually taken of 800 to 1200 adults nationally, 18 years old or older. They also have between 24 - 26% republicans and 35 - 38% democrats.

Given that you would have to be over 60 to really know who Joe Biden is, I think the polls reflect Trump against a random democrat. With that in mind, a lopsided political spread of adults - not likely voters - with a polling age starting at 18, I would think 14 points sounds right. It does, however, have absolutely nothing to do with projecting the upcoming election.

I think the election will be determined by Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida. I can't see Biden carrying Florida despite the corruption in Miami Dade. Then too, Biden is going to have to campaign personally in the other 3 states to win.... which he can't afford to do. The more exposure he gets the more votes he loses, particularly when he would stumble pronouncing Wisconsin when, in fact, he was actually in Michigan. And 'lunch pale' Joe has lost its shine in PA.

Hence, more "everybody be Kung flu fighting.... spreading fast as lightening." Heavy up late September into October lockdowns in swing states.

Therefore, I see Wolf doing an executive order in PA on mail in balloting and vote harvesting. This will happen too close to the election for courts to overturn it.... maybe. In the last election, Trump was able to overcome the - how late can you count before you run out - Philly corruption. The Lancaster Amish vote (Trump campaigned in Amish farms) was so huge that Philly just couldn't manufacture enough votes to overcome it. So, if no massive mail in votes or vote harvesting then Trump wins.... otherwise Biden steals PA.

Witmer will do the same thing in Michigan. If folks have to show up to vote (other than absentee), Trump wins. Mail and harvesting.... Biden wins.

Wisconsin's supreme court will not put up with shit. Trump carries Wisconsin.

If Biden carries Michigan and PA, he wins.
"Why didn't you ask?" "There is always a violation or reasonable suspicion"? LOL - This is another naive statement that I know you don't understand. But if you are a minority the goal is to make the stop as short as possible. I know it seems like common sense to ask why you were stopped, but after he called for back-up I knew the guy was incompetent.

I was pulled over about 200 yards from my house on Greene Street. To be fair to Cumberland Police this was the first negative experience I've had with them in 40 years. I said earlier I believe 95% of police in this country are good cops. That incident happened on Saturday, on Monday morning I sent an scathing email to the mayor, police chief and every member of the council. A police assistant chief (I believe) called me about 5 minutes later and apologized.

Okay... so after all this time we now know what happened. Nothing naive at all in my questions. This was your first bad experience in 40 years - so where is the systemic racism in Cumberland? No doubt you are well know about town... but not to this cop. The guy was incompetent but had a reason he didn't share. Instead you presumed racism and held back to blast the guy to everyone you could.
Okay... so after all this time we now know what happened. Nothing naive at all in my questions. This was your first bad experience in 40 years - so where is the systemic racism in Cumberland? No doubt you are well know about town... but not to this cop. The guy was incompetent but had a reason he didn't share. Instead you presumed racism and held back to blast the guy to everyone you could.

When you said, "Why didn't you ask"? That is a naive remark. If you are minority you don't do anything to incite the police officer or lengthen the situation.

When you said, "There is always a violation or reasonable suspicion" This is beyond naive, it's a flat out clueless statement.

If you didn't read what I said earlier, I work at a LEO. Everyone I spoke to about this incident, some with 20 plus years of police experience said it was probably racism. I have said there are many more great cops than bad cops. And to be clear, I never said there is systematic racism in Cumberland, but there has been a concerning pattern of recent incidents similar to what I experienced:

Did I 'blast the guy to everyone I could"? Most definitely. I was 200 yards from my house and in broad daylight I'm on the side of the street surrounded by 3 cruisers with my neighbors and relatives coming outside watching a police action in progress. Not only embarrassing but as you see on TV every day it could have been a potentially lethal interaction.
When you said, "Why didn't you ask"? That is a naive remark. If you are minority you don't do anything to incite the police officer or lengthen the situation.

When you said, "There is always a violation or reasonable suspicion" This is beyond naive, it's a flat out clueless statement.

If you didn't read what I said earlier, I work at a LEO. Everyone I spoke to about this incident, some with 20 plus years of police experience said it was probably racism. I have said there are many more great cops than bad cops. And to be clear, I never said there is systematic racism in Cumberland, but there has been a concerning pattern of recent incidents similar to what I experienced:

Did I 'blast the guy to everyone I could"? Most definitely. I was 200 yards from my house and in broad daylight I'm on the side of the street surrounded by 3 cruisers with my neighbors and relatives coming outside watching a police action in progress. Not only embarrassing but as you see on TV every day it could have been a potentially lethal interaction.

I guess I'm just not making myself clear. He runs your plate, so he knows where you live. He calls backup which means whoever is on shift knows what is going on in that fairly small town. More than one officer is there and nobody says anything. Nobody makes a connection as to who you are and where you work. So a group show up.... run the dog around your car then all of them drive off. Nobody asks you out of the car and asks you to stand somewhere and explains anything. It just seems strange.

No sense beating a dead horse as they say.... but, even profiling you wrongfully as he did, it just seems he would have covered his ass somehow. There should have been a report made about the incident given they did a search with a dog, which more than one cop knew about, but nobody said or recorded anything about the stop. You can call me clueless if you want. I think it's bizarre.

The city officer was no better, in fact, he was worse. The vitriol hurled my way, threatening me with jail, the possibility of his drug dog biting me, and cursing me out several times with the F-bomb was so unprofessional, unnecessary and unnerving.

Mkay... was able to read the article with my other browser. So, they did tell you. Yep, was stupid shit to pull you over. And then, a cop got all nasty..... and, like you said, you didn't say anything to the cops to get that reaction..... even more bizarre.
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Five people shot randomly last night at Fells Point

You can't make this stuff up:

Here was the response by Mayor Jack Young

“I am frustrated and concerned by residents failing to heed our continued warnings about the need to practice social distancing and avoid large gatherings in order to keep reducing the spread of COVID-19,” Mayor Young said. “The gatherings we are seeing – with people in close contact, with crowds of people in small spaces – could increase the spread of COVID-19. We have seen tremendous progress on bending the curve, and to see people engaging in risky behaviors at this point is incredibly disappointing – it has to stop.”
I guess I'm just not making myself clear. He runs your plate, so he knows where you live. He calls backup which means whoever is on shift knows what is going on in that fairly small town. More than one officer is there and nobody says anything. Nobody makes a connection as to who you are and where you work. So a group show up.... run the dog around your car then all of them drive off. Nobody asks you out of the car and asks you to stand somewhere and explains anything. It just seems strange.

No sense beating a dead horse as they say.... but, even profiling you wrongfully as he did, it just seems he would have covered his ass somehow. There should have been a report made about the incident given they did a search with a dog, which more than one cop knew about, but nobody said or recorded anything about the stop. You can call me clueless if you want. I think it's bizarre.

The city officer was no better, in fact, he was worse. The vitriol hurled my way, threatening me with jail, the possibility of his drug dog biting me, and cursing me out several times with the F-bomb was so unprofessional, unnecessary and unnerving.

Mkay... was able to read the article with my other browser. So, they did tell you. Yep, was stupid shit to pull you over. And then, a cop got all nasty..... and, like you said, you didn't say anything to the cops to get that reaction..... even more bizarre.

I may have confused you. But my incident and what happened to Mr. Wormack were two entirely different incidents. They were similar in some ways. In my situation the officer was not rude to me in any way. When I wrote to the mayor, etc., I made that very clear.
But what happened in Atlanta over the weekend is a textbook example of over policing. The perp was non violent, he probably was over the alcohol limit but it doesn't seem like he was extremely drunk. The cops initially did their jobs by getting him out of the car so he won't be behind the wheel and hurt somebody else. There seems to have been some technique problems because two cops couldn't get him handcuffed, and then he was able to take one of the tasers and run off. Okay, at this point if you can't chase him down just let him go!!! He had already been searched and the cops knew he didn't have a weapon other than the taser. You had his information and you knew who he was. Issue a summons or warrant and he will probably turn himself in the next day. Why shoot him in the back and kill the guy over a non violent offense?

This wasn't Antifa or BLM starting a riot resulting in millions of dollars in damage last night. It was a horrible decision by a incompetent cop that cost a man his life, and cost himself his career.
But what happened in Atlanta over the weekend is a textbook example of over policing. The perp was non violent, he probably was over the alcohol limit but it doesn't seem like he was extremely drunk. The cops initially did their jobs by getting him out of the car so he won't be behind the wheel and hurt somebody else. There seems to have been some technique problems because two cops couldn't get him handcuffed, and then he was able to take one of the tasers and run off. Okay, at this point if you can't chase him down just let him go!!! He had already been searched and the cops knew he didn't have a weapon other than the taser. You had his information and you knew who he was. Issue a summons or warrant and he will probably turn himself in the next day. Why shoot him in the back and kill the guy over a non violent offense?

This wasn't Antifa or BLM starting a riot resulting in millions of dollars in damage last night. It was a horrible decision by a incompetent cop that cost a man his life, and cost himself his career.

Here's my libertarian point of view: cops wake the guy up and say, "Hey buddy, you fell asleep in the car. Look's like we can't let you drive. Is there someone we can call to come get you?"

Problem solved. Impound the car and make the guy pay a small fine to pick it up two days later. Obviously, the guy was drunk.

The big picture problem is the ever increasing laws to make ever increasing reasons for the police to arrest people. MADD pressure group drove down the legal limit.... forced roadblocks.... all unnecessary. Sure, there are those who say all that saves lives, but my opinion is folks with drinking problems drive anyway... just like this guy did.

Nonetheless, this time... send the guy home and maybe he will learn from paying a fine. No reason to arrest him.... now he's dead, a cop's career is over and a Wendy's is burned down. A whole bunch of wrongs because the police were pretty much forced, by law, to try and arrest the guy.

And no. I have never gotten a DWI or a DUI. Hell, I've never gotten a speeding ticket and been driving since high school.
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But what happened in Atlanta over the weekend is a textbook example of over policing. The perp was non violent, he probably was over the alcohol limit but it doesn't seem like he was extremely drunk. The cops initially did their jobs by getting him out of the car so he won't be behind the wheel and hurt somebody else. There seems to have been some technique problems because two cops couldn't get him handcuffed, and then he was able to take one of the tasers and run off. Okay, at this point if you can't chase him down just let him go!!! He had already been searched and the cops knew he didn't have a weapon other than the taser. You had his information and you knew who he was. Issue a summons or warrant and he will probably turn himself in the next day. Why shoot him in the back and kill the guy over a non violent offense?

This wasn't Antifa or BLM starting a riot resulting in millions of dollars in damage last night. It was a horrible decision by a incompetent cop that cost a man his life, and cost himself his career.

Here's body cam footage.....struggle starts a 0.21.....if he'd followed Chris Rock's advice, he'd be alive.....if cops had been more understanding of the larger situation, he'd be in custody today after a night on the run, but he'd be alive...Lags is right though, pretty soon everything will be a federal crime.

Here's body cam footage.....struggle starts a 0.21.....if he'd followed Chris Rock's advice, he'd be alive.....if cops had been more understanding of the larger situation, he'd be in custody today after a night on the run, but he'd be alive...Lags is right though, pretty soon everything will be a federal crime.

No matter what is said, police not only work on a quota system, but they reward officers for the most arrests - not who has the best 'law abiding' neighborhood. Then again, there really isn't such a thing as neighborhood policing - just officers riding around in cruisers looking for violations. So, how do you turn current 'law enforcement' with minimum arrest requirements into desirable 'peace officers' keeping the peace. Answer? That ship has sailed.

10:30 a.m. | A social media post from the Atlanta Police Department indicates Police records for now-fired Atlanta Police Officer Garrett Rolfe indicate that the Atlanta Police Department congratulated him in May 2019 for his participation in the department's High-Intensity Traffic Team Unit.

The unit works to reduce the number of traffic-related injuries and deaths in the city, especially for those involving impaired drivers.

Rolfe was awarded a silver pin for making between 50 and 99 DUI arrests during the year prior to the award.
Drunk and Fights with an Officer takes a taser flees and turns to use the taser on the officer and GOT EXACTLY What He Deserved!!

The first time you resist and get physical with the officer, I'm good with him putting one right between your eyes..........
Still not sure why this officer was fired and figure he will be Found Not Guilty and The police force will be forced to give him his job back or pay him to walk away.

1. Public intoxication 2. Resisting arrest 3. Assaulting an officer 4. Stealing an officers weapon 5. Shooting an officer 6. Fleeing the scene of a lawful arrest
He could of shot the officer with the taser and then took his gun and shot both Cops...
There's Consequences for all actions, in this case he was shot and died if not he should of been behind bars for 30-40 years.

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Bob Mack
1 day ago
I'm a black man, if I'm on the the jury throwing this out with malice, 100% justified!

1 day ago
I'm a black man as well and I totally agree. Nothing to see here.

Hoàng Thắng
23 hours ago
At least, you show that we still trust and believe in good blacks. Respect~

Baddie Lo
23 hours ago
Hoàng Thắng good blacks??

23 hours ago
Same, I'm all for stopping police racism and brutality, but the media is trying to make these officers who protected their own lives to look like evil racists who killed some nice black man.

23 hours ago
Hoàng Thắng "we", you mean you... I have no reason to ever mistrust a person based on their skin color....
I have bad news in the way of all these protest debates. After spending a good bit of time with young kids recently and openly discussing what is happening in America, the hate that seems to transpire in the mind of every single person these days is only growing. No matter what the topic is, politically or socially, hate has taken over each and every side. Look no further than this forum. Other social media outlets are far worse obviously.

Kids are not born racist. They have to learn it. Sadly, many parents do little in the way of educating their children in this regards. So kids are learning to hate. It's sad to see. The bad news is...the move for social justice has a possibility of taking the opposite turn. In a movement to bring awareness to social injustice through race and start a new beginning, kids are seeing the hateful side of it too much. Yes, they know about the George Floyd plight, but they unfortunately also get bombarded with the news and see the riots and death caused in the protests. Their parents are hateful and pick a side which only makes it worse. What I am saying is that by the time the children and grandchildren close to me reach the age of reason and become decision makers, the hate being taught to them now will carry over. Which is only going to make sure social injustice continues on to the next generation and the one after that.

Hate can never win. And I'm not pointing fingers because hate comes from almost every angle. Kids only mock what they see and hear.

Which is another reason I have always spoke up about the use of the N word on television and in music by black people. I am old enough to understand why someone like myself should never use that phrase and the extreme condescending nature it implies. But a 5 year old who sees and hears it doesn't make the full connection even when told how the world works and why it's bad. My 5 year old grandson heard it in music when we were not paying attention and we are trying to explain to him why it's bad. But he loves the music which makes it tough for him to understand. That word should never be used by anyone. Sorry if you don't agree.
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Medical examiner has ruled the death is a homicide. Death the result of 2 shots in the back. Expect charges to follow in the next few days. Video I saw on another source looks like the cop who fired the shots was not the one close to him, more like 20 or so yards behind. Somebody gonna be in big trouble.
Drunk and Fights with an Officer takes a taser flees and turns to use the taser on the officer and GOT EXACTLY What He Deserved!!

The first time you resist and get physical with the officer, I'm good with him putting one right between your eyes..........
Still not sure why this officer was fired and figure he will be Found Not Guilty and The police force will be forced to give him his job back or pay him to walk away.

1. Public intoxication 2. Resisting arrest 3. Assaulting an officer 4. Stealing an officers weapon 5. Shooting an officer 6. Fleeing the scene of a lawful arrest
He could of shot the officer with the taser and then took his gun and shot both Cops...
There's Consequences for all actions, in this case he was shot and died if not he should of been behind bars for 30-40 years.

You must operate in a fantasy world, lol. I have no doubt a Georgia jury may end in a hung jury, but the feds will pick up the charges if that happens. If his lawyer is smart he will plead guilty to local charges. Too much publicity with this case, there's no way he gets off this one. He's going to do more time if the feds get involved.

Looking at your previous alt right posts over the years we will most likely never agree philosophically, and that's OK. That's why America is great. But one thing I want you to try to understand is how the concept of policing has to change. If you look at the tape, the cop was reaching for his service weapon long before the guy turned around and fired the taser. Why? The perp is running away from you, why do you have your gun out? This fact in itself is going to make it impossible for the officer to claim self defense. As I mentioned previously, when the guy ran away just let him go and issue a warrant for his arrest. He would have been tracked down in a few days, probably the next day he would have turned himself in because he wasn't facing any real time. DUI, resisting arrest, the worst charge was battery on a police officer. With the right lawyer he was probably facing less than 2 years. Instead a father is dead, and the cop is looking at about 10 years behind bars.
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You must operate in a fantasy world, lol. I have no doubt a Georgia jury may end in a hung jury, but the feds will pick up the charges if that happens. If his lawyer is smart he will plead guilty to local charges. Too much publicity with this case, there's no way he gets off this one. He's going to do more time if the feds get involved.

Looking at your previous alt right posts over the years we will most likely never agree philosophically, and that's OK. That's why America is great. But one thing I want you to try to understand is how the concept of policing has to change. If you look at the tape, the cop was reaching for his service weapon long before the guy turned around and fired the taser. Why? The perp is running away from you, why do you have your gun out? This fact in itself is going to make it impossible for the officer to claim self defense. As I mentioned previously, when the guy ran away just let him go and issue a warrant for his arrest. He would have been tracked down in a few days, probably the next day he would have turned himself in because he wasn't facing any real time. DUI, resisting arrest, the worst charge was battery on a police officer. With the right lawyer he was probably facing less than 2 years. Instead a father is dead, and the cop is looking at about 10 years behind bars.

If a violent drunk, who had just battered two cops and stolen a taser - were running amuck in my neighborhood - I would expect a community warning to go out, followed by a helicopter with search lights, dogs and a host of additional police to find the guy.

I guess different neighborhoods have different expectations. If it happened in some neighborhoods, I guess they are so used to violence and some degree of danger in the streets they would agree to let the guy go.

On another point, the guy didn't just get loose and run away. He battered the officers and stole a taser. Police are obliged to use necessary force to stop whatever force is used against them. Were they expected to pull out another taser and go into a taser shootout when the guy turned and fired his taser? And, again, were they supposed to just let a violent drunk with one of their tasers go free into the community?

If this happened in front of your house would you really have wanted the cops to just let the guy run around your backyard, drunk with a taser waiting for him to sober up? Well, different communities with different points of view I guess.

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