All MPSSAA winter and spring sports have been suspended indefinitely

It is as I posted. That is why I gave you the consistent Biblical usage of the word vain. God, to me, is not petty about swearing.... but using his name to do evil is one of the Ten Commandments.... false oath applies but it is more than that. False preachers are those who break this Commandment. I would say.... using God to pronounce judgment in a forum may well fit also.

"In season out of season"

"be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:"

You asked I answered.
"In season out of season"

"be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:"

You asked I answered.

No I didn't. I have been trying to steer you into realizing that promoting yourself in God's name is breaking one of the Ten Commandments.

And that's why your people were given power to destroy them. But be not fooled.. " you reap what you sow" and the days of your "culture" are numbered.

Worst of it, you are a false prophet.
No I didn't. I have been trying to steer you into realizing that promoting yourself in God's name is breaking one of the Ten Commandments.

And that's why your people were given power to destroy them. But be not fooled.. " you reap what you sow" and the days of your "culture" are numbered.

Worst of it, you are a false prophet.

Like with the word "savage" you're steering in the wrong direction.. To take the Lord's name in vain has everything to do with swearing false oaths and making empty promises in his name. And nothing to do with the your "vain" opinion of what it means.. I'll no longer cast pearls before swine
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I thought this was a football forum. Anyway here's some truths as I see them:

1) Both political parties suck and so does the 2 party system. I've lived in many different states and a few countries too and they suck everywhere with notably few exceptions. I vote Republican because I like guns and fall on the more conservative Christian side of social issues. That's the depth of my loyalty to the Republican party. If a 3rd party pops up that takes a firm stand on the Second Amendment while promoting universal healthcare (had it in Europe... it's awesome, don't believe the lies), responsible environmental stewardship, a real fix to our broken higher education system, Christian values and anti-big business protectionist policies that put America and Americans first I'd switch in a heartbeat. To me big government and big business are two sides of the same coin. You choose between getting owned by the government or owned by mega-corporations. Unfettered Socialism and Unfettered Capitalism will get you to one of those two ends.

2) Every country on earth outside of Asia where they've dealt with similar viruses on a much more regular basis and Germanic Europe/Scandinavia where you have a homogeneous population who are super obedient to the government and are usually cold/distant anyway sucked in their response. US's response would have sucked with a Democrat president too.

3) This virus isn't some grand Illuminati-Jewish-Mexican-Al Qaeda-New World Order conspiracy to take over the world or destroy the economy or "force compliance" like some of you think. You are giving way too much credit to the people in charge. They're mostly bumbling idiots who are too busy fighting each other.

4) The virus originated in Wuhan, China. The Chinese government covered up many facts about the virus and are still covering them up. If we had any balls we'd ban companies from operating there. We don't though because, you know, unfettered Capitalism and all. Can't tell Apple not to enrich our enemies because they can make iPhones with slave labor there. If they can't bring factories back to America why can't they move manufacturing to India? Why not move it to Africa and help pull those nations out of poverty? There's no problem pointing any of that out. Anyone who says that's racist is an idiot. There's nothing wrong with the term Chinese Coronavirus. The world needs to know that this totalitarian Communist government played a big part in getting us in this mess. However, anyone who insists on using the term "Kung Flu" is probably a racist idiot. All of this can be true.

Now that I've triggered both sides I'm sure, here's a snippet of the most important American political speech you never learned in school. It's as true today as it was 183 years ago:

"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger... All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined... with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."

- Abraham Lincoln, Lyceum Address (January 27th, 1838)

In a unified action, our politicians closed more churches than Stalin.
Like with the word "savage" you're steering in the wrong direction.. To take the Lord's name in vain has everything to do with swearing false oaths and making empty promises in his name. And nothing to do with the your "vain" opinion of what it means.. I'll no longer cast pearls before swine

Christ constantly directed us against public prayer to puff ourselves up.... your religiosity in this forum is the same. This forum is your street corner... you are using God's name in vain, for self promotion.

"And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward." - Mathew 6:5

Consider too: Luke 6:46 - to misrepresent Christ is taking the Lord’s name in vain. To act in a worldly or profane manner or If you say you love God but don't follow his commands you take his name in vain.

And your hatred and wishing of ill toward others is downright Medieval.
Christ constantly directed us against public prayer to puff ourselves up.... your religiosity in this forum is the same. This forum is your street corner... you are using God's name in vain, for self promotion.

"And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward." - Mathew 6:5

Consider too: Luke 6:46 - to misrepresent Christ is taking the Lord’s name in vain. To act in a worldly or profane manner or If you say you love God but don't follow his commands you take his name in vain.

And your hatred and wishing of ill toward others is downright Medieval.

Your post is a flat out lie drawn from pure conjecture. Much like your misuse of the word savage to suit your purpose. Fortunately your opinion means nil... I've wasted enough time on something that doesn't deserve my attention...
In a unified action, our politicians closed more churches than Stalin.

Get back to me when they're lining people up against a wall or throwing people like you into gulags instead of freely letting you express your idiotic opinions.

If you can't see the difference between a temporary closing of churches with large populations of old/vunerable people who would have gone to church even if they were advised to stay at home and outlawing religion and jailing priests then you're beyond help.
Get back to me when they're lining people up against a wall or throwing people like you into gulags instead of freely letting you express your idiotic opinions.

If you can't see the difference between a temporary closing of churches with large populations of old/vunerable people who would have gone to church even if they were advised to stay at home and outlawing religion and jailing priests then you're beyond help.

What I said is a simple fact as far as I know and it sure seems no less safe than being jammed into a nursing home... at least it does to me... and I do know that history is replete with things that are temporary until their not. You pounced back with projections and personal attacks. Is that the total commonality around here for anybody that goes against government edicts these days. Are we evolving into Twitter?

I took the time to read the entirety of you post. I agreed with some things and not others. I didn't attack you personally for those things I disagreed with.... Incidentally a minister was arrested.... Now, notice how I didn't call you names for missing that.
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Your post is a flat out lie drawn from pure conjecture. Much like your misuse of the word savage to suit your purpose. Fortunately your opinion means nil... I've wasted enough time on something that doesn't deserve my attention...

That voice in your head is not God speaking to you.
this is some funny shit, Kun Fu Flu You're Racist...... Whatever I guess I'm racist and insensitive because I don't give a rats ass what you think or what you're offended by
I'm offended by 95% of everything that comes out of every liberals mouth.

Not as long as we have the Spanish Flu. Oh, that's right... We aren't protecting the Chinese Communists, so that name is okay.

Ahhh yes...the Spanish Flu. In 1918...when blacks couldn't drink out of the same water fountains as whites, and Asians were represented as slanty eyed second rate citizens who just ran opium dens. Yes...let's use century old language and racial philosophy to validate your completely irrational argument today. (Not to mention the Spanish Flu started in Kansas, and we Americans would have nothing to do with calling it the Kansas Flu...or the Jayhawk Virus...hell no, let's blame some other culture!


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Ahhh yes...the Spanish Flu. In 1918...when blacks couldn't drink out of the same water fountains as whites, and Asians were represented as slanty eyed second rate citizens who just ran opium dens. Yes...let's use century old language and racial philosophy to validate your completely irrational argument today. (Not to mention the Spanish Flu started in Kansas, and we Americans would have nothing to do with calling it the Kansas Flu...or the Jayhawk Virus...hell no, let's blame some other culture!



"Yes...let's use century old language and racial philosophy to validate your completely irrational argument today."

When have his or any others arguments ever made sense and been rational? At this point, "irrational" is something we should come to expect... Lol
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My first post in this thread included the term 'WU FLU'

.... Then I posted on page 1: Lagmeister, Mar 17, 2020 The Kung Flu is the Y2K of viruses.

I only got questioned about Y2K.

Then I posted: Everybody was Kung Flu fighting.... It spread as fast as lightning.....

Guess what,,,

FHHSAHS, on Mar 18, 2020, posted almost directly after me with no mention whatsoever that I was being racially insensitive?

What's more.... Nobody, but nobody accused me of racism! Obviously, nobody saw racism in my posts. Not one word, period. So, ask yourself how race and then religion got into this thread.

Well, that's easy because race, gender and religion are only brought up by people when they've lost the argument. It's done to change the subject and silence any opposition. Well, this time it didn't work.

So, now we get back to the subject at hand where shutdowns have no relationship to fighting a virus.... I await being called homophobic, transphobic anti-gay or just anti-LGBTQ.... or anything, to once again change the subject from a losing argument.

...Because Whitmer has locked down the state based on what is happening in three counties in southeastern Michigan, many businesses across the entire state are still closed, we can’t get the medical treatment we need for ourselves or our pets, and we can’t associate with anyone outside of our household for any non-approved reason. She refuses to open the state regionally as suggested by the Michigan legislature which she ignores....

....One of most heinous things that the governor and her attorney general have done during this whole crisis is to go after 77-year-old barber, Karl Manke, who opened his barbershop against their wishes because he has to earn a living....

Meanwhile, there is an alternative men’s lounge for gay, bi and trans men that is just 2.4 miles away from the governor’s mansion that is still open called Club Tabu. I can’t find any of the governor’s executive orders that this establishments would fall under in order to remain open but I don’t see them getting any citations or license suspensions.

Why are they open but bars, restaurants, bowling alleys, arcades, theaters and other entertainment establishments are not? Is it because it’s a gay business and Whitmer has to keep her LBGTQ constituency happy?
Ahhh yes...the Spanish Flu. In 1918...when blacks couldn't drink out of the same water fountains as whites, and Asians were represented as slanty eyed second rate citizens who just ran opium dens. Yes...let's use century old language and racial philosophy to validate your completely irrational argument today. (Not to mention the Spanish Flu started in Kansas, and we Americans would have nothing to do with calling it the Kansas Flu...or the Jayhawk Virus...hell no, let's blame some other culture!



I love watching a bunch of middle aged white guys act like they are being oppressed... Entitled whiny white men...

You have zero credibility discussing race. Save yourself by discussing how the community can help folks like Helmick instead of relishing in his struggle.
Well, come on folks... All those who suddenly became racially and religiously sensitive once they lost the argument. What's a matter, realizing it takes agile minds to create logical rejoinders?
this is some funny shit, Kun Fu Flu You're Racist...... Whatever I guess I'm racist and insensitive because I don't give a rats ass what you think or what you're offended by
I'm offended by 95% of everything that comes out of every liberals mouth.

I didnt call YOU racist. I said you used a racial epithet. And you did, that's really not debatable. And no one cared. Then I did, and suddenly everyone had a problem. Double standard. Par for the course.
I didnt call YOU racist. I said you used a racial epithet. And you did, that's really not debatable. And no one cared. Then I did, and suddenly everyone had a problem. Double standard. Par for the course.

Is it debatable that Entitled whiny white men is a racial epithet? Or, is it merely an example of you suddenly caring?
this is some funny shit, Kun Fu Flu You're Racist...... Whatever I guess I'm racist and insensitive because I don't give a rats ass what you think or what you're offended by
I'm offended by 95% of everything that comes out of every liberals mouth.


The Chinese are among the most oppressed people in the world. It is stunning that anyone would come to the defense of the Kung Flu Communists who oppress them.
California, the official state of street-shitting, is in revolt by religious leaders....

“The Day of Pentecost is also known as the birthday of the Christian church. May 31, 2020 is the 1,990th anniversary of the original Day of Pentecost that occurred in the year A.D. 30. We declare that on May 31, 2020, we will resume corporate worship as instructed in Hebrews 10:24- 25,” the clergy wrote. “Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Christian church and other faiths have been relegated to ‘nonessential’ status by governing agencies throughout the United States. But we, the signers of this declaration, believe and contend that gathering together in fellowship and worship is ‘essential.'”
Is it debatable that Entitled whiny white men is a racial epithet? Or, is it merely an example of you suddenly caring?

I know you like to post your rebuttals without really reading what others write. But had you slowed down long enough to read what YOU actually quoted of me, I DID say that I used a racial epithet. After another poster did. (It's literally IN the quote in your reply to me up a couple messages)

I glossed right over it at first when bigdawg first said it - I have that ability to move past poorly worded epithets like that - and had no intention of focusing on it. But as SOON as I mentioned "entitled whiny white men" YOU and others seemed to suddenly care. That's the double standard. I moved past it...then you and your snowflake gang all jumped on it. Your arguments are all so wishy washy. You say 'Liberals' need to not get so offended by everything, then you go stomping around being all mad about things the second you are challenged. lol. You all spout out the same rebuttals and everything. It's like y'all were handed a script of how to complain about Liberals.

As for the term Kung even said yourself the Chinese are some of the most oppressed people in the world. Americans, moreover WHITE Americans using a term like Kung Flu to basically put the entire Chinese population in the "blame" for this virus is further oppressing. You and the other flakes aren't just referring to the communist government when you use a term like that, you lump the entire Asian community into a pejorative term. And you dont even get it. Nor do you care.
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I know you like to post your rebuttals without really reading what others write. But had you slowed down long enough to read what YOU actually quoted of me, I DID say that I used a racial epithet. After another poster did. (It's literally IN the quote in your reply to me up a couple messages)

I glossed right over it at first when bigdawg first said it - I have that ability to move past poorly worded epithets like that - and had no intention of focusing on it. But as SOON as I mentioned "entitled whiny white men" YOU and others seemed to suddenly care. That's the double standard. I moved past it...then you and your snowflake gang all jumped on it. Your arguments are all so wishy washy. You say 'Liberals' need to not get so offended by everything, then you go stomping around being all mad about things the second you are challenged. lol. You all spout out the same rebuttals and everything. It's like y'all were handed a script of how to complain about Liberals.

As for the term Kung even said yourself the Chinese are some of the most oppressed people in the world. Americans, moreover WHITE Americans using a term like Kung Flu to basically put the entire Chinese population in the "blame" for this virus is further oppressing. You and the other flakes aren't just referring to the communist government when you use a term like that, you lump the entire Asian community into a pejorative term. And you dont even get it. Nor do you care.

Americans, moreover WHITE Americans using a term like Kung Flu to basically put the entire Chinese population in the "blame" for this virus is further oppressing.

More racism. You can't help yourself.

I DID say that I used a racial epithet....

Of course, because you believe you have the right to say anything and judge anybody.

But as SOON as I mentioned "entitled whiny white men" YOU and others seemed to suddenly care.

You are not some innocent child that suddenly discovers puberty. You should be embarrassed as hell for having posted this. But you are not.

I love watching a bunch of middle aged white guys act like they are being oppressed... Entitled whiny white men...

You are not embarrassed because you enjoy it.
Americans, moreover WHITE Americans using a term like Kung Flu to basically put the entire Chinese population in the "blame" for this virus is further oppressing.

More racism. You can't help yourself.

You literally have no idea what the term racism means. lol
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Of the numerous high school football forums on the internet, this topic pops up more often here than one would expect.

Its ****ing bizzare.
You literally have no idea what the term racism means. lol

You define all reality as though the world was born the day you were... and as a self-defined oppressed person you justify everything in that light. I have never posted attempting to convince you. As always, I post for myself and that others can read and decide for themselves.
Heretofore I am done with racial and religious banter. I will post only Kung Flu comments in this thread.
Damn, was gone for 35 hours and what did I miss? A 25% COVID infection rate? Oh wait, that already happened. 1.5 million people in Maryland have COV already. Death rate now 0.1 - less than or equal to the flu.

Sorry to bum some of you out. LOL. Just an "I told you so" works for me.
Damn, was gone for 35 hours and what did I miss? A 25% COVID infection rate? Oh wait, that already happened. 1.5 million people in Maryland have COV already. Death rate now 0.1 - less than or equal to the flu.

Sorry to bum some of you out. LOL. Just an "I told you so" works for me.

This is quite interesting...

Kung Flu: .....particle size averages 0.125 microns. The N 95 mask filters down to 0.3 microns. Homemade masks and kerchiefs allow free passage both ways of the virus...
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Just because we don’t wear a mask doesn’t mean we lack common courtesy or don’t respect you. We simply believe your fear is your issue.

So getting away from the negative banter (I'm just as at fault as anyone). A legit discussion question:

...Are you cool with being required to wear a shirt and shoes into restaurants and stores? If so, why does that not infringe on your rights? I guess I fail to understand the difference of being required to do SOME things for safety sake (which IS why shirts and shoes are required in stores) and why doing other things is such a horrible inconvenience. Where does one make that distinction?

Even Todd has said aside from his displeasure with keeping businesses shut down, that he doesnt mind wearing masks.
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So getting away from the negative banter (I'm just as at fault as anyone). A legit discussion question:

...Are you cool with being required to wear a shirt and shoes into restaurants and stores? If so, why does that not infringe on your rights? I guess I fail to understand the difference of being required to do SOME things for safety sake (which IS why shirts and shoes are required in stores) and why doing other things is such a horrible inconvenience. Where does one make that distinction?

Even Todd has said aside from his displeasure with keeping businesses shut down, that he doesnt mind wearing masks.
No Shoes No Shirt No Service is up to the Business Owners.
This Mask thing is an order from the Governors and some business owners don't want to make it mandatory but the Governors are telling them they have to enforce it to be open. I don't need Government telling me and others what to do when it's not law, their orders mean squat to me.
if 3 years from now a business owner decides to Require mask in his/her store that's fine as well because then it was that owners choice and we have the choice to shop or not shop there.
I've been to 4 States multiple times in MD & PA a mask is required in WV & VA it's not funny thing is there is less cases in WV & VA and all of the stuff these other Governors are trying to push on people are useless and they don't have the power to do so as Governors do not make laws on their own and that's the reason all of the Senators are fighting for the removal of Wolf in PA

Without the lies about how the virus is spreads and now telling us The virus travels through the droplets a person produces when talking or coughing and not on surfaces as they once claimed.
Without all of this it's spreads just like any other Virus and is nothing more than the Flu and without these lies NO BUSINESSES WOULD OF EVER CLOSED and We would of been living normal the past 9 weeks. it's a Total Farce!!
So getting away from the negative banter (I'm just as at fault as anyone). A legit discussion question:

...Are you cool with being required to wear a shirt and shoes into restaurants and stores? If so, why does that not infringe on your rights? I guess I fail to understand the difference of being required to do SOME things for safety sake (which IS why shirts and shoes are required in stores) and why doing other things is such a horrible inconvenience. Where does one make that distinction?

Even Todd has said aside from his displeasure with keeping businesses shut down, that he doesnt mind wearing masks.

Get it right man.

NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO DICE! ----- Learn it, Know it, Live it

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Jane Callen, senior writer/editor in the Census Bureau's Communications Directorate.
U.S. Census Coronavirus Report: 47% Jobless, 38% Delayed Medical Treatment

“The survey is intended to provide crucial weekly data to help understand the experiences of American households during the COVID-19 pandemic,”

• Among the population of adults 18 and over, 47 percent either lost employment income or another adult in their household had lost employment income since March 13.

• About ten percent of adults reported that they did not get enough of the food

• 38.7 percent of adults report that over the last four weeks, they delayed getting medical care because of the coronavirus pandemic.
I had not read this...
Trump signs executive order to create ‘Bill of Rights’ for businesses during pandemic
May 21, 2020 admin

The “Regulatory Bill of Rights” contained in the executive order are listed below:

(a) The Government should bear the burden of proving an alleged violation of law; the subject of enforcement should not bear the burden of proving compliance.

(b) Administrative enforcement should be prompt and fair.

(c) Administrative adjudicators should be independent of enforcement staff.

(d) Consistent with any executive branch confidentiality interests, the Government should provide favorable relevant evidence in possession of the agency to the subject of an administrative enforcement action.

(e) All rules of evidence and procedure should be public, clear, and effective.

(f) Penalties should be proportionate, transparent, and imposed in adherence to consistent standards and only as authorized by law.

(g) Administrative enforcement should be free of improper Government coercion.

(h) Liability should be imposed only for violations of statutes or duly issued regulations, after notice and an opportunity to respond.

(i) Administrative enforcement should be free of unfair surprise.

(j) Agencies must be accountable for their administrative enforcement decisions.

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