Allegany is bigger than Fort Hill

posting that you think a child failed school to go to another school to win a football game just put you in the Guinness book for the biggest piece of shit. Grow the Fu#k up you 70 + year old jackass.
Are you just going to ignore that there was a player who purposely failed/dropped English just so he could come back and play another year? Of course you are, what am I thinking. It was a FH player who did it, so you'll ignore it, then defend it, then say its not the same thing/all that bad anyway, then drop it all together.

It's the FH equivalent of name, rank, serial number.

Also, are you saying the player who did that is big piece of shit? Or is the actual act of failing on purpose fine with you, but someone else implying it is wrong? Please explain.
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Yes. Mr. Fradsika, Fort Hill High School/ Fort Hill football player, did drop English to return back to school for another year. Me, personally, I never wants to see student fail. I would never allow my child to fail anything on purpose. As for Mr. Fadiska being allowed to fail, you will have to ask his parents why they allowed him.

When Mr. Fradiska chose to fail, quit, drop English (insert any adjective you'd like), him and his family were open and honest about it. There was no rumors regarding Mr. Fradiskas' intent.
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Lags, I'll agree with you on VMI, one has to be on their "A" game to even get considered to go there. When someone graduates from VMI, they will get a 6 digit salary to begin their life.
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Lags, I'll agree with you on VMI, one has to be on their "A" game to even get considered to go there. When someone graduates from VMI, they will get a 6 digit salary to begin their life.

Some of them commission as 2nd Lieutenants - So, there's that pay grade. Honestly, I don't know what a non-commissioned grad would earn in today's market. But I remember my sons started out making a lot more than the average college grad from other schools. Most VMI grads (computer science/engineering) could certainly get a job in the defense industry because the school was prized and you easily got a top security clearance.

Oh... as an additional note: before they expanded enrollment, my sons both went in with a starting class of a little under 800. Half dropped out during the 'Rat LIne' and at the end of 4 years both of their graduating classes had just under 250. So, there's that.
The "rat line". Poor freshman. Freshman were lucky the upper class even let them breathe.

They are literally called Rats. They are forced to 'strain' into a stiff contorted position going around barracks. Any upperclassman can, and always do, find an infraction to order pushups. Plus, they have a 'Rat bible' to memorize. Add in forced marches at night.... penalty tours - where you march with your rifle outside barracks for hours on weekends - and a host of other insults... and you wonder that everyone doesn't fail all their classes.

And finally, the following spring you are allowed to 'Break out' as a class. My sons had to climb on hands and knees up a long muddy hill where the upperclassmen would push you back down until they figured that you suffered enough.

Yep. Oh, add in the honor code and, for sure.... not easy.
Yes. Mr. Fradsika, Fort Hill High School/ Fort Hill football player, did drop English to return back to school for another year. Me, personally, I never wants to see student fail. I would never allow my child to fail anything on purpose. As for Mr. Fadiska being allowed to fail, you will have to ask his parents why they allowed him.

When Mr. Fradiska chose to fail, quit, drop English (insert any adjective you'd like), him and his family were open and honest about it. There was no rumors regarding Mr. Fradiskas' intent.
Not sure how that makes it ok. But I see you're already on step 2/3 of the process.
To leave no doubt... in my opinion, NO, IT IS NOT OK. I've answered everything you asked. And, admitted the Mr. Fradiska situation that you said I would ignore. No-one can ignore it, IT DID HAPPEN and there is even proof to support it.
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There are some tremendous, knowledgeable people with a wealth of winning experience at Allegany. The Bauers, the Whartons, Hansel himself and many more that could put together a winning program.
FH's want to >Alcos want to, it's that simple
I've been saying this about basketball for about 15 years. It does make you wonder why some are okay with the status quo.