Allegany is bigger than Fort Hill

or is he moves or at least uses another address then the Board of Education can't stop him from playing. When You Move there is No way of Stopping it...

Well, we will sure as hell know come the first of September. And... if this young man starts for FH we will know who the scum suckers are in reference to developing talent, honor and tradition.
It's allCoach Appel's fault. He is also the reason school starts before Labor Day in the west of MD. All one big conspiracy to make sure he gets another 1A ring baby! When you pay a dollar more for that Stadium pizza the extra dollar goes to pay for the ring this year. The band oarents have dubbed it PAY FOR THE RING PIZZA from here on out. LOL.
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Some of you haters jump to asumptions so fast almost as if you are the one making the deal happen. It's literally like you make stuff up from hundreds of miles away and then convince yourself it's true and then run here to type it in and convinece others it's tru.

Sounds like every poster on here who has ever cried about the Dunbar recruiting conspiracy.
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It's allCoach Appel's fault. He is also the reason school starts before Labor Day in the west of MD. All one big conspiracy to make sure he gets another 1A ring baby! When you pay a dollar more for that Stadium pizza the extra dollar goes to pay for the ring this year. The band oarents have dubbed it PAY FOR THE RING PIZZA from here on out. LOL.
And this is from someone who whines that Baltimore is out to get Western Maryland a few times a year.
So anyway...the enrollment thing. Is that accurate? Dunbar is 2A for all sports but football? Personally I'm down with it, I'd love to see FH defeat Dunbar for a title again someday.
It's allCoach Appel's fault. He is also the reason school starts before Labor Day in the west of MD. All one big conspiracy to make sure he gets another 1A ring baby! When you pay a dollar more for that Stadium pizza the extra dollar goes to pay for the ring this year. The band oarents have dubbed it PAY FOR THE RING PIZZA from here on out. LOL.

You and only you made the declaration...

A little birdie told me a prominent senior Alco football player is transferring to FH.

... and now it's...

All one big conspiracy

What? Do you think people can't frickin' read? Sure, a few of your red-jacket circle-jerkers will back you up or try to change the subject, but it's there. All I've every claimed is 'demographics or funneling', which would be in accordance with middle school and player development through the FH system. So, now it's a transfer of a this year senior... or not.

Nonetheless, you own it. Nobody transfers to play football from Alco to FH in their senior year without kissing the 'Papal Appel' ring... to get a ring.

Cram the conspiracy.
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I over heard Appel talking to the kid. Said not to worry about learning the playbook, they would tell him what to do on every play through some type of helmet listening device.

If the kid is in a red shirt at the FH youth camp the next 3 days then

Stay tuned
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I over heard Appel talking to the kid. Said not to worry about learning the playbook, they would tell him what to do on every play through some type of helmet listening device.

If the kid is in a red shirt at the FH youth camp the next 3 days then

Stay tuned

A little birdie told me a prominent senior Alco football player is transferring to FH.

Your story ace. If that's your follow up then you should put it in ALL CAPS, since it's a piss poor version of purpleace
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It's allCoach Appel's fault. He is also the reason school starts before Labor Day in the west of MD. All one big conspiracy to make sure he gets another 1A ring baby! When you pay a dollar more for that Stadium pizza the extra dollar goes to pay for the ring this year. The band oarents have dubbed it PAY FOR THE RING PIZZA from here on out. LOL.
Band concession contributing to the football team that's funny shit
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I over heard Appel talking to the kid. Said not to worry about learning the playbook, they would tell him what to do on every play through some type of helmet listening device.

If the kid is in a red shirt at the FH youth camp the next 3 days then

Stay tuned
Now that Is funny Brian. Has Southern ever apologized over that?
Outside chance a senior feels they will get displaced by a more talented junior. That being the case the entire talk about transfer was bullshit from the start because he wouldn't even make Appel's team anyhow: just mixer talk as I suspected.

Yes, mixer talk....much like last year's 7 on 7 conspiracy talk......LoL.
If true, then he was promised a slot in advance. Again, if true, then there will be no denying that FH actually recruits. Some red-jackets around here can then shut the hell up. More disgrace for the Appel Chapel and its 1A ring guarantee. Let's see.

Wah,wah,wah. Losers wine and make excuses.
I’m hearing from an inside source that the kid whom is supposedly going from Alco to FH is ineligible to play. Not sure the details if it pertains to grades or what?...
I heard that coach Appel paid the mpssaa a undisclosed sum of money to let him transfer and be eligible this year. Another source told me that appel has something to do with the supposedly racist tweet that trump sent out!!
I’m hearing from an inside source that the kid whom is supposedly going from Alco to FH is ineligible to play. Not sure the details if it pertains to grades or what?...

Sounds reasonable. Would also be reasonable if Hansel sits his ass. Again, red-jackets brought the subject up. The silly-ass attempts at humor and diversion are better than the subject itself for exposure.
Sounds reasonable. Would also be reasonable if Hansel sits his ass. Again, red-jackets brought the subject up. The silly-ass attempts at humor and diversion are better than the subject itself for exposure.

I’m sure more details will come out the closer we get to the Quad, whether the story be true or far fetched.
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Whether he is at FH or ineligible, he leaves Alco with out their speed home run hitter.
Whether he is at FH or ineligible, he leaves Alco with out their speed home run hitter.
The kid that I suppose all of your are talking about is ineligible for fall sports. Apparently Missed a lot of days during the school year and didnt complete the work. A certain Allegany teacher didnt want to bend and give him a passing grade so he wont be playing football in red or blue.
The kid that I suppose all of your are talking about is ineligible for fall sports. Apparently Missed a lot of days during the school year and didnt complete the work. A certain Allegany teacher didnt want to bend and give him a passing grade so he wont be playing football in red or blue.
Good for the teacher if that's true.
Whether he is at FH or ineligible, he leaves Alco with out their speed home run hitter.

Methinks the same young man who scored the breakaway touchdown against Dunbar in the pouring rain. Sad, but this is totally expected. Low these many years Allegany has shot itself in the foot on a consistent basis. I would say this pretty much ends any chance of Allegany beating FH this year, not that they had much of a chance anyhow. But this young man had incredible speed, just not much of anything else in terms of educating himself apparently.

One thing, if he had gotten to FH Appel would have started him. You don't pass on that kind of ability when it makes your inside running game twice as potent. Oh well, perhaps the last chance to 'keep tradition alive' pissed down the drain. That's life and doing things the Allegany way.

In any case, it looks like a situation of hating to do school work, not hating to play football at Allegany. The right thing was done by the teacher. .... Ugh, I don't see why summer school wasn't an option.... or maybe it was and he passed on that.

Oh well. Another Alco year. Half the Camper offense has disappeared. (Looks like an open door was there in the Appel Chapel... kid let his grades slide with stars in his eyes... an Alco teacher slammed the door.)
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He actually had some stomach illness, and was excused from school for an amount of time. He still didnt complete the work they gave him to do at home.

The plot thickens. I am rethinking this and might start siding with the young man. Let's say he began to let his feelings known last year during school - I do believe overtures were made across town.

What young man with his speed would not want to run behind a FH line - play in a championship.... if... if they believed they would start. You have one life and one senior year. I get it.

Now, consider you are ill and out of school. You have more than one class and obviously more than one teacher. So, why in the hell would you do the makeup work in all the other classes and leave one out. Doesn't make sense.... unless.... unless you didn't have to make up the work in the other classes (hell, downstate teachers are complaining about being forced to pass students who don't even show up for class.)

And so... a singular teacher says, "Hold on there Baba Looey" - ala Quick Draw McGraw. Therefore, the connection seems related to the transfer rather than the work. If so, I side with the student.
The plot thickens. I am rethinking this and might start siding with the young man. Let's say he began to let his feelings known last year during school - I do believe overtures were made across town.

What young man with his speed would not want to run behind a FH line - play in a championship.... if... if they believed they would start. You have one life and one senior year. I get it.

Now, consider you are ill and out of school. You have more than one class and obviously more than one teacher. So, why in the hell would you do the makeup work in all the other classes and leave one out. Doesn't make sense.... unless.... unless you didn't have to make up the work in the other classes (hell, downstate teachers are complaining about being forced to pass students who don't even show up for class.)

And so... a singular teacher says, "Hold on there Baba Looey" - ala Quick Draw McGraw. Therefore, the connection seems related to the transfer rather than the work. If so, I side with the student.
If you're tittering the line of eligibility then you're more than likely not turning in quality work. The young man was doing some work, but not all, and he wasnt doing quality work. Quite frankly, when the teacher that refused to pass him just happened to be the Head Coach I could understand him feeling a little burnt. Whether the kid transfers or not is moot when it comes to football.
If you're tittering the line of eligibility then you're more than likely not turning in quality work. The young man was doing some work, but not all, and he wasnt doing quality work. Quite frankly, when the teacher that refused to pass him just happened to be the Head Coach I could understand him feeling a little burnt. Whether the kid transfers or not is moot when it comes to football.

So...... The teacher that didn't pass him was the coach whom the kid was leaving for Fort Hill. Geez! That would have been the class I would have worked the hardest in. Da coach burned the kid before the kid burned the coach.
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He played Varsity since his Sophomore year, he is fast, quick, strong and a very good player. This is a huge loss to Alco. It also lets teams key and focus on Christian Welch.
He played Varsity since his Sophomore year, he is fast, quick, strong and a very good player. This is a huge loss to Alco. It also lets teams key and focus on Christian Welch.

Huge? 3 and 5? Hell, I'd forfeit the playoffs. They don't have a Bratton to throw the ball nor some great receivers to catch it. So, they have some good running backs with an average line that plays both ways. The gods of football surely dislike Alco for some reason.
My thoughts on this young man are why would he be in that poor of academic standing in the first place? Intervention should have been immediate. When he missed his second assignment or failed his second test intervention should have been executed. The guidance counselor should have been involved. The staff at Alco dropped the ball on this one. Had they assisted this young man early in this he may be Playing this fall.
Unless he let it be known he was transferring, having gotten an acceptance nod. He didn't want assistance. Funny things happen to the young.... I still remember. It is easy to get puffed up about things: not only think you are invincible but to think you are smarter than anyone else.
I don't think so Lag. I think the kid got into academic trouble and got too far underwater to recover.
What's going on with Allegany football that they might be losing a senior football player? Everyone will admit, in western Md, senior football players are treated "very well". Regardless of the school he may transfer to.....he still leave Allegany football.