All MPSSAA winter and spring sports have been suspended indefinitely

Its a very straightforward racial epithet. Not only Chinese people get the disease and its not even a damn flu. It'd be like calling AIDS "the gay flu". Would you say that?

And please, South Dakota? That's your defense?? First of all they have 44 deaths, not 13. Their population for the entire state is a little more than the city of Baltimore, and the population density is 11 people per square mile. One of the lowest in the country. Imagine 11 people on the entire campus of Allegany College, thats about 11 people per square mile. Maryland has over 650 people per square mile. See the difference? Viruses are transmitted by proximity, think about it. All of the states that have the lowest cases/deaths are big wide open sparsely populated states. Comparing how South Dakota handled things compared to MD is about as ridiculous of an argument I've heard.

Kung Fu Flu.... China as a Country nobody said Chinese people only...
it came from the Country of CHINA.
So South Dakota which as you said now has 44 Deaths yet didn't close at all but Baltimore City has 202 and Baltimore County is at 247. Why is it everyone else's problem that these people in Baltimore and New York City live on top of each other? Again I worked with Chinese people for 7 years and the family I worked for had 27 people in a 3 Bedroom House, I didn't create their problems they did, now the old people in nursing homes that weren't protected by Wolf,Levine nor Cuomo is supposed to be everyone else's problem and they want to blame Trump because they ordered Covid-19 patients to be put in nursing homes. I sure hope these people pay for the lives they took by incompetence by pretty much executing the people they were supposed to protect. The entire state of Maryland has 1963 Deaths and 88 were under 50 years old, seems to me like it would have been much easier to protect those older people instead of shutting down the entire Country because of this years Flu Virus.
so tell me this one if 150 people are in a building in South Dakota and 150 people are in a building in Baltimore what is the reason for why Baltimore gets hit hard and others like South Dakota do not?
I mean seriously, I don't walk down streets with 1000's of people like they do in places like Baltimore or New York City where they piss on the sidewalks in open daylight and that's by choice and we all have that choice. That's the problem here they are taking peoples rights away because of a group of people or a large city that doesn't do anything to protect themselves on their own.
I was at a Dart Tournament 2 weekends ago with over 50 people, not 1 Masks was worn and everyone was drinking and doing what we always do without fear and yep we are doing it again this weekend again without fear. Every Bar in Maryland and Pennsylvania is Closed and some will never open again because of a Flu Virus, I'm losing money because of this and that's how I make my living and all of these bar owners are hurting as well. All of them are ready to open but can't do so right now because the state will just take their liquor licence and why?? because of older people and a few with low immune systems that should of been protected at the Facilities they were in and others that could of stayed home on their own as well as big cities that have people that live on top of each other and don't understand how to wash their hands or cover their cough. smh
Another Question Why is it that all the liberal states are the ones hit the worst???
why is it The Conservative States are opening back up??

obtw just like in the way the states run sports WV is always ahead of US and much much smarter.

West Virginia Re-Opening
Retails Stores Can Open Already.
Today May 19th re-opening today are sport training facilities such as gymnastics, cheerleading, dance, martial arts, and similar facilities.
Thursday May 21st Indoor Malls Can Open
Tuesday May 26th Indoor and outdoor bars at 50% capacity, Zoo's and Museums.
Saturday May 30th Spas and massage businesses may open May 30, which is a Saturday.
Limited video lottery retailers also may open that day.
June 5th West Virginia’s casinos are at Hollywood Casino & Inn at Charles Town Races, Mardi Gras Casino & Resort at Nitro, Wheeling Island Hotel-Casino-Racetrack, Mountaineer Casino Racetrack & Resort in Hancock County and The Greenbrier Resort
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At this point of mid-May I believe in safety and herd immunity. Be safe but go back to work all business, go back to school, go back to life while protecting the elderly and the weak the best way possible. COV will run its course regardless. People will die regardless.

ONCE AGAIN -- there is less than a 1% chance of dying once a person gets infected with COV. The world cannot stay shut down remotely for 2-3 more months based on that. If you don't like it, STAY HOME!

"Unless you are a fed employee, the pain that is coming to this state is immeasurable. As bad as it already is in WMD, we are talking about a collapse."

Aren't you doing the very same thing you're accusing mainstream media and liberal officials of doing? Which is fear mongering! Damn the level of hypocrisy on this thread from your type is nauseating!!!
So that's your excuse for being a hypocritical fear mongering white supremacist?
God damn you pull out that race card and just keep hammering don't ya. In the end you expose yourself as the true racist here
God damn you pull out that race card and just keep hammering don't ya. In the end you expose yourself as the true racist here

It's straight out of Dante's Inferno. If you act a certain way long enough it takes over your soul and you become the act itself, unable to escape.
Maryland residents will stay confined for another year, at least until 2021 say health experts. Thoughts?

From the article.... and it's heartbreaking.

Yesterday we learned that nearly 3 million more people applied for jobless benefits, bringing the official unemployment number to 36.5 million people. That’s approaching a quarter of the workforce.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Wednesday that 40% of U.S. households earning less than $40,000 a year lost their jobs in March. Forty percent.
From the article.... and it's heartbreaking.

Yesterday we learned that nearly 3 million more people applied for jobless benefits, bringing the official unemployment number to 36.5 million people. That’s approaching a quarter of the workforce.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Wednesday that 40% of U.S. households earning less than $40,000 a year lost their jobs in March. Forty percent.

Trust me, few here want to read that article. They just will never get it.

IF YOU FAVOR LOCK DOWN NOW FROM COV -- YOU FAVOR LOCK DOWN FOR ANOTHER YEAR. It's not going to disappear. It will still kill people in 2021. Probably into 2022 it will kill people.

Trust me, few here want to read that article. They just will never get it.

IF YOU FAVOR LOCK DOWN NOW FROM COV -- YOU FAVOR LOCK DOWN FOR ANOTHER YEAR. It's not going to disappear. It will still kill people in 2021. Probably into 2022 it will kill people.

In case folks didn't know, MD has to have a balanced budget. With a shattered tax base... where will they get the money? Three guesses allowed... and the first two don't count.

estimated revenues must equal or exceed total appropriations.
Is that a Kung flu Chicom meme? If so, she knows what she can do with those gloves.

It's comical reading these comments of people who have never directly experienced racism - debate racism. But certain things are undeniable: the term "Kung Flu" is racially insensitive. You may not consider yourself a "racist" because you played sports with people from different cultures, but if you're using the term "Kung Flu" you're probably comfortable using other racially insensitive slurs.
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It's comical reading these comments of people who have never directly experienced racism - debate racism. But certain things are undeniable: the term "Kung Flu" is racially insensitive. You may not consider yourself a "racist" because you played sports with people from different cultures, but if you're using the term "Kung Flu" you're probably comfortable using other racially insensitive slurs.
O enough with the racist shit kung flu kung fu panda what you want to go after a cartoon next
OBTW Let Obama know Trump's Waving That Magic Wand He Said Didn't Exist

I guess its an invisible wand that only animals, children and the mentally unstable can see.

Over the 12 quarters Trump has been President only four of them have had GDP growth over 3% and six of the quarter’s growth was 2.3% or lower. And for the past three quarters GDP growth has been 2.0%, 2.1% and 2.1%, respectively. This is a far cry from Trump’s claim that the economy could grow 4%, 5% or maybe even 6% when he was President.

Trump's best GDP - 2.88
Obama's best GDP - 2.89

Trump's waving his limp dick, and you cheer, calling it a magic wand.
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Almost 4 million jobs created since election.

5 million jobs created in the 3 years before election under Obama.

Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.

Lie. Manufacturing was literally in a recession before the President Plump screwed up the response.

Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.

Another lie. It actually dropped 4.8 percent last quarter. And only rose by only 2.3% the quarter before.

Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles
Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.

Holy shit, the US has never hosted those before! Bwaaahahahahaha!

New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.

Except more are now unemployed than ever before in our history.

My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.

Yet more Americans have lost their insurance than during any presidency in history.

Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.

All part of his record government spending levels.

Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.

Giving Iran nuclear weapons for the first time in history.

Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.

He must be talking about the Pensecula terrorist who killed Americans because his administration decided not to vet him.

Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.

Trump holds the record for the largest trade deficit in history.


You mean the wall that the wind knocked over? Lmao!

If these are his accomplishments it's no wonder he's freaking out about losing to Biden. I'll be back to watch you cry about it, though. Wouldn't miss that one.
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Maryland announces single-day high of 1,784 new coronavirus cases

The media is so really, really, really, really wicked and warped. They will pry on your fears.

What does anyone see from this story?

The Flu Klux Klan government is any better?

Georgia changed dates and locations on a graph to make it appear Trump Virus numbers were falling when they werent.
Only a matter of time before the progressive Brown shirts trotted out the "toxic masculinity white guy" card...So seriously, cut the crap.
I've already categorically shredded all of your bullshit to the point where you had to take a hiatus hoping folks would forget how you embarrassed yourself. For others, just go back to the post where I pointed out Obama had the government subsidy spending on Obamacare put into the GDP to save it from going under. There's an economy for you... part time, no benefits, burger flippin' jobs with the GDP inflated by government Obamacare subsidies. Go back and hide.
Sorry, but I was done wasting my time educating a senile fuddy, who thinks something is true just because he said it. You were telling us all how little you knew about Patton, so I let you. It felt mean to pile on. But it seems you like to look stupid, and since you are vulnerable to the trump virus, I might as well help you as much as possible before it's too late.

So trumps job numbers dont include the burger flippin jobs? Only you and the MAGATS would be derp enough to think it didnt. The part-time job percentage is the same as it was when Trump took office, but I'm sure you'll find a way to blame Obama. Such a booming economy now though, propped up by the largest government spending ever, and still only a third of the GDP growth of Carter. Obama didn't need spending that large to prop up his GDP. Trump does and it still can't reach. His military increase alone was more than Obamacare subsidies (which were also lower than the taxes brought in by Obamacare).

But who cares about wasting billions on planes that go from the assembly line to the graveyard and are never used when it props up the president you pray to each night. It's that smaller sum of evil money spent on insuring people that is really the end of times.

Let me know when you're ready for your next lesson, but could you at least try to do your homework this time and come prepared?

Now I'll let you get back to spending every waking minute combing the boards looking for confirmation, or for something to get offended over.
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Just an example that stupidity, once instituted on the population, will never get rescinded... my opinion is that the mask is a form of submission and actually increases the chance of infection from all kinds of diseases because folks are constantly adjusting it and touching their face:

Fauci admits:

So now we believe him again? I thought he was trying to undermine Trump as a Chinese, Muslim, Obama appointee?
Funny thing about this poster is that he only had one post and his profile is blocked. Who does that? I think it might be OneRing under a different alias. The language used seems about the same.
And the conspiracy theories continue!
My father landed in Normandy, fought across France and was in the Battle of the Bulge. He always believed it was worth it to preserve the freedoms and opportunities we enjoyed. That generation charged machine gun nests for a higher calling.

And obviously your father never wore the helmet the army told him to wear into combat because he wanted his freedoms, right?

Obviously he thought all the people participating in blackouts back home were spitting in his face for not enjoying the freedoms he was fighting for, right?

He wasn't a pussy who bent over and let the government take his freedom by making him wear a helmet, or camouflage, was he?
And obviously your father never wore the helmet the army told him to wear into combat because he wanted his freedoms, right?

Obviously he thought all the people participating in blackouts back home were spitting in his face for not enjoying the freedoms he was fighting for, right?

He wasn't a pussy who bent over and let the government take his freedom by making him wear a helmet, or camouflage, was he?

When these snowflake crybabies start protesting no shirt no shoe no service store policies maybe their outrage over having to wear a mask during a freaking pandemic will become a little more credible...
When these snowflake crybabies start protesting no shirt no shoe no service store policies maybe their outrage over having to wear a mask during a freaking pandemic will become a little more credible...
There were 282,000 robberies in the US in 2018. Yet, every one of the tough guys on here locks the door to their house and car, and most likely owns a gun for protection.

Hell, Sags is so scared he strokes his gun instead of counting sheep for something that happens to about 300,000 people, but thinks its foolish to wear a mask for something that has happened to over 1,000,000 people already.

You have to remember their reduced mentality capacity when they post.
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When these snowflake crybabies start protesting no shirt no shoe no service store policies maybe their outrage over having to wear a mask during a freaking pandemic will become a little more credible...
Snowflake you got to be ****ing kidding me taking the racist shit to a new level you truly are a racist asshole
There were 282,000 robberies in the US in 2018. Yet, every one of the tough guys on here locks the door to their house and car, and most likely owns a gun for protection.

Hell, Sags is so scared he strokes his gun instead of counting sheep for something that happens to about 300,000 people, but thinks its foolish to wear a mask for something that has happened to over 1,000,000 people already.

You have to remember their reduced mentality capacity when they post.
You are just a miserable piece of human garbage
Snowflake you got to be ****ing kidding me taking the racist shit to a new level you truly are a racist asshole

Man your one inbred brain cell is really digging deep for these replies.. "Snowflake" is a commonly used term used by the moronic right... Leave it to you not to get the reference... You're about as dense as SAGmeister trying to stretch the word savage out of context... lmao
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I thought this was a football forum. Anyway here's some truths as I see them:

1) Both political parties suck and so does the 2 party system. I've lived in many different states and a few countries too and they suck everywhere with notably few exceptions. I vote Republican because I like guns and fall on the more conservative Christian side of social issues. That's the depth of my loyalty to the Republican party. If a 3rd party pops up that takes a firm stand on the Second Amendment while promoting universal healthcare (had it in Europe... it's awesome, don't believe the lies), responsible environmental stewardship, a real fix to our broken higher education system, Christian values and anti-big business protectionist policies that put America and Americans first I'd switch in a heartbeat. To me big government and big business are two sides of the same coin. You choose between getting owned by the government or owned by mega-corporations. Unfettered Socialism and Unfettered Capitalism will get you to one of those two ends.

2) Every country on earth outside of Asia where they've dealt with similar viruses on a much more regular basis and Germanic Europe/Scandinavia where you have a homogeneous population who are super obedient to the government and are usually cold/distant anyway sucked in their response. US's response would have sucked with a Democrat president too.

3) This virus isn't some grand Illuminati-Jewish-Mexican-Al Qaeda-New World Order conspiracy to take over the world or destroy the economy or "force compliance" like some of you think. You are giving way too much credit to the people in charge. They're mostly bumbling idiots who are too busy fighting each other.

4) The virus originated in Wuhan, China. The Chinese government covered up many facts about the virus and are still covering them up. If we had any balls we'd ban companies from operating there. We don't though because, you know, unfettered Capitalism and all. Can't tell Apple not to enrich our enemies because they can make iPhones with slave labor there. If they can't bring factories back to America why can't they move manufacturing to India? Why not move it to Africa and help pull those nations out of poverty? There's no problem pointing any of that out. Anyone who says that's racist is an idiot. There's nothing wrong with the term Chinese Coronavirus. The world needs to know that this totalitarian Communist government played a big part in getting us in this mess. However, anyone who insists on using the term "Kung Flu" is probably a racist idiot. All of this can be true.

Now that I've triggered both sides I'm sure, here's a snippet of the most important American political speech you never learned in school. It's as true today as it was 183 years ago:

"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger... All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined... with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."

- Abraham Lincoln, Lyceum Address (January 27th, 1838)
You should stick to pud-pulling over the demise of local white folks and not take positions on things of which you know nothing about. Or, you could apologize for your bigotry and ignorance and move on.

And you should stick to hanging out on Jeep jerk-off forums and comparing the size of your winch with other dudes.
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Sorry, but I was done wasting my time educating a senile fuddy, who thinks something is true just because he said it. You were telling us all how little you knew about Patton, so I let you. It felt mean to pile on. But it seems you like to look stupid, and since you are vulnerable to the trump virus, I might as well help you as much as possible before it's too late.

So trumps job numbers dont include the burger flippin jobs? Only you and the MAGATS would be derp enough to think it didnt. The part-time job percentage is the same as it was when Trump took office, but I'm sure you'll find a way to blame Obama. Such a booming economy now though, propped up by the largest government spending ever, and still only a third of the GDP growth of Carter. Obama didn't need spending that large to prop up his GDP. Trump does and it still can't reach. His military increase alone was more than Obamacare subsidies (which were also lower than the taxes brought in by Obamacare).

But who cares about wasting billions on planes that go from the assembly line to the graveyard and are never used when it props up the president you pray to each night. It's that smaller sum of evil money spent on insuring people that is really the end of times.

Let me know when you're ready for your next lesson, but could you at least try to do your homework this time and come prepared?

Now I'll let you get back to spending every waking minute combing the boards looking for confirmation, or for something to get offended over.

Sorry, but I was done wasting my time educating a senile fuddy

And immediately after the above statement you instantly contradict yourself with a lengthy uninformed screed.

So trumps job numbers dont include the burger flippin jobs? The part-time job percentage is the same as it was when Trump took office,

The 95% of job growth under Obama were low wage, part-time burger flippin' jobs. (See my previous link.) Blue-collar includes all non-college-educated, wherein part-time or contract work doesn't always mean low wage - as with Obama. The growth of blue collar jobs and wages under Trump increased:

...Employment levels in blue-collar jobs have been growing at their fastest rate in more than 30 years, with most of the growth taking place since Donald Trump took office....

...Under Trump, employment for the non-college-educated is the best it’s been in 50 years....

...1.2 million goods-producing jobs were created in the U.S. economy since Trump took office — more than twice as many as were created during the last 27 months of the Obama administration....

....During Obama’s last 27 months in office, the economy created 109,000 manufacturing jobs, compared with 470,000 created from January 2017 through May 2019 under Trump. Jobs in the durable-goods manufacturing industry declined during this time under Obama....

Blue-collar workers are seeing stronger wage gains as well, noted the report, with weekly wages for goods-producing jobs up $70 under Trump compared with $39 under Obama.

Let me know when you're ready for your next lesson, but could you at least try to do your homework this time and come prepared?

From your stupidity on tinted windshields to an unabashed ignorance on firearms (again, check the previously posted link to the Obama CDC study), you could not educate shit to drop out of your ass.... lucky for you its internal and involuntary.

And you should stick to hanging out on Jeep jerk-off forums and comparing the size of your winch with other dudes.

Upon which I proudly display my SAR plate... You know, the Sons of the American Revolution... to honor my ancestors who came to this country in 1734... made a hard livin' in the soil.... joined the Continental Army and fought with Washington to establish this country. The same country that you now enjoy the destruction of.... not thinking, of course, where your sorry ass would be otherwise, if it existed at all.
Man your one inbred brain cell is really digging deep for these replies.. "Snowflake" is a commonly used term used by the moronic right... Leave it to you not to get the reference... You're about as dense as SAGmeister trying to stretch the word savage out of context... lmao
You were the first to bring race into this. Now you calling me an inbred maybe you should go look in the mirror you racist ****
Upon which I proudly display my SAR plate... You know, the Sons of the American Revolution... to honor my ancestors who came to this country in 1734... made a hard livin' in the soil.... joined the Continental Army and fought with Washington to establish this country. The same country that you now enjoy the destruction of.... not thinking, of course, where your sorry ass would be otherwise, if it existed at all.

You know nothing about me. Literally. Nothing.

Sounds to me like you like to make a lot of assumptions. And also, fyi no one on this forum thinks you're anywhere near as brilliant or special as you think you are.

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