

Franchise Poster
Sep 13, 2009
Is he still around? The guy from Liganore always gave good insight and at times neutral eyes.
Yeah, good insight! The Lancers are very good this year! What side of the headdress controversy is he on?!? Lol
I'm still around! So far we are looking pretty good but we haven't hit the meat of our schedule yet. We should have a relatively easy game this week against TJ and then we have Walkersville and Oakdale back to back. That will really show how good this team is or at least can be.

As for the headdress, lol......I am on the side of just letting it drop and everyone moving on. People are blaming the Principal for how she handled the situation but she was put in a lose-lose situation. Our community is being, in my eyes, unfairly dragged through the mud, mainly by outsiders who couldn't even pick out Frederick County on a map of Maryland much less know anything about the members of this community. We have too much pride for our school to have this issue drag us down so in my personal opinion, it it time for everyone to accept the decision and move on. Rant over, lol.
I'm happy Lancet is still around. I think we all like his view on some of the post in this group
This is the Dumbest thing in America right now...
Holy shit you are offended by this or that....
There is No way in the World that wearing a headdress hurts anyone.
Just like the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem, if you can't stand for them don't go to Public School, don't go to the games...

Its funny how those that claim to be the most patriotic are in fact the least.. So you mean to tell me someone should restrict their freedom of attending public school or going to games b/c they choose not to stand or recite? There is such a thing as the 1st and 14th Amendments but I guess our "patriotism" allows us to pick and choose which parts of the Constitution we should uphold? In as much as someone has the right to stand or recite likewise an individual has the same right not too. When we start to restrict freedom we begin to look like Nazi Germany... Thank God your opinion isn't Law...
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Please, please do not turn this into a political post as I was trying to avoid that. As I said above, this is an issue that I think everyone needs to drop and move on from. The great thing about America is that we are all entitled to our own opinion, regardless of what it may be, and we should all keep it as just that, our own. So can we please just leave it at that and talk about some football??!!
This is the Dumbest thing in America right now...
Holy shit you are offended by this or that....
There is No way in the World that wearing a headdress hurts anyone.
Just like the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem, if you can't stand for them don't go to Public School, don't go to the games...

I remember it clearly. It was the year I retired. I was sitting in the airport, waiting on my flight, rereading my first edition of Philbrick's Mayflower. My Samsung turned off and tucked in my bag.

Overhead, were two political pundits on CNN yammering on about something or other. On my right, were a group of oldsters, smartphones in hand, reviewing and commenting about a blog. To my left were some younger folks violently texting away.

At that moment, I knew we were lost.
Its funny how those that claim to be the most patriotic are in fact the least.. So you mean to tell me someone should restrict their freedom of attending public school or going to games b/c they choose not to stand or recite? There is such a thing as the 1st and 14th Amendments but I guess our "patriotism" allows us to pick and choose which parts of the Constitution we should uphold? In as much as someone has the right to stand or recite likewise an individual has the same right not too. When we start to restrict freedom we begin to look like Nazi Germany... Thank God your opinion isn't Law...

My understanding is that he is saying if you cannot conform to what used to be societal norms, don't take advantage of the system. That is quite different from saying the government should refuse you admittance to the system. In fact, those issues have been settled by the courts years ago. He is stating his opinion about choice and should be celebrated for doing so, agree or not.

The Bill of Rights is a restraint on government, as in "The government shall make no law....." Bozo NFL players that sit during the Nation Anthem and effect the potential profits of their employers can freely be fired for doing so. Saying that such activity is a First Amendment 'Right' is wrong and absurd. Owners and others who say it is are only lying to the public as an excuse for caving to the activity.
My understanding is that he is saying if you cannot conform to what used to be societal norms, don't take advantage of the system. That is quite different from saying the government should refuse you admittance to the system. In fact, those issues have been settled by the courts years ago. He is stating his opinion about choice and should be celebrated for doing so, agree or not.

The Bill of Rights is a restraint on government, as in "The government shall make no law....." Bozo NFL players that sit during the Nation Anthem and effect the potential profits of their employers can freely be fired for doing so. Saying that such activity is a First Amendment 'Right' is wrong and absurd. Owners and others who say it is are only lying to the public as an excuse for caving to the activity.

Well I'm not a self professed psychiatrist, so I'm not going to dissect and interpret what he was "trying" to say. What he said, to me, was straightforward and doesn't need interpretation...
"Just like the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem, if you can't stand for them don't go to Public School, don't go to the games..." Spin that statement how you want. But to me it his point is clear... Can't stand or recite don't go. I don't see anywhere in his statement that explicitly states or implies anything about taking advantage of a system... But I am getting older and maybe my eyes and comprehension are failing...
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My understanding is that he is saying if you cannot conform to what used to be societal norms, don't take advantage of the system. That is quite different from saying the government should refuse you admittance to the system. In fact, those issues have been settled by the courts years ago. He is stating his opinion about choice and should be celebrated for doing so, agree or not.

The Bill of Rights is a restraint on government, as in "The government shall make no law....." Bozo NFL players that sit during the Nation Anthem and effect the potential profits of their employers can freely be fired for doing so. Saying that such activity is a First Amendment 'Right' is wrong and absurd. Owners and others who say it is are only lying to the public as an excuse for caving to the activity.

"Bozo NFL players that sit during the Nation Anthem and effect the potential profits of their employers can freely be fired for doing so. Saying that such activity is a First Amendment 'Right' is wrong and absurd. Owners and others who say it is are only lying to the public as an excuse for caving to the activity."

Are we losing it here? coming off kilter a bit? How did it go from public game and school attendance to NFL players/employers? LOL
Well I'm not a self professed psychiatrist, so I'm not going to dissect and interpret what he was "trying" to say. What he said, to me, was straightforward and doesn't need interpretation...
"Just like the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem, if you can't stand for them don't go to Public School, don't go to the games..." Spin that statement how you want. But to me it his point is clear... Can't stand or recite don't go and don't see anywhere in his statement that explicitly states or implies anything about taking advantage of a system... But I am getting older and maybe my eyes are failing...

Ugh.... "don't go" is a choice. "Not allowed to go" is a denial.
I am well into my sixties so I understand some challenges we face.
"Bozo NFL players that sit during the Nation Anthem and effect the potential profits of their employers can freely be fired for doing so. Saying that such activity is a First Amendment 'Right' is wrong and absurd. Owners and others who say it is are only lying to the public as an excuse for caving to the activity."

Are we losing it here? coming off kilter a bit? How did it go from public game and school attendance to NFL players/employers? LOL

I do think we are losing our communication here. I was addressing your, "There is such a thing as the 1st and 14th Amendments."
Ugh.... "don't go" is a choice. "Not allowed to go" is a denial.
I am well into my sixties so I understand some challenges we face.

And what point are you exactly trying to make by splitting hairs and playing semantics? He said those that don't want to stand or recite shouldn't go to games. That's his opinion. Which I believe and many others including the courts is a dangerous slippery slope to travel down citing the 1st and 14th amendments. So what exactly is it you're trying to prove other than to argue for arguments sake?
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I do think we are losing our communication here. I was addressing your, "There is such a thing as the 1st and 14th Amendments."

Right, in response to the original topic of public game and school attendance. I don't see the correlation between public school and game attendance to NFL players and owners? You're arguing a point I wasn't making... In the spirit of sportsmanship I'll use this meme, and no it didn't come from Facebook...:)
Right, in response to the original topic of public game and school attendance. I don't see the correlation between public school and game attendance to NFL players and owners? You're arguing a point I wasn't making... In the spirit of sportsmanship I'll use this meme, and no it didn't come from Facebook...:)
Yet, another stupid, insipid, fuggin' Facebook meme.

Good lord! You know your sources as well as you know the Constitution... which you! Get it! You brought up. There are the unaware and the never-going-to-be-aware.
And what point are you exactly trying to make by splitting hairs and playing semantics? He said those that don't want to stand or recite shouldn't go to games. That's his opinion. Which I believe and many others including the courts is a dangerous slippery slope to travel down citing the 1st and 14th amendments. So what exactly is it you're trying to prove other than to argue for arguments sake?

God you are thick. The courts ruled that the schools could not force people to stand and recite. He suggested you not go. That is his opinion. What is it about the figgin' King's English don't you understand. To you, "splitting hairs" is anything you can't comprehend.
Yet, another stupid, insipid, fuggin' Facebook meme.

Good lord! You know your sources as well as you know the Constitution... which you! Get it! You brought up. There are the unaware and the never-going-to-be-aware.[/QUOTE]

LOL Nice try... The url I used was My URL had nothing to do with Facebook.. More fake news!! You went and copied a different meme's url thinking I got it from facebook... As dumb of a move as that was I'm now certain you're a Trump supporter.. Either you're extremely stupid or extremely deceptive. Either way you should apply for Trump's communications dept.. Heard there were openings.. You would fit right in LMAO... UNBELIEVABLE but I'm thick? LOL
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LOL @ this dummy copying another meme's url thinking it was the same as the one I used... And then had the nerve to school me on knowing my "sources"
LOL Nice try... The url I used was[/IMG] My URL had nothing to do with Facebook.. More fake news!! You went and copied a different meme's url... Almost certain you're Trump supporter.. With all your lying and deflecting you should apply for his communications dept.. Heard there were openings LMAO... UNBELIEVABLE but I'm thick? LOL

Hold a minute..... I had to compose myself.

You are also a stooge. You just help circulate the image that was solely composed for Facebook. That is how they get their exposure. That is their Facebook page I copied. Those images are composed for meme usage on Facebook so morons like you will give them free advertising. They're all over the place.

Hey! How about that 'ref' food commercial on the game the other night. You know, the one were the 'ref' orders his food like he is explaining a penalty. Bet you can't wait to do that yourself in a restaurant, seeing as how it was so creative, expressive and to the point.

Oh, and now I know why you don't get the other stuff. Trump supporter says you. If ever there were a corned-rat comment, that is it. That's right up there with " so's your old man" and "yoh mamma."
LOL @ this dummy copying another meme's url thinking it was the same as the one I used... And then had the nerve to school me on knowing my "sources"
You really are the dumbest shit who has ever been in this forum.
Hold a minute..... I had to compose myself.

You are also a stooge. You just help circulate the image that was solely composed for Facebook. That is how they get their exposure. That is their Facebook page I copied. Those images are composed for meme usage on Facebook so morons like you will give them free advertising. They're all over the place.

Hey! How about that 'ref' food commercial on the game the other night. You know, the one were the 'ref' orders his food like he is explaining a penalty. Bet you can't wait to do that yourself in a restaurant, seeing as how it was so creative, expressive and to the point.

Oh, and now I know why you don't get the other stuff. Trump supporter says you. If ever there were a corned-rat comment, that is it. That's right up there with " so's your old man" and "yoh mamma."


seriously in tears over here!!! LMAO I create meme's all the time and they're not for facebook... They're for a group chat that we have going on.. its called meme generators anyone can create memes for a multitude of purposes not just Facebook.. Seriously in tears LMAO
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Buddy I got enough MBPS that i'm running playstation vue on 4 devices, wife is texting and I still got enough juice to fry your dumb ass like turkey bacon.. I don't eat swine :D
"I create meme's all the time and they're not for facebook... They're for a group chat that we have going on.. its called meme generators anyone can create memes for a multitude of purposes not just Facebook."

Look at the trademark on the football meme image. It was not created by you. They have their Facebook page. It was created for Facebook. You are scurrying to cover your ass. Why do you continue to embarrass yourself?
"I create meme's all the time and they're not for facebook... They're for a group chat that we have going on.. its called meme generators anyone can create memes for a multitude of purposes not just Facebook."

Look at the trademark on the football meme image. It was not created by you. They have their Facebook page. It was created for Facebook. You are scurrying to cover your ass. Why do you continue to embarrass yourself?


what part of the link I used wasn't made by facebook? And that you went and found a meme that was by facebook and deceptively or ignorantly tried to attribute it to my link?
Buddy I got enough MBPS that i'm running playstation vue on 4 devices, wife is texting and I still got enough juice to fry your dumb ass like turkey bacon.. I don't eat swine :D

That was for the forum and how long it will take to load the pages for everyone else, moron. Just more selfishness on your part.

But I digress. You bring up the Constitution incorrectly. Fail to understand simple English when explained to you. You change to stupid memes, followed quickly by political accusations.

Just to set the record straight.

Pretty sure most everyone else has given up on this thread seeing as how it has been hijacked. Be that as it may. You haven't posted enough to know that I never intend to win a forum argument. I just drag it out appropriately so the other person fully exposes themselves.

You hit the high water mark with the stupid Trump line. Everything else has been gravy.

what part of the link I used wasn't made by facebook? And that you went and found a meme that was by facebook and deceptively or ignorantly tried to attribute it to my link?

Look at the trademark on the football meme you posted, moron. They have a Facebook page, moron. I copied their Facebook page link, moron. It was created for their Facebook page to be circulated, moron.
LOL @ this dummy.. You say look at the trade mark on the meme.. via via meaning by way of. But you're so stupid you googled via9gag and went to their facebook page instead of their webpage which is lmao... Where did they find this guy?
LOL @ this dummy.. You say look at the trade mark on the meme.. via via meaning by way of. But you're so stupid you googled via9gag and went to their facebook page instead of their webpage which is lmao... Where did they find this guy?

Look. This thing has now sunk to really splitting hairs. In couple posts back I summed up my position about where everything started and where it ended up. Heretofore, whatever you post - silly memes or otherwise - I will go back to that.

You want to embellish on why you think I'm a Trump supporter, we can address that. You want to further elaborate on the Constitution, we can address that. I just don't want to comment any further about your silly ass memes because you have run out of logic.

It's troll shit. They always sink to that when they have exhausted defending a position. Is that you.
Whatever, for now I'm bored. Gonna go cook some steaks. If it's interesting I'll catch you later, or not.
Let's talk about football. We got Lancer back and you guys are being ridiculous. Noone is even reading your post.
I even thought to myself, don't even say anything about it because I know it was said jokingly. Then I was like, well, I think I can keep my response as non political as possible.....well we see how that worked out for me, LOL! So back to football we shall go!
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