Where's Alco

Closed minded, and how'd you come up with this hypothesis? And I thought I had the reading comprehension issue, remember, I have degrees.
Mountainear is not out of line here. This same pattern has repeated itself over and over. Things are swell until there is a disagreement, and then things go to the gutter with personal insults masked with above average vocabulary and Tombstone references. I'm fine with it, I understand how it always plays out, but let's call a spade a spade and not just blindly rally behind the Veteran poster.
Mountainear is not out of line here. This same pattern has repeated itself over and over. Things are swell until there is a disagreement, and then things go to the gutter with personal insults masked with above average vocabulary and Tombstone references. I'm fine with it, I understand how it always plays out, but let's call a spade a spade and not just blindly rally behind the Veteran poster.

Other than the fellow not quite getting the points being made, wherein does anybody accuse him of being out of line? He brags about his "degrees" and such, making the entire thread rather humorous. Hang around the forum awhile and you will see things actually get lively. This thread does not even move the meter.

I do, however, not understand you wanting a piece of these exchanges by suggesting forum members are "blindly" rallying around a veteran poster. Is this now your thing to troll issues you find not quite politically correct? This could be a long season for you. I think most folks had their say here and would like the thread to quietly go away. It was fun, but obviously there are capacity issues at hand.
Been here since the 90's Lags, in some capacity or another, this ain't my first rodeo. But I agree, all that needs to be said has been said, time for it to die.

Many of us have been here for 20 years give or take. This board existed for a decade and a half before "Kan the Korn" became the rallying cry.
I made my point and could fight and fight to get him to see it but don't think it would happen so I walk away. I could offer up prime examples dating back to 2012 on how injuries and the nature of the game can make a title running 1a team average.

It's all good. Neither Lag or I need anyone to rally behind us to establish our point. What is simple attrition is taken by another as excuses. Nobody is looking for an excuse or establish one. When one makes a valid point and another tries to take the point to a level the original post wasn't intended , it's easier to just say OK and move on.
FH89, its at this level cause you wanted to throw insults bc i disagreed with u and Lag, but nice try! And to be honest, I didn't really disagree, injuries just dont hold as much merit to me as it does to yous two and i guess Green. I'm only here to talk about the thing i grew up loving and thats FH football, along with the other local talented teams. If you don't like my take on things then do what you claim to do and move on!
Lag, i never came on here bragging about my degrees. Ur boy stated I lack reading comprehension and I proved otherwise, more fact checking than bragging.
Lag, i never came on here bragging about my degrees. Ur boy stated I lack reading comprehension and I proved otherwise, more fact checking than bragging.

Thanks for posting again. Quite frankly, without this thread the forum is currently a bore.

(Having opined that), let me be clear that FortHillFan89, whoever the hell he is, is not my "boy," my bud or my amigo. He may promise to be more "gentle" but I don't. This is as sanguine as I get, especially when responding to "female on her period" type stuff: a phrase enhancing your flubadub image but not scoring on the syntax Richter Scale.

Let me add that I don't "claim to do and move on." I wrote, "most folks had their say here and would like the thread to quietly go away."

Lastly, I know you hate the word 'comprehension' - (be it strange for a person having so many degrees) but your responses have been more like someone bellowing from the cheap seats - as in the catchy "yous two" reference.
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The above was for FH89.

Now to Nag, my flubadub imagine? And u have the nerve to about my education? U nor ur groupie need to be gentle with me, i can handle myself pretty well. But u have garnered enough of my attention as this thread should be about how from the looks of things, Alco has some young studs of their own that should be getting the attention on here, not us!
I'll only focus on the the 2nd part. So, from reading CTN lil Rhodes is making a name for himself. How did he look? Routes, blocking, hands, speed? His older brother was a good one!
OK Mountainear, you did sort of blow that erudite image you're trying to portray when you used the phraseology "yous two."
And sir, when did I allude to my degrees? So let me get this straight, i give off an erudite image after defending my ability to read. No other time prior did I allude to my education. Mean while you have corrected my grammatical error, quoted the dictionary, then had the audacity to add "as the definition suggest". And I'm the one acting like they possess a wealth of knowledge? Lets just stick to football, whats so hard about that?
Ok folks, this will be my last post on mdvarsity as this has gone waaay too far. And I'm as guilty as the next man. In full disclosure, my name Mike Page. I no longer live in the area and just wanted to talk some hs football. I apologize for my lude commment and any other insensitive remarks I've made! Good luck to all the local teams this yr!
Mike, you're always welcomed here, and have certainly contributed way more to local football than any of us.

We're A-Holes to one another, it's what we do. Quite frankly I was on your side at the beginning of this argument, I should have stayed there.

Thank you again for your contributions.
Don't go away because we disagree. Enjoy the forum man. Glad to see you representing. I certainly meant no harm.
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I was like what are you talking about and went back and read it. My mind has been fried and seems like the last week has been worse.
My point is I know some of the family well and feel bad for giving him a hard time. So I offer my apology. Lesson learned.
Ya'll should be ashamed of yourself, as am I.

Not in the least bit ashamed. Posting his name was a parting cheap shot - surely you realize it was done to make the forum feel bad. I didn't start anything and nothing posted here was over the top. I answered his posts in kind and that was that. I am sorry that his sentence structure was not what we normally see, but that too is not my fault.

This is an anonymous forum and as such we can only respond to what we read. I suggest you all read the posts again and then honestly think that anybody treated anybody unfairly.
I don't think anything was said over the top. Just having a bad week. To much going on and a bit overwhelmed with some things. I just feel bad because I don't want anyone to stop coming around.
I don't think anything was said over the top. Just having a bad week. To much going on and a bit overwhelmed with some things. I just feel bad because I don't want anyone to stop coming around.

Sorry to hear you've hit a bumpy patch. You're one of the good guys. I just hope everyone takes the forum for what it is and never gets too angry or too frustrated. I like hyperbole and a good juxtaposition of phrase. Blend that with Alco/FH rivalry and it doesn't get much better than that.