North Point ranked 672 in max preps poll

That's a great point and you will get no argument from me about the idiocy of a decent sized handful of FH fans.

However let me counter that thought with a question...
If Fort Hill won only 1 or 2 games a year for the next four years or so, would those same athletic director/teacher/principals put FH on the schedule?

My take is they absolutely would be standing in line to add FH on the schedule. So while those same people spit out such things as to why they don't want to play FH such as what type of fans FH has or how they ran up the score, etc. which may be factual, it is only a means to hide the real reason they won't play FH. When you have won 56 out of 57 games and 4 straight titles...BINGO!

And I am talking locally here for the most part because I have said many times the biggest reason FH can't find games throughout the state is more about travel, money and having other teams nearby to play.

What I get from the MPSSAA meetings is that regional teams not playing each other is only a problem in the West. Then they go on to say they don't know why that is except egos and personal hang ups. My reply to them is well, you are incorrect. Teams do play each other in the West. They just don't play the team that has won 56 out of 57 games and 4 straight titles because your playoff system is set up to discourage such match ups.
The answer to your question is hell yes...they would put fh on the schedule immediately!
As usual, very informative post, some great points.
I'm talking about the Allegany schedule. You're obviously an Alco fan constantly taking pokes at the FH schedule. That might be the funniest thing I've ever heard, an Alco fan questioning the FH schedule. You have 5 games against teams that wouldnt play FH to save their life.

I'm thinking, Northern, Southern, Boonsboro and Chestnut Ridge.... wouldn't everyone of them beat the first 3 teams that FH scheduled - given Keyser is really down this year. I mean, FH manages to find weak teams to fill those slots. So, I humbly ask, what is the point of having this seemingly endless go round?

If FH had the option of playing Alco's first three games or the games they had..... which do you think they would choose with Friendship and Melbourne already lined up?
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The one they chose of course Lag, due to weeks 7 and 8. Weeks 7 and 8 are more brutal than Alcos weeks 1 and 2. IMHO
The one they chose of course Lag, due to weeks 7 and 8. Weeks 7 and 8 are more brutal than Alcos weeks 1 and 2. IMHO

Of course they are. But that wasn't my major point. It was all the complaining about Allegany playing schools that refuse to play FH. I am trying to say that it's pretty much moot because FH finds weaker teams to play than the teams they claim refuse to play them.
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The fact that Chestnut Ridge is considered a power by Alco is laughable. They didn't drop Alco like they did FH and FH called off the dogs in their last matchup with 5:24 to go in the 1st half and put the entire 2nd team in the game.
The fact that Chestnut Ridge is considered a power by Alco is laughable. They didn't drop Alco like they did FH and FH called off the dogs in their last matchup with 5:24 to go in the 1st half and put the entire 2nd team in the game.

Did Hansel make a comment about CR I haven't read? If you are referring to my comments, then I in no way said they were a power. I said they would beat the first three teams that FH played. And, they obviously beat Allegany.
Ok darn it. Still no answer. All I get are posts about FH's schedule. My question has NOTHING to do with FH. HOW DOES ALLEGANY HAVE NO TROUBLE FILLING THEIR SCHEDULE YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT? Will someone (hopefully an Alco fan) answer the question without a FH slant/ tilt. Better yet, do not even mention FH in your answer.
Ok darn it. Still no answer. All I get are posts about FH's schedule. My question has NOTHING to do with FH. HOW DOES ALLEGANY HAVE NO TROUBLE FILLING THEIR SCHEDULE YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT? Will someone (hopefully an Alco fan) answer the question without a FH slant/ tilt. Better yet, do not even mention FH in your answer.

I'll take a shot. You may not like the answer..... Here goes: it's a well kept secret.
The fact that Chestnut Ridge is considered a power by Alco is laughable. They didn't drop Alco like they did FH and FH called off the dogs in their last matchup with 5:24 to go in the 1st half and put the entire 2nd team in the game.
Chestnut Ridge may not be a power, maybe power was the wrong word. What I find discouraging is that Allegany loses to CR and now are concerned playing the Garret Co. schools. Jack Gilmore has to be rolling over in his grave and Jim Refossco is probably in complete WTF mode. I think these guys would be embarrassed with Allegany's present scheduling. These 2 guys would play anybody. They would give the other team Allegany's play book and then tell them to stop their offense. Now, the program has fallen to where Northern and Southern are concerns. Really?!
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I ask a simple and serious question and get a joke for an answer. That kinda speaks volumes more that an actuall answer would have.
Of course they are. But that wasn't my major point. It was all the complaining about Allegany playing schools that refuse to play FH. I am trying to say that it's pretty much moot because FH finds weaker teams to play than the teams they claim refuse to play them.

But we have a regional set up Lag. Sorry if everuone in the region is weaker than FH. If your not going to play teams in your own region why are we in a regional format? Alco is a prime example right now. If they didn't have Northern and Southern and Boonsboro on the schedule they would be screwed right now. FH doesn't have that luxury. If they did they wouldn't be worried about Northern, Southern and Boonsboro in this points race. Everybody around here understands that schools cannot overload the schedule. We all get that including FH. So FH goes out and gets 2 very heavy hitters in addition to the usual Keyser and Alco. They arguably have the toughest schedule around these parts, definitely the toughest in the region yet some people cry as to why they are playing a team from Pittsburgh. As if they need to play Melbourne and Friendship every week. It's just either a lack of intelligence or just pure hate.

However it's funny how people quickly people label Keyser as weak just because FH pounded them.
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Well said Linemen. I have no issue with alco though. They are doing what they are supposed to do. It's just that the other 1A west teams don't do what they are supposed to do, and yet FH gets hammered on here by a few for not scheduling powerhouses. How about slamming the local teams that duck FH yet are in a playoff race with them. Like northern and southern and now another local non MD foe that I'll leave helmick the privilege of spilling it when he feels ready. Lol
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I ask a simple and serious question and get a joke for an answer. That kinda speaks volumes more that an actuall answer would have.

Well, it should speak volumes. How many Alco folks are in this forum. Hey! I can almost form a forum, quorum by myself. I didn't meet Korn for beers after the game and I am not on Hansel's 'favorites' smartphone list. And.... you kept pressing the question. I could speculate: good competition but up and down most years... don't have a rowdy traveling fan base or any traveling fan base, including the band. On the other hand, they will run up the score and commit a ton of fouls.

So, there. Still looks like a well kept secret.
Chestnut Ridge may not be a power, maybe power was the wrong word. What I find discouraging is that Allegany loses to CR and now are concerned playing the Garret Co. schools. Jack Gilmore has to be rolling over in his grave and Jim Refossco is probably in complete WTF mode. I think these guys would be embarrassed with Allegany's present scheduling. These 2 guys would play anybody. They would give the other team Allegany's play book and then tell them to stop their offense. Now, the program has fallen to where Northern and Southern are concerns. Really?!

Today's team is like today's Arrowettes in comparison to those years.
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What, you can't find public schools from PG to put on the FH schedule? You want to try Montgomery County? How about Baltimore County and Howard County while you are at it? That's what I thought. Now STFU.

Boo Hoo Hoo, no one will play Fort Hill. Blah, blah, blah.
I ask you a simple task and your only answer to me is private schools and sound like a fool who spends all his time annoyed by FH success. Thanks for proving my point. When I tell you few if any schools in Maryland will play Fort Hill...BELIEVE IT!. Done with your 1000 FH schedule obsession posts. Step aside and let people who know what they are doing handle this task.

Not enough MPSSAA schools wants to play Fort Hill. And Fort Hill Football isn't worthy because they won't compensate by scheduling Calvert Hall, Georgetown Prep, Bullis, St. Mary's Ryken, Riverdale Baptist, Martinsburg and Wise. LOL. Do you really have any idea how dumb you sound? Please someone post this at the top of the forum and give Boyz complete credit. What other public school in the entire state of Maryland has such a schedule? That's awesome.

You want to compare FH and all those private schools be my guest as it's a huge compliment. But take your PG County schedule comparison talk elsewhere. I have respect for PG County schools but since none of them will play FH your thoughts on the matter are of no significance.

Let's get Wise!!!

Allow me to answer a few questions Helmick may have missed. For the 10th time FH would not attend the I95 kickoff classic because they were getting no funding to go there. It's the same reason no one travels to Cumberland for one year deals for free. Boyz continues to ask FH to do something other public schools wont.

Second, FH is not a private school. They don't recruit top rated players from far and near to play football at their school. In fact they dont recruit period. If a public school is to play a private school why would you do it week 1. The private school gets 2 weeks of extra practice and gets 1 or 2 games under their belt before you. It's not a level playing field. Name me one MD public school that plays 4-5 private schools? Again asking FH to do something no one else in the state does.

Third, why the fix on Martinsburg and Wise. They are both consideribly bigger in enrollment and both are the #1 rated public school in their respective states. If your going to dog FH why use these two schools unless you are a dumbass dipshit.

Fourth, stop pretending the playoffs shouldn't matter to FH but it should to everyone else. Yea Douglass played Wise and how did that work out? They went 7-3 and turned in their uniform week 10. Real smart move.

Last, Boyz forgot to throw out how FH dodged Middletown for the 20th time. When it's been explained FH tried to get that game. The fact they may have waited 3 or 5 or whatever days to set it up because they wanted Dunbar makes them chicken. Dumb.
That's a great point and you will get no argument from me about the idiocy of a decent sized handful of FH fans.

However let me counter that thought with a question...
If Fort Hill won only 1 or 2 games a year for the next four years or so, would those same athletic director/teacher/principals put FH on the schedule?

My take is they absolutely would be standing in line to add FH on the schedule. So while those same people spit out such things as to why they don't want to play FH such as what type of fans FH has or how they ran up the score, etc. which may be factual, it is only a means to hide the real reason they won't play FH. When you have won 56 out of 57 games and 4 straight titles...BINGO!

And I am talking locally here for the most part because I have said many times the biggest reason FH can't find games throughout the state is more about travel, money and having other teams nearby to play.

What I get from the MPSSAA meetings is that regional teams not playing each other is only a problem in the West. Then they go on to say they don't know why that is except egos and personal hang ups. My reply to them is well, you are incorrect. Teams do play each other in the West. They just don't play the team that has won 56 out of 57 games and 4 straight titles because your playoff system is set up to discourage such match ups.

Boonsboro is a perfect example. 2001 FH is coming off a 3-7 season. I am sure Anders and his staff are thinking that Fort Hill is on a downward trend so they schedule them for a home and home for 2002-3. FH wins easily both years and now Boonsboro wont even take Todd's phone calls. :)
Can you please find FH a MPSSAA PG County school to play in 2018 and/or 2019 for Week 1, Week 6 or Week 7? Size is irrelevant. FH will compensate in full their travel expenses to come here or will sign a two year home-and-home deal just like the one Walter Johnson did. We can make it public by posting what you find and what those schools have to say.

You are now deputized as the official FH schedule maker for PG County public schools. Looking forward to see what you come up with since I failed after months of trying last winter.

No need to call Wise. I already know Martinsburg wouldn't touch Wise with a 500 mile pole. What little ole 1A FH won't play Wise either? Those Sentinel chickens LOL.

This is the same person that told us two, three years ago that they could provide a list of schools, not just PG county, that would play Fort Hill. He had the connections. We're still waiting for that list.

This is also the same person that said earlier this year that Central of PG, 10-40, the last five years, is a "power"

He also LOVES to dwell on the Maryland state poll. I mean how many posts on this board are concerned with that? Other than the times he mentions it. I am sure that 90% of the Fort Hill followers feel, while the recognition is nice, FH is not in the same league as the Wise's, De Matha's, St. Francis's. He just can't seem to fathom that all we really concern ourselves with is 1A. Since that is the classification that Fort Hill and the other local schools are apart of, why should we give a rat's arse about higher classifications or private schools.
Someone said Alco wouldn't be Holidaysburg. You all sound pathetic. Holidaysburg is not good, did you even look at the scores and the teams they played first couple games. Years and years ago Holidaysburg had decent teams. Many years ago
No-one was talking about Allegany schedule, doesn't make sense to pull them in it.

oddly enough no one was talking about FH's schedule in this thread until you "pulled them in it". It was about North Point. Funny how that works.

Someone said Alco wouldn't be Holidaysburg. You all sound pathetic. Holidaysburg is not good, did you even look at the scores and the teams they played first couple games. Years and years ago Holidaysburg had decent teams. Many years ago

ONE person says Hollidaysburg would beat Alco and now everyone sounds pathetic? You may have missed the very next post was someone disagreeing and saying Alco would beat Hollidaysburg. Alco is much better than Hollidaysburg but continue to piss down your leg.
What, you can't find public schools from PG to put on the FH schedule? You want to try Montgomery County? How about Baltimore County and Howard County while you are at it? That's what I thought. Now STFU.

Boo Hoo Hoo, no one will play Fort Hill. Blah, blah, blah.
I ask you a simple task and your only answer to me is private schools and sound like a fool who spends all his time annoyed by FH success. Thanks for proving my point. When I tell you few if any schools in Maryland will play Fort Hill...BELIEVE IT!. Done with your 1000 FH schedule obsession posts. Step aside and let people who know what they are doing handle this task.

Not enough MPSSAA schools wants to play Fort Hill. And Fort Hill Football isn't worthy because they won't compensate by scheduling Calvert Hall, Georgetown Prep, Bullis, St. Mary's Ryken, Riverdale Baptist, Martinsburg and Wise. LOL. Do you really have any idea how dumb you sound? Please someone post this at the top of the forum and give Boyz complete credit. What other public school in the entire state of Maryland has such a schedule? That's awesome.

You want to compare FH and all those private schools be my guest as it's a huge compliment. But take your PG County schedule comparison talk elsewhere. I have respect for PG County schools but since none of them will play FH your thoughts on the matter are of no significance.

Let's get Wise!!!

I want to be clear about the direction this thread is going. I never mentioned Todd by name. I was making a point to another person about why the enrollment of a school isn't a direct correlation to the quality of their football team or sports program in general. But he personally called me out, and then he responded again with a bunch of nonsense calling me a "fool" (which is totally unprofessional - no need for personal attacks - you banned other people from board for doing the same thing), and he avoided the real topics. Todd stop being a coward and answer the questions:

What happened with the Riverdale Baptist situation earlier this year? We had a discussion via email (I believe it was in February) and I sent you their contact information.

Yes or no, did FH turn down games when they were approached by the Kickoff Classic promoters?

Why are we even talking about PG County schools? This is a WMD board. If you want to talk about PG County schools we can talk about the number of scholarship players they are producing. You brought PG schools into the conversation. I mentioned specifically schools that are ranked lower than FH. I'm not comparing FH to those private schools the fake poll is. Are you saying those teams are too good for FH to play?

But getting back to the real point, in TEN YEARS FH has not scheduled another Top 25 Maryland school. I'm not saying it's easy, but nobody on this board has a easy job. And other Top 25 schools are REGULARLY playing each other, even other public schools in very competitive leagues. In which a loss could be detrimental to their playoff opportunities. It's totally understandable to have problems 1 or 2 years. But if you have TEN YEARS and you're saying you couldn't schedule a game it's INCOMPETENCE.
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I want to be clear about the direction this thread is going. I never mentioned Todd by name. I was making a point to another person about why the enrollment of a school isn't a direct correlation to the quality of their football team or sports program in general. But he personally called me out, and then he responded again with a bunch of nonsense calling me a "fool" (which is totally unprofessional - no need for personal attacks - you banned other people from board for doing the same thing), and he avoided the real topics. Todd stop being a coward and answer the questions:

What happened with the Riverdale Baptist situation earlier this year? We had a discussion via email (I believe it was in February) and I sent you their contact information.

Yes or no, did FH turn down games when they were approached by the Kickoff Classic promoters?

Why are we even talking about PG County schools? This is a WMD board. If you want to talk about PG County schools we can talk about the number of scholarship players they are producing. You brought PG schools into the conversation. I mentioned specifically schools that are ranked lower than FH. I'm not comparing FH to those private schools the fake poll is. Are you saying those teams are too good for FH to play?

But getting back to the real point, in TEN YEARS FH has not scheduled another Top 25 Maryland school. I'm not saying it's easy, but nobody on this board has a easy job. And other Top 25 schools are REGULARLY playing each other, even other public schools in very competitive leagues. In which a loss could be detrimental to their playoff opportunities. It's totally understandable to have problems 1 or 2 years. But if you have TEN YEARS and you're saying you couldn't schedule a game it's INCOMPETENCE.

Why is there talk about the PG schools? Because you keep bringing them up.

For someone who considers the state poll "fake", you sure refer to it often

It's been how many years that you have been beating this dead horse? Someone is going to turn you into PETA soon.
Well, it does look like a lot of eyewash is floating around and some nerves are getting a tad wrangled. It's because, "It's the playoffs baby!" Downstate or out of state, it's the state of mind regarding wins and losses. Dunbar at the stadium or USO? Fuhgeddaboutit! Put dem' boyz on da long ride bus!

It's dodge ball, only the ball ain't round. Please tell me that FH would have scheduled Friendship and Melbourne if the waters hadn't run dry around the mighty three rivers.

And, you can't convince me that tons of schools aren't dodging FH. What decent 3A or 4A school wants to have a 1A school kick their ass and possibly knock them out of the playoffs.
It's all good. Boyz is gonna get FH a respective, non-complainable, schedule. Go Boyz Go !!!

Do people realize that it is week 4 and FH finally plays a state of Maryland school.
Why is there talk about the PG schools? Because you keep bringing them up.

For someone who considers the state poll "fake", you sure refer to it often

It's been how many years that you have been beating this dead horse? Someone is going to turn you into PETA soon.

Reading is fundamental. Go back and read and you will see who referred to PG Schools first. He brought it up as a red herring because he didn't want to answer the questions.
It's all good. Boyz is gonna get FH a respective, non-complainable, schedule. Go Boyz Go !!!

Do people realize that it is week 4 and FH finally plays a state of Maryland school.

I want to be clear about the direction this thread is going. I never mentioned Todd by name. I was making a point to another person about why the enrollment of a school isn't a direct correlation to the quality of their football team or sports program in general. But he personally called me out, and then he responded again with a bunch of nonsense calling me a "fool" (which is totally unprofessional - no need for personal attacks - you banned other people from board for doing the same thing), and he avoided the real topics. Todd stop being a coward and answer the questions:

What happened with the Riverdale Baptist situation earlier this year? We had a discussion via email (I believe it was in February) and I sent you their contact information.

Yes or no, did FH turn down games when they were approached by the Kickoff Classic promoters?

Why are we even talking about PG County schools? This is a WMD board. If you want to talk about PG County schools we can talk about the number of scholarship players they are producing. You brought PG schools into the conversation. I mentioned specifically schools that are ranked lower than FH. I'm not comparing FH to those private schools the fake poll is. Are you saying those teams are too good for FH to play?

But getting back to the real point, in TEN YEARS FH has not scheduled another Top 25 Maryland school. I'm not saying it's easy, but nobody on this board has a easy job. And other Top 25 schools are REGULARLY playing each other, even other public schools in very competitive leagues. In which a loss could be detrimental to their playoff opportunities. It's totally understandable to have problems 1 or 2 years. But if you have TEN YEARS and you're saying you couldn't schedule a game it's INCOMPETENCE.

Some of these questions have been answered so many times. I will repeat myself yet again with those.

Riverdale Baptist. I reached out to Riverdale Baptist immediately. It didn't work out for Week 1. They had to have a home game and at the time FH wanted a home game. Plus FH had many other options on the table. That is how Week 1 always works because Week 1 is usually the easiest to land before league play sets in. Dunbar didn't work out either nor did Middletown for Week 1. Nor did Douglass Ducks, Bishop McNamara, Patterson, Lansdowne, Patapsco, Eastern Tech, Randallstown, Western STES, Arundel, Bowie, McDounough, Broadneck, Benjamin Franklin, Blueford Drew Jemison, Carver Vo-Tech, Lake Clifton, National Academy, Southwestern and CH Flowers. That's just the Maryland list. Sometimes games don't happen for a multitude of reasons. To say they are excuses by FH is a fantasy.

Kickoff Classic. Why don't teams travel one time to play Fort Hill for free? The same reason FH never wanted the Kickoff Classic. Money is a monster consideration. Kickoff Classic wanted FH to come there on their dime. Allegany County can barely afford a stadium turf. Don't ask FH to do what other public schools don't want to do financially. It's stupid to even ask. Yet time and time you bring this up and label it as though FH is using it as an excuse. Yet when I tell you over and over no schools will come here without compensation that's OK. I'm sure if FH got desperate for games they would suck it up and head to this Kickoff Classic Week 1. But I have already stated if there are better Week 1 options, especially ones that don't cost over $2 grande to play you look for them. It's what any Athletic Admin would do at any level for any sport. I don't know if you and everyone else thinks FH athletics is rolling in the money but it sure seems that way. FYI, they are not.

Why are we talking about PG County Schools? Because YOU keep bringing them up with comparisons. Things like look who Douglass PG plays, look who all the PG County teams have to play, FH couldn't compete with a PG County schedule, FH isn't as good as 4A PG County schools, why is FH ranked ahead in this state media poll, etc., etc. Dude...PG County schools are mandated to play each other. They have a league rotation. You cannot compare the schedules. FH has a county rotation too. It just so happens we have 3 county schools. When I ask you to get just one of the 20+ PG County Football programs to play FH you cannot find a single team then turn around and ask why FH doesn't play PG County type schedules. You make zero sense.

In TEN YEARS FH has not scheduled another Top 25 Maryland school.
FH doesn't schedule hardly ANY Maryland schools. Been that way for a long time. It's always predominately WV, PA or VA. Look at a map Einstein. Their best opponents have been Sherando, Martinsburg, Melbourne CC, Friendship Collegiate. All would be considered Top 10 or 15 in Maryland. Look at the FH schedule this year. Only 2 freaking MPSSAA schools and those are Alco and Mtn. Ridge. And you want to ramble on about not playing Maryland schools as being INCOMPETENCE. You are clueless.

FH has one of the most diffiult schedules around these parts this season if not the toughest as MaxPreps spells it out. And even if a place like MaxPreps is really off it still speaks volumes for a 1A public school in a tiny county. Yet that is not good enough for you as you ask FH to add more. More than you ask of anyone else. Private schools, Wise and Martinsburg. Yes, you're obsession makes you sound like a fool.

I enjoy difference of opinions but for the last 4 years or so all you post here is anti-FH schedule trivia. And it's the same stuff over and over and over and over. It is absolutely an obsession. No more different that the FH fans who people rag on about their obsession.
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And, you can't convince me that tons of schools aren't dodging FH. What decent 3A or 4A school wants to have a 1A school kick their ass and possibly knock them out of the playoffs.

This is a Western Maryland mentality because the schools don't play each other. Downstate schools don't look at things this way because they are in conferences. Even if FH beat a 3A or 4A school it wouldn't affect them as long as they beat the other schools in their conference. For example, next weekend there's a great game coming up Northwest vs Good Counsel. Good Counsel will probably win, but the loss won't hurt NW as long as they take care of the rest of the schedule. If they don't you can't blame the GC loss for keeping them out. If NW had to count every win to make the playoffs they wouldn't be too anxious to play GC.
Some of these questions have been answered so many times. I will repeat myself yet again with those.

Kickoff Classic. Why don't teams travel one time to play Fort Hill for free? The same reason FH never wanted the Kickoff Classic. Money is a monster consideration. Kickoff Classic wanted FH to come there on their dime. Allegany County can barely afford a stadium turf. Don't ask FH to do what other public schools don't want to do financially. It's stupid to even ask. Yet time and time you bring this up and label it as though FH is using it as an excuse. Yet when I tell you over and over no schools will come here without compensation that's OK. I'm sure if FH got desperate for games they would suck it up and head to this Kickoff Classic Week 1. But I have already stated if there are better Week 1 options, especially ones that don't cost over $2 grande to play you look for them. It's what any Athletic Admin would do at any level for any sport. I don't know if you and everyone else thinks FH athletics is rolling in the money but it sure seems that way. FYI, they are not.

Why are we talking about PG County Schools? Because YOU keep bringing them up with comparisons. Things like look who Douglass PG plays, look who all the PG County teams have to play, FH couldn't compete with a PG County schedule, FH isn't as good as 4A PG County schools, why is FH ranked ahead in this state media poll, etc., etc. Dude...PG County schools are mandated to play each other. They have a league rotation. You cannot compare the schedules. FH has a county rotation too. It just so happens we have 3 county schools. When I ask you to get just one of the 20+ PG County Football programs to play FH you cannot find a single team then turn around and ask why FH doesn't play PG County type schedules. You make zero sense.

In TEN YEARS FH has not scheduled another Top 25 Maryland school.
FH doesn't schedule hardly ANY Maryland schools. Been that way for a long time. It's always predominately WV, PA or VA. Look at a map Einstein. Their best opponents have been Sherando, Martinsburg, Melbourne CC, Friendship Collegiate. All would be considered Top 10 or 15 in Maryland. Look at the FH schedule this year. Only 2 freaking MPSSAA schools and those are Alco and Mtn. Ridge. And you want to ramble on about not playing Maryland schools as being INCOMPETENCE. You are clueless.

FH has one of the most diffiult schedules around these parts this season if not the toughest as MaxPreps spells it out. And even if a place like MaxPreps is really off it still speaks volumes for a 1A public school in a tiny county. Yet that is not good enough for you as you ask FH to add more. More than you ask of anyone else. Private schools, Wise and Martinsburg. Yes, you're obsession makes you sound like a fool.

I enjoy difference of opinions but for the last 4 years or so all you post here is anti-FH schedule trivia. And it's the same stuff over and over and over and over. It is absolutely an obsession. No more different that the FH fans who people rag on about their obsession.

Riverdale Baptist: I'm not going to debate the Riverdale Baptist situation, but stop being fake for your friends on this message board talking about the "Boyz Varsity Challenge". Don't act like I didn't talk to you earlier in the year about several possible opponents for FH. And if you want to challenge me and put some money up I guarantee I can schedule a Top 20 Maryland school in the next 5 YEARS. I don't need TEN YEARS.

Kickoff Classic: So basically you're admitting FH turned down those games. And just so I understand, when FH travels to Surrattsville they got paid? When Allegany traveled to Calvert and St. Charles they got paid? When FH travels to Friendship they're getting paid?

PG County Schools: Wrong! I mentioned Douglas in the same post I referred to two Moco schools. So why would you respond with "PG County Schools" that makes zero sense. By your own admission when I talked about the fake poll I only talked about private schools. You brought it up and you're still talking about them and they have nothing to do with this conversation. Like I said if you want to compare we can start with scholarship players produced.

Ten Years: This is good, lol. In TEN YEARS the best you could come up with are Sherando, Martinsburg, Melbourne and Friendship??? You actually included two teams you haven't even played yet LOL? When you play Friendship they're going to be 3-4 and nowhere near the Top 15 in Maryland. They are a 1A level team and they have 3 wins this year over other 1A level teams. The article posted here last week explained DC City Schools are not very good. FH hasn't played Martinsburg since 2010, so in the last 7 years you're admitting you only played one good team? I'm not going to debate Sherando either, but the main talking point was they beat Martinsburg, the truth is they are like 1-9 against Martinsburg. So to say they are on Martinsburg level is a joke.

On this board I very rarely start a post, so if I respond to a post it's because people are already talking about the schedule. If it's the same stuff over and over it's not my problem, it's a problem on this board, lol. That's the problem on a board that's un-moderated. And if by your own admission you have only played one good team since 2010 everything I said was pretty accurate. Even FH fans have complained about the bad teams coming into Greenway year after year.
I want to be clear about the direction this thread is going. I never mentioned Todd by name. I was making a point to another person about why the enrollment of a school isn't a direct correlation to the quality of their football team or sports program in general. But he personally called me out, and then he responded again with a bunch of nonsense calling me a "fool" (which is totally unprofessional - no need for personal attacks - you banned other people from board for doing the same thing), and he avoided the real topics. Todd stop being a coward and answer the questions:

What happened with the Riverdale Baptist situation earlier this year? We had a discussion via email (I believe it was in February) and I sent you their contact information.

Yes or no, did FH turn down games when they were approached by the Kickoff Classic promoters?

Why are we even talking about PG County schools? This is a WMD board. If you want to talk about PG County schools we can talk about the number of scholarship players they are producing. You brought PG schools into the conversation. I mentioned specifically schools that are ranked lower than FH. I'm not comparing FH to those private schools the fake poll is. Are you saying those teams are too good for FH to play?

But getting back to the real point, in TEN YEARS FH has not scheduled another Top 25 Maryland school. I'm not saying it's easy, but nobody on this board has a easy job. And other Top 25 schools are REGULARLY playing each other, even other public schools in very competitive leagues. In which a loss could be detrimental to their playoff opportunities. It's totally understandable to have problems 1 or 2 years. But if you have TEN YEARS and you're saying you couldn't schedule a game it's INCOMPETENCE.

Riverdale Baptist: I'm not going to debate the Riverdale Baptist situation, but stop being fake for your friends on this message board talking about the "Boyz Varsity Challenge". Don't act like I didn't talk to you earlier in the year about several possible opponents for FH. And if you want to challenge me and put some money up I guarantee I can schedule a Top 20 Maryland school in the next 5 YEARS. I don't need TEN YEARS.

Kickoff Classic: So basically you're admitting FH turned down those games. And just so I understand, when FH travels to Surrattsville they got paid? When Allegany traveled to Calvert and St. Charles they got paid? When FH travels to Friendship they're getting paid?

PG County Schools: Wrong! I mentioned Douglas in the same post I referred to two Moco schools. So why would you respond with "PG County Schools" that makes zero sense. By your own admission when I talked about the fake poll I only talked about private schools. You brought it up and you're still talking about them and they have nothing to do with this conversation. Like I said if you want to compare we can start with scholarship players produced.

Ten Years: This is good, lol. In TEN YEARS the best you could come up with are Sherando, Martinsburg, Melbourne and Friendship??? You actually included two teams you haven't even played yet LOL? When you play Friendship they're going to be 3-4 and nowhere near the Top 15 in Maryland. They are a 1A level team and they have 3 wins this year over other 1A level teams. The article posted here last week explained DC City Schools are not very good. FH hasn't played Martinsburg since 2010, so in the last 7 years you're admitting you only played one good team? I'm not going to debate Sherando either, but the main talking point was they beat Martinsburg, the truth is they are like 1-9 against Martinsburg. So to say they are on Martinsburg level is a joke.

On this board I very rarely start a post, so if I respond to a post it's because people are already talking about the schedule. If it's the same stuff over and over it's not my problem, it's a problem on this board, lol. That's the problem on a board that's un-moderated. And if by your own admission you have only played one good team since 2010 everything I said was pretty accurate. Even FH fans have complained about the bad teams coming into Greenway year after year.
Just out of curiosity why is it that you care about FH's schedule?
Why is it you keep trying to criticize Todd? I say trying because if you think any FH fan is not grateful for everything he does, you are wrong. There really isn't anything you are saying that is changing anybody's mind so if you are trying to make him look bad or call him out, it just isn't working.
I don't know him, but I know what he does and not just because of this board, thru mutual acquaintances and the FH community. What do you do for Fort Hill?
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I don't know Todd, but I don't think there is a fh fan that feels the way

Just out of curiosity why is it that you care about FH's schedule?
Why is it you keep trying to criticize Todd? I say trying because if you think any FH fan is not grateful for everything he does, you are wrong. There really isn't anything you are saying that is changing anybody's mind so if you are trying to make him look bad or call him out, it just isn't working.
I don't know him, but I know what he does and not just because of this board, thru mutual acquaintances and the FH community. What do you do for Fort Hill?

The exchanges are some of the better reads in this forum.
And Surrattsville was a home & home deal I'd say. Even Alco vs. Calvert was a home & deal.

Name some Top 20 teams Alco had played in recent years...other than Big Red!
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This comes down to envy. The people on here that are continually critical are fueled by their envy of a true winner and they go after the one that has a big role in making it all happen, if I was TD id just laugh. All they would say if he played 5 martinsburg level opponents and lose 3 is laugh at Fh for not making the playoffs while the weak teams in the west like
Northern make the playoffs. Go get 5 in a row then 6 TD and let these people that have no relevance to this program sit back and watch and stew in it just like they have for the last 4.
And Surrattsville was a home & home deal I'd say. Even Alco vs. Calvert was a home & deal.

Name some Top 20 teams Alco had played in recent years...other than Big Red!

And for playing FH every year, Alco has received nothing but ridicule and chump comments by this forum. Allegany should dump homecoming and schedule some of that 'cheap meat' FH easily finds.
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This is a Western Maryland mentality because the schools don't play each other. Downstate schools don't look at things this way because they are in conferences. Even if FH beat a 3A or 4A school it wouldn't affect them as long as they beat the other schools in their conference. For example, next weekend there's a great game coming up Northwest vs Good Counsel. Good Counsel will probably win, but the loss won't hurt NW as long as they take care of the rest of the schedule. If they don't you can't blame the GC loss for keeping them out. If NW had to count every win to make the playoffs they wouldn't be too anxious to play GC.

It is a unique situation for FH. We could go on and on about why the local schools will not play them. While they are blessed by the demographics of Cumberland and excellent coaching, their success has brought them to the scheduling problems they now face. But so far they don't look like they have in anyway suffered. In fact, they have flourished. I would think almost any school in the state would love to have FH's football problems.

Some of us would like to see their fans be a little more humble and appreciative, but that's life I guess.
That may happen sooner than you think, Allegany cannot keep losing to FH. I really do see Allegany dropping FH. I would not be shocked if this would happen.

But, we will have to ask Boyz about FH schedule. Hey Boyz, is Allegany a worthy team to be on your power FH schedule? Shit Boyz, you won't do this task and you said above you can schedule a top 20 team? WTF is this shit with a 5 year plan for scheduling?

So you can't come back later and say that you were never offered any $$$$.....I'm in for $10.00,
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Oh and by the way North Point is one hell of a football team that I foresee in the semis or better in 4A. And FH moved the ball at will on them. Fh just couldn't stop them either. That is what the thread was about.
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Riverdale Baptist: I'm not going to debate the Riverdale Baptist situation, but stop being fake for your friends on this message board talking about the "Boyz Varsity Challenge". Don't act like I didn't talk to you earlier in the year about several possible opponents for FH. And if you want to challenge me and put some money up I guarantee I can schedule a Top 20 Maryland school in the next 5 YEARS. I don't need TEN YEARS.

Kickoff Classic: So basically you're admitting FH turned down those games. And just so I understand, when FH travels to Surrattsville they got paid? When Allegany traveled to Calvert and St. Charles they got paid? When FH travels to Friendship they're getting paid?

PG County Schools: Wrong! I mentioned Douglas in the same post I referred to two Moco schools. So why would you respond with "PG County Schools" that makes zero sense. By your own admission when I talked about the fake poll I only talked about private schools. You brought it up and you're still talking about them and they have nothing to do with this conversation. Like I said if you want to compare we can start with scholarship players produced.

Ten Years: This is good, lol. In TEN YEARS the best you could come up with are Sherando, Martinsburg, Melbourne and Friendship??? You actually included two teams you haven't even played yet LOL? When you play Friendship they're going to be 3-4 and nowhere near the Top 15 in Maryland. They are a 1A level team and they have 3 wins this year over other 1A level teams. The article posted here last week explained DC City Schools are not very good. FH hasn't played Martinsburg since 2010, so in the last 7 years you're admitting you only played one good team? I'm not going to debate Sherando either, but the main talking point was they beat Martinsburg, the truth is they are like 1-9 against Martinsburg. So to say they are on Martinsburg level is a joke.

On this board I very rarely start a post, so if I respond to a post it's because people are already talking about the schedule. If it's the same stuff over and over it's not my problem, it's a problem on this board, lol. That's the problem on a board that's un-moderated. And if by your own admission you have only played one good team since 2010 everything I said was pretty accurate. Even FH fans have complained about the bad teams coming into Greenway year after year.

Yes FH turned down the Kickoff Classic at least 2 times. Read.
Martinsburg turned down the chance to play FH in Cumberland one time with no compensation. So would Wise.

Surrattsville came here.
I don't know those Allegany road details.
Friendship comes here next year.
I obviously have to spell these details out as you are not involved in these transactions. Stop guessing.

PG County Schools: "Like I said if you want to compare we can start with scholarship players produced." No one here mentioned PG County scholarship comparisons. You just did. And you referred to this comparison many times before. Read what you type.

One last thing for you to cry about...
Fort Hill - 4.63
Middletown - 4.86
Morgantown - 4.87
Allegany - 4.89
Walkersville - 4.90
Jefferson - 5.01
South Hagerstown - 5.51
Dunbar (Balt.) - 5.58
Mountain Ridge - 5.93
Washington - 6.22
Martinsburg - 6.22
Spring Mills - 6.41
Musselman - 6.77
North Hagerstown - 6.80
Williamsport - 6.88
Keyser - 7.28
Hampshire - 7.55
Hedgesville - 7.59
Boonsboro - 7.85
Frankfort - 8.21
Moorefield - 8.32
Southern Garrett - 8.65
East Hardy - 8.70
Francis Scott Key - 8.91
Northern Garrett - 9.59
Clear Spring - 9.74
Petersburg - 9.78
Catoctin - 9.87
Smithsburg - 9.89
Berkeley Springs - 10.65
Brunswick - 11.08
Hancock - 12.93

If you like I can post the PG County schedule rankings to compare as well. Yea, Yea Boyz we get it. Like someone else pointed out, the state media poll is wrong, the Washington Post poll is wrong, MaxPreps is wrong. Dang, they should all just call you for the facts.

Still no PG, Howard, Montgomery, Baltimore County MPSSAA schools on your FH schedule radar? I thought not. You know the MPSSAA don't you. Where FH competes? Hell, the MPSSAA should just call you too so they can tell FH to shut up and go play the private school recruits. LOL

Those schedule rankings are the end of this discussion. They say it all. If you need the FH 1A schedule to be even more difficult we don't care.