good point. it seems like everybody has to be in everybody's business too. why the hell do we have to give any attention to somebody who wants to take a knee. if you are a good cop or a vet and it offends you then do your own protest but does everybody need to make it a national crisis? remember when you were young and somebody was being ignorant or rude and your parents said "ignore them, they'll get bored and give up". if you don't give something attention it usually runs out of air. fan the flame and it grows.Right, it's amazing the people who are opposed to kneeling will spend hours debating and vilifying the players that kneel, but they never spend any energy to address the problem behind the protest. You can be both against kneeling and also make a phone call to the police station to speak out against bad cops. And I work for a law enforcement organization and good police officers hate the few bad cops that are giving them all a bad name.