The indoctrination part is my favorite. There is not a week of their lives that has gone by since they first heard some politician say it they haven't parroted the evils of education. Now they are demanding the children be subjected to it. Doesnt that make them evil?They want to live in a fantasy world and revise recent history into making us believe that school is some sort of utopian fantasy for all. They want to argue hypotheticals on one side and ignore the facts and reality of teachers sexually abusing students, students preying on other students, kids being bullied, school suicide prevention campaigns against being bullied at school, school shootings, school indoctrination. For heavens sakes lets not ignore the fact that every year during flu season schools become a petri dish for bacteria and germs. If schools are so great why the need for school resource officers? In their zeal to argue a point they become so irrationally blinded by one side that, as witnessed above, their argument becomes so unbalanced it easily tips over.
It's unbelievable how they can contradict themselves so much, and be so oblivious to it.