FH vs Hollidaysburg, my thoughts


Junior Varsity Poster
Aug 12, 2022
At the start of the season, I thought that Hollidaysburg would beat Fort Hill. They appear to be loaded this year. Their lines are huge, they have a very good QB that can throw or run the ball, and they have kids that can catch. And let's be honest, they are the poster child for "slober-knocker" football. They come out and hit people. (There's a reason that only two teams in this area will play them.) At that time, I didn't think that Fort Hill's younger, smaller athletes could match up well against them. The FH coaches are again working their magic. This game is going to be interesting with line play dictating the way the game is going to play out. I think that the line is improving weekly. In the end, I feel that Fort Hill team speed will win out on both sides of the ball. The line will hold up, they have to stay focused and realize that they aren't going to win every down, but they need to win most of them. Then the skill kids will take charge. In the end, I think that we'll see a Fort Hill win in the end.
I agree Holidaysburg has good school and community support and plays good hard nose football. I don’t think Holidaysburg played much competition yet this season. Allegany played horrible against them and was down 14-0 at the half. The half was fairly even except the score, Total yardage in the half between both teams was fairly even. I think FH wins by at least a couple touchdowns.
I know records of teams played aren't everything but Hollidaysburg only has one win against a team with a winning record (Taylor Allderdice). And three of those other wins came against teams with no wins.

I'm thinking FH wins this one by several TDs.
Line play will be important. On defense, I think that Fort Hill will take advantage of putting pressure on the QB with the D Ends. Hollidaysburg tackles tend to identify their blocks and then drop their heads when they get into their stances. This can be an advantage for FH as they don't have very good feet. I'm also interested in seeing if Hollidaysburg will continue with three down linemen on D as well. I think that this helps FH's blocking schemes.
Holidaysburg 24
FH 14

FH is just too one-dimensional. It will be similar to the game with Dunbar. Hope I'm wrong.
14-0 Sentinels midway through the 2nd qtr. Fort Hill has controlled the clock so far. Looking at a 4th and 1 situation on their side of the field. Time out. 3:18 left in the half.
Two scores negates by holds. Ugh!


Castle hits a wide open receiver on play action. Extra point blocked:

20-0 Sentinels.
These guys at Hollidaysburg are good up front. A holding call sets them back. Failed pass. 4th and 13th. They’re going to punt it away.

Sentinels take over at their 17.

3:52 in the 3rd
Hollidayburg blocks the FH punt for a TD
20-7 FH

Sentinels not moving the ball in the ground well currently.

1:33 left in the 3rd
End of 3.
20-7 FH

Sentinels in Golden Tigers territory thanks to a 15 yd facemask following a 14 yd Daniels run.
Daniels breaks lose on a 46 yd TD run!

Extra pt bad snap? Fake for a 2 pt? Didn’t work either way.

26-7. FH

11:11 left
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I can't believe all the tackles that H'burg players are just breaking and running thru. Is it just poor tackling or is the defense just getting tired? The option seems to be confusing FH also.
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Entertaining game. This is a quality win. Regardless of weather, location, time of day, or moon phase---this FH team beats this Hollidaysburg team 10 out of 10 times. GBR!
I was wrong on my score (almost backwards), but I think your 10 out of 10 is an exaggeration. If possible, I'd bet $5k on that one. Had we played Dubar in the rain, we might've stood a chance.

I'm a big FH fan, but I try to unbiasedly watch for execution, adjustments, and play call variety. FH has a weak line, as shown tonight. They play hard for having such little experience and are certainly improving. However, Hollidaysburg in dry weather executes much better. In the second half, they showed they could run the ball effectively after some adjustments.

In a dry weather scenario, I give FH 4 out of 10.

I do think that #8 had a much better game throwing the ball. I hope he's been working hard, because that threat will lead to championship #4 in a row! I love the swing and pop passes. Get some middle screens going to slow the run blitz.

Anyway, great game FH!
FH is a work in progress. Probably will be for another 10 weeks or so. Most everyone in Red knew this last winter based on graduations. But they are getting better each week. What a great coaching staff. Yea, I like to play armchair QB like everyone else but it's not hard to give credit where credit is due.

What I liked tonight at that game:

- Hats off to FH secondary. Man, they were all over the Golden Tiger receivers. Two interceptions (both by Younger), but I saw numerous PBUs (pass break ups) by multiple players. What a difference from the Dunbar game. I think Hollidaysburg was 5 of 17 passing for like 105 yards.

- Speed kills! And the FH defense has it. Many of the Hollidaysburg runs had large spaces. What normally would be a 30 yard run against all their other opponents was only worth about 5 yards vs. FH. This defense isn't big, but it's very quick across the board.

- QB Nash Cassell was 4 of 6 passing tonight. Granted FH isn't going to be tossing 10-20 passes most any season. But when they throw it has to count. The only knock I still have on the passing game is that receivers are not running crisp routes to get open and FH threw the ball too much in obvious passing situations. It will take time to trust passing the ball more on 1st and 2nd down. Because if that pass is incomplete, running teams don't like being behind the sticks. How about that pass protection tonight though? Much better. A thumbs up for the OL there.

- Who is that big #88 playing on both sides of the ball now? That is not the same dude I saw at Dunbar. In two weeks he found some explosion. It gave #22 a chance to take a breather at TE. I even saw the 6'4, 240-pounder at split end and catching a huge pass over the middle with a defender draped on him. On a punt return Babo (yea that's the newbie) shot up the middle and sent the up back flying backwards 5 yards in the air. If his progress continues like this, FH can add another whole gear.

- Jabril (28 carry workhorse) was hitting the hole, not much hesitation this game. His brother Gamil is a solid lock down corner and return man. What a duo.

- #22 Willison is the king of TFL

- FH isn't putting the ball on the carpet much at all thus far this season

- Depth - the starters on the OL are all different than the starters on the DL. It's a full platoon up front.

Lots of other things that need much improvement

- Massive OL inconsistency. Not opening holes many times. Missing blocks. A little better each week, but still a work in progress. Hollidaysburg started to figure it out in the 2nd half. But the big plays saved the day.

- Bad use of time outs. Had to call back-to-back in the 2nd half and still broke the sideline huddle confused.

- The refs threw 19 flags tonight, hitting up both teams and changing the game. The same ole holding calls on huge plays that either didn't happen or had no bearing on the play. Please stop. 19 flags at mid-season is way too much oversight.

Other than one long touchdown drive in the 4th quarter when FH seemed to be in a little prevent mode, the Hollidaysburg offense was stuffed. Only a blocked punt touchdown made this game more interesting than it needed to be.
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