FH Keyser

My spin was an attempt to consider the positive & not the negative, and certainly not the economic status of teachers in Cumberland (I was a teacher in Cumberland 30+ yrs ago, so have some gauge on that.) My two children are both teachers, and son a coach, as you know, so I may be a little defensive knowing the countless hours (over 12 months) in comparison to pay. It's definitely an act of love most times... I don't know Todd Appel personally, but I do know his Dad, and I get the impression from what I've read & told by family & friends he's a man of integrity. I respect that in a world where it is so often too rare...

I'm certainly not trying to "stamp out others rights", Lag. Just don't see it necessary for such negativity after 29 wins and 2 state championships. There's a LOT of bad coaches out there, but we are fortunate to have a 'good one' at FH. Not saying he's perfect... IMO, Cumberland (generalizing here) gets way to wrapped around the axle on wins & losses, and does not see the real value of high school football is shaping personal lives of young people. Just my opinion.

I've questioned quite a few times, my son on plays/calls/decisions that appeared one way, and after he explained I understood the circumstance was quite different. Usually, the kid(s) missed an assignment, but sometimes a wrong play was called, etc. That doesn't make a good coach a bad coach.

Keyser won fair and square with their injuries. No way of assessing the impact the injuries have on any team, but being in agreement with Todd that 1A is most impacted. Please understand I respect yours and most everyone's posts here. This just happens to be my take.... Peace

Fair enough. I understand your position more clearly. Perhaps this post of yours rather than the other one. I was reacting to: "How some can set behind a keyboard or in the stands and feel they can lay criticism" - this is a forum and that is what is done here. We good. Peace to you.

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