Cumberland homers?


Hall of Fame Poster Candidate
Nov 3, 2009
Any validity to this?
Are you always " 2tds behind"?
Do the refs wear Jorts? Actually saw this at Mussleman a few years ago when the Warriors got totally ripped off in Inwood ,West Virginia .

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Re: Biggest Cheats??
« Reply #14 on: Today at 10:49:44 PM »

It's a Maryland school but anytime you play Fort Hill you're 2 td's behind before the game even starts. 75% of officials in our area are from Cumberland and i'm convinced most of them wear their old Fort Hill jerseys under their official's shirt.

Most blatant example was 2007 at Keyser
Keyser leading 19-0 with 6 minutes left in 3rd quarter.
Keyser intercepts pass around midfield
Keyser's offense and Fort Hill's defense come on the field
Then all of a sudden the officials get together
Everyone from Keyser said here we go
A full 5 minutes after the last play ended a flag flies in the middle of the officials
Guess what it was ready for this
Defensive pass interference on Keyser
5 minutes after the play ended
The official who made the call works for Pepsi
During a delivery to the Keyser wal-Mart he was laughing about what he did
Truly a man with no integrity

Actually the game before the Keyser-Fort Hill game Dunbar from DC walked off the field with a lead in a game at Fort Hill.Fort Hill made national news for their behavior in that game. No coach pulls his team off the field with a lead for no reason

I thought the most unbelievable part of the poster's comments was the fact that Keyser had Fort Hill down 19-0 in the 3rd. Keyser is horrible! Is that even possible?
No, they did, and let a 19-0 lead slip away and proceeded to blame the refs and one penalty, all these years later.
Every year it's the same thing. "All the refs were Fort Hill graduates". Never mind the fact that that is simply not true, but if you feel it is do something about it. The local association is always looking for people. Become a ref.
It's people like this, and EVERY team/community as some, that turns me off about high school sports. All talk and they don't know what they are talking about... I've heard similar claims since the 70s and maybe further back. Ridiculous! Coaches have the right to put their protests in writing to the MPSSAA about issues pertaining to football officials. I bet they are few and far between. This I know, generally, officials are there because they love game. Just like with coaches, there is no financial rewards being a high school ref. There are more personal sacrifices than rewards being a HS ref. They're not there to screw another team.They respect the game. I'm not saying there aren't bad refs, we've all seen them. Heck, I've seen terrible calls overruled at the NCAA level (thank goodness for replay).

Here's the article from the WP on the Dunbar incident, which is not a ref issues. Could this be true? Perhaps, it wouldn't surprise me. I've always found it odd that if the n-word was used by FH players their were black players on FH's team too. I can't imagine that word being said to offend them, but I could be wrong. I can assure you if it was said, and a ref heard it's cause for ejection.

Bottom line, the person who posted this on the WV board is merely trying to put the FH program down to elevate themselves. What else is new??
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First of all, the failure to call a penalty on the infamous alligator roll puts homerism to rest. Period. Sure, I scratched my head on the two non penalties for pass interference at homecoming when Alco was driving late in the first half - defenders hit the receiver before the ball got there. But homerism for FH.... nope. I kind of wondered about the 'butt pad' call - but technically it was an infraction. For me, the last true sense of homer refs was at Keyser - not sure of the year - but Alco was loaded. Must have been over a dozen penalties against Allegany and zero against Keyser. Every time Alco got down past the 40 a flag would fly. I mean every time. Eventually the Alco fans would shout "flag" before the play and out it would come. Still, the teams were so lopsided that Alco won handily.

And, the Dunbar incident has been chewed and spit out in the forum enough already. It didn't happen and nobody ever gathered any supporting evidence that it did. All it proved is that you should pick your opponents wisely. Any negative atmosphere like that repeats itself. It doesn't. One thing FH surely has with all teams across this state is respect.

One thing. If this poster persists in this kind of crap he will find this forum a very unwelcome place to be. History shows.
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The Keyser game was actually played in 2006, Fort Hill had played Frankfort the week before. The foul was committed on the 20 yard line, not mid field and it was a no brainer call at that. I do remember that game, Keyser had gone up by 14 at the half, and then scored their first possession in the third quarter. They had shut down Fort Hill's wing t. Fort Hill went to the I and Keyser had no answer as Fort Hill scored three tds in the second half. Keyser, as usual didn't make any adjustments and lost a game that they had had control of.

The Dunbar incident happened in 2008 a week after the Keyser game, and yes, Fort Hill had six starters who were African American.

As usual, facts don't matter to some people.
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The funny thing about people complaining about the "Cumberland Refs" and at how you're 2 touchdowns down before you even touch the field at Greenway is that people from Cumberland were always firmly convinced it was the same way when we travelled to the Eastern Panhandle to say Martinsburg or Musselman. I mean we always thought we got screwed or were going to get screwed down there.

Perhaps the moral of the story is that everybody who travels into a tough environment to win in (huge and fervent fan bases, excellent and winning programs) thinks the same thing and the refs are just an easy scapegoat.

I am actually of the opinion, and nobody from the outside of Cumberland will believe this, but that the local refs sometimes work really hard to prove they aren't favoring the homestanding Sentinels or even Campers...I've often thought Fort Hill in particular sometimes gets hammered by the local guys, but you would never convince anyone else of that.

Keyser people, at least many of them, just like to use the refs as an excuse, it still baffles me that a team and coaching staff can blow a 19-0 lead in the 3rd and all they wanna talk about is 1
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Now, hsfootballfan60 is calling all Cumberland folks "slum dwellers," the ironic thing is, if this were coming from someone from any place else in the world it may be acceptable. But homeboy is from Keyser, really, becuase Keyser is such a cosmpolotian community, lol.
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FH and Alco get homer calls at Greenway, no doubt about that. But HS refs are inconsistent everywhere in the country. Every H.S. team will get the "benefit of the doubt" at home. If you want to say otherwise you are in a state of denial.

Research all articles on the Dunbar DC issue. There was a Washington Post article after the game where a DI prospect WR from Dunbar told a reporter that nothing happened from his observation. The coach for Dunbar at that time was notorious for pulling his team off fields during play. He did it at a game in Ohio when his team started to take a pounding. He took his money and ran from FH with a lead. FH paid Dunbar's way to the game and probably a little more. Also, as another poster stated there were black FH players on the field and those black players wouldn't have tolerated it. One of those players even returned to FH to coach. I can remember playing the DC schools and some of the players on those teams would make racial comments to FH's black players.

In regards to reffing, research the Baltimore Sun message board and you will find Baltimore City College High fans stating that they were stunned at the calls that went against FH when BCC came to play. FH won 14-8 but had 3 TDs called back on them and numerous other penalties. Most of the people who complain about calls do not know the rules of game and simply jump on bandwagons criticizing refs. Some FH fans will start yelling at refs too, and often they are completely ignorant of what they are yelling about.

Keyser fans will always have chips on their shoulders for whatever reason. I don't know how the youth leagues are now but in the past when Cumberland teams scrimmaged and played the Keyser teams one of Keyser's goals was to injure others. It was not always crazy, but I witnessed fights on the field, teammates getting bit by Keyser players drawing blood, coaches trying to intimidate refs causing a game to be called. Cumberland boys would not shy away and would fight back and things sometimes got crazy.
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I believe you, the credibility of Fort hill's program speaks for itself. As for the reffing, there are always going to be close calls and things that don't go any teams way. I was just asking because of our experience at Mussleman a couple of years ago. There was so many rediculous calls that night , hard to list. however I will say this , the Warriors fate that night was not completely decided by those bad calls, we came out sluggish and got down, and thought that Mussleman was going to be a easy win like always. if we were not down that night and TCB'd like we should have the bad. It would have been a non factor . Lesson learned put teams away early. You never know what can happen later.
The problems at the Dunbar game were an example of bad ref decisions allowing a situation to get out of control. After watching football for 30 plus years, I still haven't seen another situation when the refs called 3 personal fouls in a row, awarding the home team 45 yards in field position, lol. The racial stuff was overblown. Evidently there were n-words thrown back and forth between a Fort Hill player and a Dunbar player. The FH player was very light-skinned and with his helmet on may have been mistaken as white by the Dunbar players. The Dunbar coach, who is currently the head coach of Oxon Hill high school in Maryland, produced 3 Pro-Bowl players during his tenure at Dunbar.
The Dunbar coach, who is currently the head coach of Oxon Hill high school in Maryland, produced 3 Pro-Bowl players during his tenure at Dunbar.

So it's all good. ;)

I believe it was former poster MCsoccerplex who at one time did a crazy amount of research on the total yards of penalties called over a certain period of years at FH games. And there was no decided edge in totals. I don't think that post still exists in the archives.
Know this is not on the same level as high school, however, I was at the Oakland / FT Hill CAYFL game last year in Oakland. Oakland won the game and some of the FT Hill fans, not all, were very abusive, language wise, to the referees claiming they cheated for Oakland. NONE of the referees were from Oakland. This example is just that these accusations only occur when your team loses. Trust me, the same things are said when Garrett County teams travel to Allegany county and lose.
As bad as people may think football officiating is in this area, though at the HS level I don't think it's any more horrific than anywhere else - basketball officiating, however is flat out horrendous. Top to bottom. There are a few really really good refs, but many just have no place consistently calling bball games.
I just know I have no interest in doing it. I have coached numerous sports with numerous teams in years past. We played against a lot of Allegany County teams. Were there questionable calls, of course, but I never, ever felt my teams were cheated. Most of the time, we are always going to question things that go against us.
The problems at the Dunbar game were an example of bad ref decisions allowing a situation to get out of control. After watching football for 30 plus years, I still haven't seen another situation when the refs called 3 personal fouls in a row, awarding the home team 45 yards in field position, lol. The racial stuff was overblown. Evidently there were n-words thrown back and forth between a Fort Hill player and a Dunbar player. The FH player was very light-skinned and with his helmet on may have been mistaken as white by the Dunbar players. The Dunbar coach, who is currently the head coach of Oxon Hill high school in Maryland, produced 3 Pro-Bowl players during his tenure at Dunbar.

When you have two blatant late hits, including a body slam, what are the officials supposed to do? Ignore them? The third penalty was a call on the bench. Jeffries lost his composure and it wasn't the first time. No surprise that his kids did the same. Did they ever pay the damage that was done to a local restaurant restroom where they stopped at before the game?
When you have two blatant late hits, including a body slam, what are the officials supposed to do? Ignore them? The third penalty was a call on the bench. Jeffries lost his composure and it wasn't the first time. No surprise that his kids did the same. Did they ever pay the damage that was done to a local restaurant restroom where they stopped at before the game?

You are absolutely correct. All the way around it was a disgraceful expose' for downstate football. But instead of being apologetic, the power structure rallied around their urban team (for all the obvious reasons).
When you have two blatant late hits, including a body slam, what are the officials supposed to do? Ignore them? The third penalty was a call on the bench. Jeffries lost his composure and it wasn't the first time. No surprise that his kids did the same. Did they ever pay the damage that was done to a local restaurant restroom where they stopped at before the game?

So it was two late hits on the same play? I've never seen a ref throw two flags in that situation. OK, so the ref gives your team (which is currently leading) a 30 yard penalty and flips the field - of course the coach is going to go ballistic. The refs should allow him to vent. When you go on the road you expect a few questionable calls, you don't expect 45 yard penalties. I don't justify Jeffries pulling his team off the field, but the refs were just as responsible for the situation.
So it was two late hits on the same play? I've never seen a ref throw two flags in that situation. OK, so the ref gives your team (which is currently leading) a 30 yard penalty and flips the field - of course the coach is going to go ballistic. The refs should allow him to vent. When you go on the road you expect a few questionable calls, you don't expect 45 yard penalties. I don't justify Jeffries pulling his team off the field, but the refs were just as responsible for the situation.

In essence what you're saying is because Dunbar was the visiting team no penalties should be called on them no matter how blatant. o_O
In essence what you're saying is because Dunbar was the visiting team no penalties should be called on them no matter how blatant. o_O

If you watch, or are involved with football on any level, at least once a game you have a hard-hitting play where several skirmishes break out. The ref will flag one team if the conduct is egregious or hit both teams with offsetting penalties. But you never see the same team hit with two calls on the same play. And like I said previously, in a hard fought game the coach is going to be livid with 30 penalty yards. The refs have to anticipate his response and let him blow off steam. Why would they give him another unsportsmanlike? If a NFL officiating crew gave one team 45 penalty yards on one play they would never work again in the pros. If any entity is owed an apology it would be Dunbar.
If you watch, or are involved with football on any level, at least once a game you have a hard-hitting play where several skirmishes break out. The ref will flag one team if the conduct is egregious or hit both teams with offsetting penalties. But you never see the same team hit with two calls on the same play. And like I said previously, in a hard fought game the coach is going to be livid with 30 penalty yards. The refs have to anticipate his response and let him blow off steam. Why would they give him another unsportsmanlike? If a NFL officiating crew gave one team 45 penalty yards on one play they would never work again in the pros. If any entity is owed an apology it would be Dunbar.

I really want to understand this... A high school game where you have one team getting out of control with a series of late hits, unsportsman like penalties, followed by a coach who goes out of control... and they deserve an apology? Well, I must admit, every now and then I still get surprised around here. Perhaps we should also apologize for not having sturdier fixtures in our restrooms so they wouldn't come apart when players bash them.

But then, I remember the commentators for the championship game last year suggesting that the refs should stop calling penalties on Douglas because they got far behind - and that they should allow taunting because players 'today' like to celebrate success.

Maybe we need to change the rules, or just change them for certain schools at certain times. Technically, if you have a coach coming off the bench after a play is done and after the penalty is marched off I would assume the ref has the right to tack on another penalty. If I am wrong on this then they should make it a rule so that the coach of a high school team doesn't pull that kind of crap in front of the students. An apology for that kind of behavior? Truth... the coach should be fired.

If an Alco or FH coach had players trash a restroom, allow his team to get out of control on the field and then contribute to the meltdown himself - followed by pulling his team off the field - that coach would be gone. I have little doubt.
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And like I said previously, in a hard fought game the coach is going to be livid with 30 penalty yards. The refs have to anticipate his response and let him blow off steam. Why would they give him another unsportsmanlike?

As I remember, he came on the field to yell at the ref, after a player had just slammed his helmet as he was coming off the field, after the on field infraction prior to that.

The only call that I might say was even the slightest bit questionable was the call against the Dunbar player who removed his helmet prior to coming all the way off the field and then flung his helmet down the sideline. Normally refs aren't going to call off field displays of anger, but this happened as he was leaving the field. That is up to the refs discretion to make that call or not - especially on the heels of an on-field infraction. Officials have domain over the entire field, including the sidelines. In fact they have domain over the entire stadium, including the ability to warn the crowd and to call penalties against the band or any other off-field group.

So while it may not have been a call every ref would make - it is not unprecedented or incorrect for the referee to flag that behavior. The flag against the coach came after the ref put his hand up to wave Jeffries back and Jeffries continued to march onto the field. After that flag, and while Coach was already on the field is when he abruptly signaled for his players to leave the field.

It's all televised and can be watched via Commercial Video. We don't have on field mics, so we don't know specifically what was said or by whom, but visually, it's all cut and dry. A player made a bad hit and got flagged for a personal foul. Said player began removing his helmet as he left the field and threw his helmet in anger towards the sideline and got flagged for unsportsmanlike. Then coach came onto the field to address a ref who waved him back to the sideline and drew another unsportsmanlike when he kept coming out.

It was a crazy display.
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FHHSAHS totally nails the events that transpired. It's all on tape, with respect to the personal fouls and what transpired.
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that the three calls that Boyz is talking about all came with Fort Hill inside the thirty, or just outside. (I think that it was the 28) I know that the ball should have wound up around the four.

I have to ask, why are we discussing this issue now? Would we be talking about it if Fort Hill was on a 28 game losing streak? I'd bet not. Kids read this board and the only thing that I can see happening here is that this type of nonsense becomes a distraction to the kids currently in the system. I guess that some people can't let go of things no matter what the cost to someone else.
As I remember, he came on the field to yell at the ref, after a player had just slammed his helmet as he was coming off the field, after the on field infraction prior to that.

The only call that I might say was even the slightest bit questionable was the call against the Dunbar player who removed his helmet prior to coming all the way off the field and then flung his helmet down the sideline. Normally refs aren't going to call off field displays of anger, but this happened as he was leaving the field. That is up to the refs discretion to make that call or not - especially on the heels of an on-field infraction. Officials have domain over the entire field, including the sidelines. In fact they have domain over the entire stadium, including the ability to warn the crowd and to call penalties against the band or any other off-field group.

So while it may not have been a call every ref would make - it is not unprecedented or incorrect for the referee to flag that behavior. The flag against the coach came after the ref put his hand up to wave Jeffries back and Jeffries continued to march onto the field. After that flag, and while Coach was already on the field is when he abruptly signaled for his players to leave the field.

It's all televised and can be watched via Commercial Video. We don't have on field mics, so we don't know specifically what was said or by whom, but visually, it's all cut and dry. A player made a bad hit and got flagged for a personal foul. Said player began removing his helmet as he left the field and threw his helmet in anger towards the sideline and got flagged for unsportsmanlike. Then coach came onto the field to address a ref who waved him back to the sideline and drew another unsportsmanlike when he kept coming out.

It was a crazy display.

Well, what you're saying is kind of my point. The refs already gave Dunbar an unsportsmanlike. Then the player threw his helmet on the sidelines. An emotional immature response, but was it worthy of another penalty? Over the years we've occasionally seen both Alco and FH players lose their cool on the field and sidelines. OK, so now in a closely contested game on the road they just gave Fort Hill 30 yards. The coach wants to know what's going on. It's the referee's job to go talk to the coach and explain the calls. Any coach is going to be upset - he doesn't want to waved back to the sideline. As I said before, no excuse for Coach Jefferies - I'm sure if you ask him today he regrets walking off. But the refs showed very poor discretion, and actually made the situation worse. And once again, in your lifetime you will never see another game when one team is awarded 45 penalty yards. This one game is not a reflection of the overall performance of referees at Greenway.
Well, what you're saying is kind of my point. The refs already gave Dunbar an unsportsmanlike. Then the player threw his helmet on the sidelines. An emotional immature response, but was it worthy of another penalty? Over the years we've occasionally seen both Alco and FH players lose their cool on the field and sidelines. OK, so now in a closely contested game on the road they just gave Fort Hill 30 yards. The coach wants to know what's going on. It's the referee's job to go talk to the coach and explain the calls. Any coach is going to be upset - he doesn't want to waved back to the sideline. As I said before, no excuse for Coach Jefferies - I'm sure if you ask him today he regrets walking off. But the refs showed very poor discretion, and actually made the situation worse. And once again, in your lifetime you will never see another game when one team is awarded 45 penalty yards. This one game is not a reflection of the overall performance of referees at Greenway.

Hopefully, we will never see another coach deserve the penalty. A coach doesn't walk out on the field and refuse to leave. They should have stopped the game and ejected him. Worse, he pulled his team and made up a story about racist remarks. It doesn't matter about the total yards penalized. What matters is the total infractions that caused the flags. The refs did nothing wrong. You are merely kicking up dust about an "upset" coach - big freaking deal. Here's a clue: the refs are not responsible any coach's self image.
The problems at the Dunbar game were an example of bad ref decisions allowing a situation to get out of control. After watching football for 30 plus years, I still haven't seen another situation when the refs called 3 personal fouls in a row, awarding the home team 45 yards in field position, lol. The racial stuff was overblown. Evidently there were n-words thrown back and forth between a Fort Hill player and a Dunbar player. The FH player was very light-skinned and with his helmet on may have been mistaken as white by the Dunbar players. The Dunbar coach, who is currently the head coach of Oxon Hill high school in Maryland, produced 3 Pro-Bowl players during his tenure at Dunbar.

Yes I thought the refs were horrible at that game. They would'nt let the kids play and let it get out of hand.Although I do believe that Dunbar Coach is a racist himself and just tried to play the race card for his actions of taking the ball and going home. They were winning but you could tell FH was the better team and was starting to put it on them...
Well, what you're saying is kind of my point. The refs already gave Dunbar an unsportsmanlike. Then the player threw his helmet on the sidelines. An emotional immature response, but was it worthy of another penalty? Over the years we've occasionally seen both Alco and FH players lose their cool on the field and sidelines. OK, so now in a closely contested game on the road they just gave Fort Hill 30 yards. The coach wants to know what's going on. It's the referee's job to go talk to the coach and explain the calls. Any coach is going to be upset - he doesn't want to waved back to the sideline. As I said before, no excuse for Coach Jefferies - I'm sure if you ask him today he regrets walking off. But the refs showed very poor discretion, and actually made the situation worse. And once again, in your lifetime you will never see another game when one team is awarded 45 penalty yards. This one game is not a reflection of the overall performance of referees at Greenway.
Wait What????????
So an unsportsmanlike on the field, a player go nuts yelling at the ref and slams and kicks his helmet on the sideline and you want to know why the Referee Penalized him??????
The Coach then acted like a jackass and went onto the field yelling at the refs they waved him to get off the field and he kept yelling and stayed on the field and you still want to know why they flagged him????? Their job is to go talk to the coaches? good officials will talk to a coach but in no way do they have to for any reason. coaches want an explanation and sometimes they will get it and sometimes they won't when acting like idiots. Thinking the World is against you all the time is bad way to live and bad to teach his players this same way of thinking and the next thing you will tell us is that The Baltimore Riots were all on the Police and they should just sit back and let people get their frustrations out. No they should of warned them and gave them 5 minutes and opened fire just like the refs in this game they told the coach to get off the field and he refused so they penalized him. IT's Called Authority
just like the idiot Marshawn Lynch, he works for the NFL Owners and if they say he is to talk to the media, he should be there to talk and do what they tell him to as he works for them, if they tell him to dress up like a clown and talk to kids with a red nose and floppy shoes, he should be doing it or find another job that will pay you millions to play a game like a kid!!
Way outta bounds bigdawg! While i totally agree with u in regards to the Dunbar DC incident, firing on people in Bmore for destroying material things is a little extreme! As egregious as the riots were, killing is what started the problem so it definitely wouldn't have been the problem solver! As for Lynch, that man isnt owned by the owner. He has the right not to speak and pays a hefty fine for not doing so. I will never understand why others care so much if he speaks or not.
Lynch signed a contract with a company that spelled out what he must do. Don't wanna do it? Don't sign the paper. I agree with Dawg on that.
Wait What????????
So an unsportsmanlike on the field, a player go nuts yelling at the ref and slams and kicks his helmet on the sideline and you want to know why the Referee Penalized him??????
The Coach then acted like a jackass and went onto the field yelling at the refs they waved him to get off the field and he kept yelling and stayed on the field and you still want to know why they flagged him????? Their job is to go talk to the coaches? good officials will talk to a coach but in no way do they have to for any reason. coaches want an explanation and sometimes they will get it and sometimes they won't when acting like idiots. Thinking the World is against you all the time is bad way to live and bad to teach his players this same way of thinking and the next thing you will tell us is that The Baltimore Riots were all on the Police and they should just sit back and let people get their frustrations out. No they should of warned them and gave them 5 minutes and opened fire just like the refs in this game they told the coach to get off the field and he refused so they penalized him. IT's Called Authority
just like the idiot Marshawn Lynch, he works for the NFL Owners and if they say he is to talk to the media, he should be there to talk and do what they tell him to as he works for them, if they tell him to dress up like a clown and talk to kids with a red nose and floppy shoes, he should be doing it or find another job that will pay you millions to play a game like a kid!!

Hey! Welcome back Dawg. The gangs all here! Love your posts. Serve 'em up.
Lynch signed a contract with a company that spelled out what he must do. Don't wanna do it? Don't sign the paper. I agree with Dawg on that.

Everybody wants to stand out. If you can stand out by being an ass... well, some folks decide to do that. I can't believe I would take my son to an autograph session with some of those clowns.
Again, what's the big deal? And in the contract it states if he refuses to speak he gets fined, he refuses therefore the fine. No harm no foul. Now let him come out speak what's on his heart & mind then comes the fines plus the critics! Momma always said...if u ain't got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. I only wish more pro athletes would take his approach!
And back to the topic at hand, KUDOS to local referees for everything they go thru!! That job is the epitome of high risk very low reward! I don't know how they do it! I've seen seen calls go both ways for the home & visiting teams! I've raised hell myself on quite a few occasions. Some r definitely better than others but again, Mr. Referees thank you for ur contributions!