Riverdale Baptist

I just want to see competitive football games in the stadium. I am tired of all the mercy rule games. We expect Southern and Northern to be sacrificial lambs and play FH every year, but God forbid FH is a heavy underdog once in a blue moon. Again, I just want competitive games for both Alco and FH, where the outcome in not decided before halftime. So as long as FH replaces RB with another quality opponent, I am fine with it. Please no more Silver Oak or MATHS.
😂 so RB whoops GC.... And FH looks like 💩 😂..... Good think you guys did bail..... 😂 😂 😂
Sometimes it’s not about being afraid. St. Francis in Baltimore had the same problem with the MIAA. It becomes a safety issue, 180-220 pound OL/DL getting pounded for 48 minutes by 280-340 OL/DL. Not safe for the players. Im sure the players will want to play, but sometimes it’s the coaching staff, and the administrations responsability to protect the kids from themselves. Just my opinion. BTW when St. Francis first changed their program, regular high schools that did play them, gained nothing and had their season ruined by losing multiple players to season ending injuries. The MIAA determined that most of the injuries were just size related. Think what you will.
This is especially true at small schools. The difference between the capabilities of first string and second string are tremendous.. in case you have any doubt. Watch the Cambridge South Dorchester playoff game. From last year..
RB is not in compliance with The Maryland State Public School system, and the truth is they don't have to be. But the State will never sanction a public school playing them in a regular season game. However, if they really want to get on the field with FH, there is this event called the Quad Four. Every year Todd does his best to get the top teams to come here. It's a great day and you see a lot of football. Maybe the HC at RB would want to contact him about participating. They would get to match up some very good talent. Personally, I'd like to see RB to see if they are truly a State powerhouse or just a one-year wonder.
I can't imagine trying to explain emojis and their application in written correspondence to my grandfather. Well pap, remember when your daughters wasted money on stickers growing up? It's amazing actually. Some grown men choose to communicate in the same fashion your daughters did when they were children. Do you remember those pages of stickers they begged you to buy from Town and Country? They'd put clouds, rainbows, unicorns, stars on notebooks and everything else wouldn't they?? So, in the year 2024, grown men do basically the same thing....and often Yes sir, I know it sounds strange, but yes, they paste stickers with faces so others understand their feelings/emotions on a subject. Correct pap, times have really changed. I understand you guys didn't have time and wouldn't want to play with stickers. I know men didn't share their feelings in your day. I know you didn't have time for crap like that because there was work to do. I know. I'm just explaining how certain men choose to communicate these days. Yeah, anyway, what do you think about the team this year pap?

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