What will change in a year?


All State Poster
Sep 26, 2001
I read a lot on this board about FH youth on the line and how it was a disadvantage in their game with Dunbar. Next year FH will have a better chance to beat Dunbar. Really? When Dunbar comes to Cumberland next year they will still be faster, more athletic and more physical then FH. You think because they are a senior-laden team this year that FH will have an advantage because their lineman have a year of experience? Will the linemen become faster or more athletic? No. Dunbar may have 4 or 5 transfers before next year. Will FH be able to throw the football against them? Can FH stop the big play next year? Dunbar had several juniors on the field. The kid who had a pick6 is a junior. I believe a couple hideouts are juniors. It doesn't matter they will replace their losses. Does FH have a replacement for Daniles?This isn't a knock on FH, just being realistic.
I read a lot on this board about FH youth on the line and how it was a disadvantage in their game with Dunbar. Next year FH will have a better chance to beat Dunbar. Really? When Dunbar comes to Cumberland next year they will still be faster, more athletic and more physical than FH. You think because they are a senior-laden team this year that FH will have an advantage because their lineman have a year of experience? Will the linemen become faster or more athletic? No. Dunbar may have 4 or 5 transfers before next year. Will FH be able to throw the football against them? Can FH stop the big play next year? Dunbar had several juniors on the field. The kid who had a pick6 is a junior. I believe a couple hideouts are juniors. It doesn't matter they will replace their losses. Does FH have a replacement for Daniles?This isn't a knock on FH, just being realistic.

I read a lot on this board about FH youth on the line and how it was a disadvantage in their game with Dunbar. Next year FH will have a better chance to beat Dunbar. Really? When Dunbar comes to Cumberland next year they will still be faster, more athletic and more physical then FH. You think because they are a senior-laden team this year that FH will have an advantage because their lineman have a year of experience? Will the linemen become faster or more athletic? No. Dunbar may have 4 or 5 transfers before next year. Will FH be able to throw the football against them? Can FH stop the big play next year? Dunbar had several juniors on the field. The kid who had a pick6 is a junior. I believe a couple hideouts are juniors. It doesn't matter they will replace their losses. Does FH have a replacement for Daniles?This isn't a knock on FH, just being realistic.
Here’s what changes. The Fort Hill team of 2023 beats this Fort Hill team by four touchdowns minimum and most likely five or six touchdowns if they play a full 4 quarters. If Dunbar would have played Wadsworth last year they would have been blown off the field. Wadsworth had a far superior team and passing attack then what Dunbar displayed.. The Fort Hill team of 2022 beats this team by three touchdowns and most likely much more. Everyone I talked to said Fort Hill would lose three or four games this year.

I know next years team with juniors and seniors will be far superior to this years team of juniors and 10 sophomores. Even taking into account the excellent seniors we lose.
It’s easy to blame the coaches, but the coaches looked like they did a phenomenal job coaching the secondary last year. The coaches also looked like they did an incredible job with the quarterback last year. I suspect that everyone was right who said this team needs a lot of work.
I’ve seen you speak very negatively about Fort Hill in the past so here’s the deal.

You can put up $100 and I will put up 200 to bet you.

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Here’s what changes. The Fort Hill team of 2023 beats this Fort Hill team by four touchdowns minimum and most likely five or six touchdowns if they play a full 4 quarters. If Dunbar would have played Wadsworth last year they would have been blown off the field. Wadsworth had a far superior team and passing attack then what Dunbar displayed.. The Fort Hill team of 2022 beats this team by three touchdowns and most likely much more. Everyone I talked to said Fort Hill would lose three or four games this year.

I know next years team with juniors and seniors will be far superior to this years team of juniors and 10 sophomores. Even taking into account the excellent seniors we lose.
It’s easy to blame the coaches, but the coaches looked like they did a phenomenal job coaching the secondary last year. The coaches also looked like they did an incredible job with the quarterback last year. I suspect that everyone was right who said this team needs a lot of work.
I’ve seen you speak very negatively about Fort Hill in the past so here’s the deal.

You can put up $100 and I will put up 200 to bet you.

And the 1972 Dolphins would beat this year's dolphin team by a lot. Not sure what your point is, but can you answers I posed to you in my post. Dunbar didn't change anything offensively to beat FH. But FH did. That should speak volumes to you. Furthermore, I saw quite a few FH players holding their arms and shoulders coming off the field. Unless FH can out run, be more athletic and more physical, the result will likely be the same.
And the 1972 Dolphins would beat this year's dolphin team by a lot. Not sure what your point is, but can you answers I posed to you in my post. Dunbar didn't change anything offensively to beat FH. But FH did. That should speak volumes to you. Furthermore, I saw quite a few FH players holding their arms and shoulders coming off the field. Unless FH can out run, be more athletic and more physical, the result will likely be the same.
Talk talk talk. Put your money where your mouth is, but you won’t.. Dunbar did not play Fort Hill, any of the last four years. They would have lost every one of those games by a substantial margin. They didn’t play Fort Hill during the Ty Johnson,Barnes era either, they would have lost those games by substantial margin. Also. It’s so easy to talk big on a keyboard.
Talk talk talk. Put your money where your mouth is, but you won’t.. Dunbar did not play Fort Hill, any of the last four years. They would have lost every one of those games by a substantial margin. They didn’t play Fort Hill during the Ty Johnson,Barnes era either, they would have lost those games by substantial margin. Also. It’s so easy to talk big on a keyboard.
I already know what you will say when Fort Hill wins next year. You’ll probably say so what Fort Hill won 1 game out of the last four or whatever. People like you are just talkers. When Fort Hill beat Mountain Ridge by one or two points in the State championship that game could have gone either way also. Same with the Dunbar game in 2017 where they won by four points. It could have gone either way. They are not heads and tails better than Fort Hill. This is an inexperienced team that is not near the caliber that Fort Hill has been in the past. Anybody with a brain could watch that game and see it. The quarterback is not up to par yet. The offensive of and defensive lines are not great. The secondary is not good. We are lucky enough to have a great coaching staff, and I believe this team will be very good by the end of the year. The last three Fort Hill teams have been great. Relish in this loss. Who knows you might be able to enjoy the holidaysburg and Briarwoods games also. That was not a great Dunbar team. Unless Fort Hill gets much better in a hurry, they may lose two more.
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Here’s what changes. The Fort Hill team of 2023 beats this Fort Hill team by four touchdowns minimum and most likely five or six touchdowns if they play a full 4 quarters. If Dunbar would have played Wadsworth last year they would have been blown off the field. Wadsworth had a far superior team and passing attack then what Dunbar displayed.. The Fort Hill team of 2022 beats this team by three touchdowns and most likely much more. Everyone I talked to said Fort Hill would lose three or four games this year.

I know next years team with juniors and seniors will be far superior to this years team of juniors and 10 sophomores. Even taking into account the excellent seniors we lose.
It’s easy to blame the coaches, but the coaches looked like they did a phenomenal job coaching the secondary last year. The coaches also looked like they did an incredible job with the quarterback last year. I suspect that everyone was right who said this team needs a lot of work.
I’ve seen you speak very negatively about Fort Hill in the past so here’s the deal.

You can put up $100 and I will put up 200 to bet you.


You are so right about the QB Brown from last year. I've never seen a player improve from the beginning to the end of the year like he did. Gotta give the coaches some credit for that. And I believe you're right about last year's Wadsworth team. Their QB was a master at directing that offense. I don't know of anyone who thought FH had a realistic chance at beating Dunbar this year, yet there are those who seem to be treating it as some sort of upset.
I'm not a believer that Class 1A and Class 1A/2A are super poor. 1A ball has always been 1A ball competition. It's more a matter of FH and Dunbar being an anomaly to the system. Enrollments are the indicator but don't seem to apply to either of these schools the past 15 years in regards to winning consistency. Both are just miles ahead of their classmates.

There is a super good chance both FH and Dunbar win their 4th straight state titles this season, a feat that's only been done twice before. From what I see on the field, FH is going to be a favorite to win a state title the next 3-4 years in a row. Not because FH is invincible, but they are really a strong 3A program playing against 1A competition.

If anyone in 1A is going to take a title away from FH it probably would be best to do so this season based on how extremely young the Sentinels are on the depth chart. It's not unfathomable for FH to lose 3 or so regular season games this year but still be the favorites in the post season. Not sure how good Cambridge-SD is this year. They seem like the team to push the title envelope at this early phase. Only time will tell.

Dunbar and FH should play Week 2 every year. Despite Dunbar holding a big edge in the series, with the exception of maybe 2 match ups the games have been as close as they could be coming down to one or two plays. This rivalry can be as good as it gets.
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I'm not a believer that Class 1A and Class 1A/2A are super poor. 1A ball has always been 1A ball competition. It's more a matter of FH and Dunbar being an anomaly to the system. Enrollments are the indicator but don't seem to apply to either of these schools the past 15 years in regards to winning consistency. Both are just miles ahead of their classmates.

There is a super good chance both FH and Dunbar win their 4th straight state titles this season, a feat that's only been done twice before. From what I see on the field, FH is going to be a favorite to win a state title the next 3-4 years in a row. Not because FH is invincible, but they are really a strong 3A program playing against 1A competition.

If anyone in 1A is going to take a title away from FH it probably would be best to do so this season based on how extremely young the Sentinels are on the depth chart. It's not unfathomable for FH to lose 3 or so regular season games this year but still be the favorites in the post season. Not sure how good Cambridge-SD is this year. They seem like the team to push the title envelope at this early phase. Only time will tell.

Dunbar and FH should play Week 2 every year. Despite Dunbar holding a big edge in the series, with the exception of maybe 2 match ups the games have been as close as they could be coming down to one or two plays. This rivalry can be as good as it gets.
So true. Anytime you have a 1 score game it’s an extremely competitive game. This coaching staff does a great job at getting the most from its players. Without the pick six this was a 1 score game too. I don’t think any reasonable Fort Hill fan expected that this year. I really hope we can continue the series also.
I'm not a believer that Class 1A and Class 1A/2A are super poor. 1A ball has always been 1A ball competition. It's more a matter of FH and Dunbar being an anomaly to the system. Enrollments are the indicator but don't seem to apply to either of these schools the past 15 years in regards to winning consistency. Both are just miles ahead of their classmates.

There is a super good chance both FH and Dunbar win their 4th straight state titles this season, a feat that's only been done twice before. From what I see on the field, FH is going to be a favorite to win a state title the next 3-4 years in a row. Not because FH is invincible, but they are really a strong 3A program playing against 1A competition.

If anyone in 1A is going to take a title away from FH it probably would be best to do so this season based on how extremely young the Sentinels are on the depth chart. It's not unfathomable for FH to lose 3 or so regular season games this year but still be the favorites in the post season. Not sure how good Cambridge-SD is this year. They seem like the team to push the title envelope at this early phase. Only time will tell.

Dunbar and FH should play Week 2 every year. Despite Dunbar holding a big edge in the series, with the exception of maybe 2 match ups the games have been as close as they could be coming down to one or two plays. This rivalry can be as good as it gets.

Read that Toby Peer is no longer the coach at Cambridge.
Nice write up, thanks for sharing Big. But who in their right mind would run the football every play? Just kidding!

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