
please let us all know if you have lower taxes this year or last.....
Merry Christmas!!
obama had 18 lies, bullshit, he NEVER lied did he?
never, when he said i'd get to keep my doctor and i didn't, it wasn't a lie. when he said i'd get to keep my health insurance and i didn't it wasn't a lie. when he said illegals would never get free healthcare it wasn't a lie. when he said he didn't know hillary was using a personal email account but he was using it to send her emails, he wasn't lying then either...he never lied, he was a saint.
never, when he said i'd get to keep my doctor and i didn't, it wasn't a lie. when he said i'd get to keep my health insurance and i didn't it wasn't a lie. when he said illegals would never get free healthcare it wasn't a lie. when he said he didn't know hillary was using a personal email account but he was using it to send her emails, he wasn't lying then either...he never lied, he was a saint.

As always, you and BigDawg missed the whole point, lol. Did Obama tell lies? Of course he did. Do all politicians/presidents tell lies? Of course they do. But our current president is telling lies on an unprecedented scale.
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please let us all know if you have lower taxes this year or last.....
Merry Christmas!!
according to boyz we missed the point. please don't use facts,just throw out fake news from the ny slimes as your reference for all posts, that way you're sure not to miss the point and know what you should post and how to post it. aren't we lucky we have boyz to explain what purple peace means?
according to boyz we missed the point. please don't use facts,just throw out fake news from the ny slimes as your reference for all posts, that way you're sure not to miss the point and know what you should post and how to post it. aren't we lucky we have boyz to explain what purple peace means?

LOL how did I know it would be "Fake News".. I was gonna tell boyz that would be Trump supporters response, but I decided against it. But I knew it. Anything anti-trump is "Fake News" o_O
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LOL how did I know it would be "Fake News".. I was gonna tell boyz that would be Trump supporters response, but I decided against it. But I knew it. Anything anti-trump is "Fake News" o_O

I am certainly not in agreement with much Boyz says, but bigsavage is correct, the "Fake News" comment was very predictable.

Here's a question: When will the far right's propaganda machine, a.k.a. Fox News, be considered part of the mainstream media? After all, Fox News touts being the #1 news' source in the U. S. It also claims to be "Fair and Balanced" - really? If any person truly believes the latter I have some very beautiful island property to sell you in the Potomac River - parallel to the CSX tracks.

Now, before any poster wants to claim MSNBC is the propaganda machine for the far left, I certainly won't disagree.

The best news source in the U. S. today is National Public Radio, but we know what members of Congress want to do with it.

Regardless of whether it is Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc. most pseudo news' sources in the U. S. today are opinion. Why? Well, it's very difficult to entertain people 24x7. The unfortunate reality is opinion has blurred facts in all news' mainstream news' sources, including Fox News.

Oh, how I yearn for the days of Sargent Friday of Dragnet - "Just the facts, Mam. Just the facts."
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I am certainly not in agreement with much Boyz says, but bigsavage is correct, the "Fake News" comment was very predictable.

Here's a question: When will the far right's propaganda machine, a.k.a. Fox News, be considered part of the mainstream media? After all, Fox News touts being the #1 news' source in the U. S. It also claims to be "Fair and Balanced" - really? If any person truly believes the latter I have some very beautiful island property to sell you in the Potomac River - parallel to the CSX tracks.

Now, before any poster wants to claim MSNBC is the propaganda machine for the far left, I certainly won't disagree.

The best news source in the U. S. today is National Public Radio, but we know what members of Congress want to do with it.

Regardless of whether it is Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc. most pseudo news' sources in the U. S. today are opinion. Why? Well, it's very difficult to entertain people 24x7. The unfortunate reality is opinion has blurred facts in all news' mainstream news' sources, including Fox News.

Oh, how I yearn for the days of Sargent Friday of Dragnet - "Just the facts, Mam. Just the facts."

It was SOOOO predictable. Not to insult anyone but its like listening to mindless robots repeating programmed information over and over again without an original thought of their own. This dystopian nightmare can't end soon enough...
LOL how did I know it would be "Fake News".. I was gonna tell boyz that would be Trump supporters response, but I decided against it. But I knew it. Anything anti-trump is "Fake News" o_O
funny, exactly what i knew the response would be, too easy. your assumption that i'm a trump supporter is based on what? my contempt for obama? that's a bit of a jump to think because somebody doesn't like a president or thinks he's a liar that they then like the next one. wouldn't it be safer to assume i'm making the point all presidents and all politicians lie.
i have to say your immediate jump on the fake news part shows how the right has gotten to you, you shouldn't let them, be your own person.
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I am certainly not in agreement with much Boyz says, but bigsavage is correct, the "Fake News" comment was very predictable.

Here's a question: When will the far right's propaganda machine, a.k.a. Fox News, be considered part of the mainstream media? After all, Fox News touts being the #1 news' source in the U. S. It also claims to be "Fair and Balanced" - really? If any person truly believes the latter I have some very beautiful island property to sell you in the Potomac River - parallel to the CSX tracks.

Now, before any poster wants to claim MSNBC is the propaganda machine for the far left, I certainly won't disagree.

The best news source in the U. S. today is National Public Radio, but we know what members of Congress want to do with it.

Regardless of whether it is Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc. most pseudo news' sources in the U. S. today are opinion. Why? Well, it's very difficult to entertain people 24x7. The unfortunate reality is opinion has blurred facts in all news' mainstream news' sources, including Fox News.

Oh, how I yearn for the days of Sargent Friday of Dragnet - "Just the facts, Mam. Just the facts."
maybe it would be best just to add up the retractions fox news has made the last year, and then add up the retrations from non-right leaning news programs. maybe we should also add up how many people have been fired for lying about stories and it even close?
It was SOOOO predictable. Not to insult anyone but its like listening to mindless robots repeating programmed information over and over again without an original thought of their own. This dystopian nightmare can't end soon enough...
isn't propaganda machine/fake news repeating programmed information like a mindless robot?
maybe it would be best just to add up the retractions fox news has made the last year, and then add up the retrations from non-right leaning news programs. maybe we should also add up how many people have been fired for lying about stories and it even close?

Well, there is a fairly easy response to your statement: Fox News doesn't retract least in a timely manner. Also, CNN dismisses individuals when they incorrectly report. Fox News does not.

"Both networks, however, have recently published “fake news.” And when it comes to responding to the credibility crisis, CNN definitively comes out on top: The network moved quickly to remove the story, investigate the issue, change structures to address the problem, and hold the people involved accountable.

Sean Hannity, meanwhile, maintains his nightly program on Fox, and continues to use his platform to promote a debunked and retracted story.

Need I continue or does the audience want to return to discussing football?
Well, there is a fairly easy response to your statement: Fox News doesn't retract least in a timely manner. Also, CNN dismisses individuals when they incorrectly report. Fox News does not.

"Both networks, however, have recently published “fake news.” And when it comes to responding to the credibility crisis, CNN definitively comes out on top: The network moved quickly to remove the story, investigate the issue, change structures to address the problem, and hold the people involved accountable.

Sean Hannity, meanwhile, maintains his nightly program on Fox, and continues to use his platform to promote a debunked and retracted story.

Need I continue or does the audience want to return to discussing football?
i think you should go back to discussing football if all you got is sean hannity. did he make up a war story that never happened like brian williams? did he get caught with a button under his desk to lock women in his office like matt lauer? did he hold up obama's head like kathy griffin held up trumps? i don't watch sean, but since you are the expert on him maybe you can tell me what he's done that's equal to any of these employees of networks you seem to think are credible. Is it because they got fired that makes the network credible? If sean hannity gets fired does that make fox credible? they fired bill o'reilly and ayers, doesn't that mean they are credible according to your theory?
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i think you should go back to discussing football if all you got is sean hannity. did he make up a war story that never happened like brian williams? did he get caught with a button under his desk to lock women in his office like matt lauer? did he hold up obama's head like kathy griffin held up trumps? i don't watch sean, but since you are the expert on him maybe you can tell me what he's done that's equal to any of these employees of networks you seem to think are credible. Is it because they got fired that makes the network credible? If sean hannity gets fired does that make fox credible? they fired bill o'reilly and ayers, doesn't that mean they are credible according to your theory?

Uh...Hannity is not all that I have. If you want more, I will give it to you. In fact, I can lead you to some information that clearly rates truth vs. lies. One thing I found interesting when reviewing the information is that many of the lies told on MSNBC were by right-leaning talking heads.

Also, sh** is spewed from both sides. I believe I mentioned that early during this discussion. There has to be entertainment value to so-called news when it is on 24 x 7. Otherwise, folks would not watch. Again, people have been lured into thinking editorial commentary is news - it is not.

Your talking points are all over the map, so to speak. Lauer, O'Reilly, and Ayers were all fired for other reasons not related to spreading false information. Yes, Kathy Griffin, was rather disgusting. It ranked up there with Ted Nugent's ignorant comments about HRC and the former POTUS. Then again, the current POTUS invited Nugent to the White House. How kind of him.

Since you have decided to the go the route of the unrelated, do you also want to contrast the number of golf outings Obama went on versus Trump? Do you remember how those to the right really had a difficult time with golf outings during Obama's term? Not much is said about Trump's golf outings by the right though. Have you noticed that?

Read the article if you want to learn the lies Hannity continues to spew. As much as Fox News is pro-Trump, it was and still is as much anti-Obama and anti-HRC. Again, I will be the first to admit MSNBC is just the opposite. That seems to be the difference in our perspectives of both. I will admit both Fox and MSNBC are addressing two different audiences with editorial commentary that leans far right and far left. I'm not witnessing that same objectivity in your comments.

Have a good night.

Peace be with you.
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Uh...Hannity is not all that I have. If you want more, I will give it to you. In fact, I can lead you to some information that clearly rates truth vs. lies. One thing I found interesting when reviewing the information is that many of the lies told on MSNBC were by right-leaning talking heads.

Also, sh** is spewed from both sides. I believe I mentioned that early during this discussion. There has to be entertainment value to so-called news when it is on 24 x 7. Otherwise, folks would not watch. Again, people have been lured into thinking editorial commentary is news - it is not.

Your talking points are all over the map, so to speak. Lauer, O'Reilly, and Ayers were all fired for other reasons not related to spreading false information. Yes, Kathy Griffin, was rather disgusting. It ranked up there with Ted Nugent's ignorant comments about HRC and the former POTUS. Then again, the current POTUS invited Nugent to the White House. How kind of him.

Since you have decided to the go the route of the unrelated, do you also want to contrast the number of golf outings Obama went on versus Trump? Do you remember how those to the right really had a difficult time with golf outings during Obama's term? Not much is said about Trump's golf outings by the right though. Have you noticed that?

Read the article if you want to learn the lies Hannity continues to spew. As much as Fox News is pro-Trump, it was and still is as much anti-Obama and anti-HRC. Again, I will be the first to admit MSNBC is just the opposite. That seems to be the difference in our perspectives of both. I will admit both Fox and MSNBC are addressing two different audiences with editorial commentary that leans far right and far left. I'm not witnessing that same objectivity in your comments.

Have a good night.

Peace be with you.
I'm not trying to prove objectivity to you, I'm not a news anchor or journalist so I have no responsibility to be objective to you or anybody. I posted to this thread about health insurance. Somebody did not like the facts so they hijacked it by referencing lies by trump as provided by the ny slimes. What did that have to do with my post? You still haven't addressed the 32 times on camera obama lied to us about our doctor, our insurance, and our rates. which was my original post. How is anything trump done relevant to that post? Y
If you want to talk about sticking to a subject or being all over the place, then go for it, test yourself and try. If you want to throw out Trump golfing then you are all over the place. Obama golfed more than any president in history. Michelle spent more money on vacations than any first lady. They flew separately more than any couple in history, even when going to the same place. So what? It is what it is, it doesn't change anything.
You said cnn was credible because they dealt with issues, I said fox did the same thing. You didn't put in a qualifier that said it had to be about a retraction. Even if you had, you still didn't tell me why sean hannity comes up in your comments when you are unbiased. Did you talk about anything a lib on abc/nbc/cbs has done that you didn't like, or just comment on them when I brought them up.
When Obama golfed he deserved it because he worked hard. Trump golfs and your point is what? It looks like you are desperate to demean Trump in order to make Obama look better. If you can give meONE example of anything Trump has done to compare with the healthcare lies, have at it.
Trump doesn't take a salary, and he donates it to charity, did you forget to mention that? Maybe the left hasn't talked about that enough for you to hear. You see if you are going to dig at Trump but not give him credit then it seems like you aren't being fair and unbiased. If you hold fox to that standard shouldn't you hold yourself to the same?
I may not have mentioned that my insurance which was supposed to save me a couple thousand a year quadrupled in the very first year, and has went up even more since.
My investments, retirement and 401k have went thru the roof since Trump took office. Maybe you don't have an interest in the markets but I do and it's looking good.
My company handed out bonuses for the first time in 8 years because of the tax reform bill. Their exact words were "our cpa has already determined we will be saving on taxes we send to the govt., therefor, we are reinvesting in our people, facilities, and product expansion, merry xmas".
Sorry brother but the more this goes back and forth the more I'm happy Trump is president and not a lib.
I also hope nothing trump has lied about has hurt you or your family.
Just booked a last minute family vacation with my bonus money thank you Donald Trump. leaving early in the am, a week in the sun, best in the new year to all.
Peace to you also, looking forward to debating our differences in the new year, football or politics..
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I'm not trying to prove objectivity to you, I'm not a news anchor or journalist so I have no responsibility to be objective to you or anybody. I posted to this thread about health insurance. Somebody did not like the facts so they hijacked it by referencing lies by trump as provided by the ny slimes. What did that have to do with my post? You still haven't addressed the 32 times on camera obama lied to us about our doctor, our insurance, and our rates. which was my original post. How is anything trump done relevant to that post? Y
If you want to talk about sticking to a subject or being all over the place, then go for it, test yourself and try. If you want to throw out Trump golfing then you are all over the place. Obama golfed more than any president in history. Michelle spent more money on vacations than any first lady. They flew separately more than any couple in history, even when going to the same place. So what? It is what it is, it doesn't change anything.
You said cnn was credible because they dealt with issues, I said fox did the same thing. You didn't put in a qualifier that said it had to be about a retraction. Even if you had, you still didn't tell me why sean hannity comes up in your comments when you are unbiased. Did you talk about anything a lib on abc/nbc/cbs has done that you didn't like, or just comment on them when I brought them up.
When Obama golfed he deserved it because he worked hard. Trump golfs and your point is what? It looks like you are desperate to demean Trump in order to make Obama look better. If you can give meONE example of anything Trump has done to compare with the healthcare lies, have at it.
Trump doesn't take a salary, and he donates it to charity, did you forget to mention that? Maybe the left hasn't talked about that enough for you to hear. You see if you are going to dig at Trump but not give him credit then it seems like you aren't being fair and unbiased. If you hold fox to that standard shouldn't you hold yourself to the same?
I may not have mentioned that my insurance which was supposed to save me a couple thousand a year quadrupled in the very first year, and has went up even more since.
My investments, retirement and 401k have went thru the roof since Trump took office. Maybe you don't have an interest in the markets but I do and it's looking good.
My company handed out bonuses for the first time in 8 years because of the tax reform bill. Their exact words were "our cpa has already determined we will be saving on taxes we send to the govt., therefor, we are reinvesting in our people, facilities, and product expansion, merry xmas".
Sorry brother but the more this goes back and forth the more I'm happy Trump is president and not a lib.
I also hope nothing trump has lied about has hurt you or your family.
Peace to you also, happy new year and looking forward to debating our differences, football or not.

"If you can give meONE example of anything Trump has done to compare with the healthcare lies, have at it."

Here's 2

"It’s a tax bill for middle class"

“There is no collusion between me and my campaign and the Russians.” (Trump interview with Lester Holt, 5/11/2017)
This is all my fault, guys.. I jokingly asked purpleass to keep the "good" posts coming, and he's continued to deliver meaningless dogshit.

I'm sorry. Definitely wasn't my plan.
This is all my fault, guys.. I jokingly asked purpleass to keep the "good" posts coming, and he's continued to deliver meaningless dogshit.

I'm sorry. Definitely wasn't my plan.

If we can just get through January without killing each other, we can go back to our regularly scheduled arguments over the FH schedule, lol
Like warring chimps flinging dung at each all stinks!
I'm not trying to prove objectivity to you, I'm not a news anchor or journalist so I have no responsibility to be objective to you or anybody. I posted to this thread about health insurance. Somebody did not like the facts so they hijacked it by referencing lies by trump as provided by the ny slimes. What did that have to do with my post? You still haven't addressed the 32 times on camera obama lied to us about our doctor, our insurance, and our rates. which was my original post. How is anything trump done relevant to that post? Y
If you want to talk about sticking to a subject or being all over the place, then go for it, test yourself and try. If you want to throw out Trump golfing then you are all over the place. Obama golfed more than any president in history. Michelle spent more money on vacations than any first lady. They flew separately more than any couple in history, even when going to the same place. So what? It is what it is, it doesn't change anything.
You said cnn was credible because they dealt with issues, I said fox did the same thing. You didn't put in a qualifier that said it had to be about a retraction. Even if you had, you still didn't tell me why sean hannity comes up in your comments when you are unbiased. Did you talk about anything a lib on abc/nbc/cbs has done that you didn't like, or just comment on them when I brought them up.
When Obama golfed he deserved it because he worked hard. Trump golfs and your point is what? It looks like you are desperate to demean Trump in order to make Obama look better. If you can give meONE example of anything Trump has done to compare with the healthcare lies, have at it.
Trump doesn't take a salary, and he donates it to charity, did you forget to mention that? Maybe the left hasn't talked about that enough for you to hear. You see if you are going to dig at Trump but not give him credit then it seems like you aren't being fair and unbiased. If you hold fox to that standard shouldn't you hold yourself to the same?
I may not have mentioned that my insurance which was supposed to save me a couple thousand a year quadrupled in the very first year, and has went up even more since.
My investments, retirement and 401k have went thru the roof since Trump took office. Maybe you don't have an interest in the markets but I do and it's looking good.
My company handed out bonuses for the first time in 8 years because of the tax reform bill. Their exact words were "our cpa has already determined we will be saving on taxes we send to the govt., therefor, we are reinvesting in our people, facilities, and product expansion, merry xmas".
Sorry brother but the more this goes back and forth the more I'm happy Trump is president and not a lib.
I also hope nothing trump has lied about has hurt you or your family.
Just booked a last minute family vacation with my bonus money thank you Donald Trump. leaving early in the am, a week in the sun, best in the new year to all.
Peace to you also, looking forward to debating our differences in the new year, football or politics..

My last comment on the matter:

First Down: Loss of yardage for not being able to follow point/counter point.

Second Down and 15: Loss of yardage for an incorrect formation (a.k.a. inaccurate statement). Well, let's see. Obama was POTUS for eight years, so it stands to reason he would have had more golf outings than Trump. Then again, Trump is outpacing Obama 35 - 24 as of November 13 during each man's first year in office.


Third Down and 20: Loss of yardage for, yet, another incorrect formation (a.k.a. inaccurate statement). I clearly stated the following: "Well, there is a fairly easy response to your statement: Fox News doesn't retract least in a timely manner. Also, CNN dismisses individuals when they incorrectly report. Fox News does not."


Fourth Down and 25: Major loss of yardage due to not being objective about the situation. Instead of punting the football, you have decided to take it upon yourself and to be accountable to no single person.

As this game closes out, I have been both "fair and balanced" in this argument. I've made it very clear that 24 x 7 news is now about entertaining those to the far right (Fox News) and those to the far left (MSNBC). I even mentioned CNN belongs in the mix of pseudo-news because all have become editorial commentary, and opinion is not news.

Regarding vacation time: Well, based on information from Judicial Watch, the former POTUS and his family cost U. S. Taxpayers $96.9 million over eight years in office. That comes out to $33,184.93 per day. In his first 88 days in office, the current POTUS and his family cost U. S. Taxpayers $21 million. That comes out at $238,636.36 per day.


Facts don't lie, but people do knowingly and unknowingly when they don't "objectively" look at facts.

Regarding your portfolio: Good for you, but you need to understand any current economy has been in the making for at least 3-5 years. An economy simply doesn't "turn on a dime." My gosh - I know folks who perceived the national unemployment rate as false when Obama was POTUS and others who perceived it as accurate. Now, within a year, it is very, very accurate to those on the right and inaccurate to those on the left when referring to the same data. Again, people to the far right perceive things they want to see while people to the far left do the very same.

Regarding Hannity: Again, refer to the source I provided if you want the truth about him reporting incorrect information that he didn't retract.

For fact-based news, I would encourage you to check out National Public Radio (NPR) or the BBC. When you do, you will find that neither NPR or the BBC will be biased in a propaganda-like manner to the right or to the left.

Peace be with you.
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This is all my fault, guys.. I jokingly asked purpleass to keep the "good" posts coming, and he's continued to deliver meaningless dogshit.

I'm sorry. Definitely wasn't my plan.
it's all good fun, and we can all have different opinions...those annoyed can change the channel :)
those that think they are the only ones who tell the truth and are the judge and jury as to what is the truth are just not worth the time.
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