The FH definition of a good turnout is usually very different from most programs. FH fans have historically traveled by the thousands to away games--going back decades from my own memories. The townies that regularly comment in this forum are small town hs football fanatics which often leads to less than stellar commentary about opponents, their facilities, etc. Regardless of the truly meaningless banter, this has the makings of a great hs football game. Anyone that thinks otherwise, well, you probably shouldn't put much stock in what they're saying. I expect this game to come down to the wire and may involve OT. I think homefield advantage is a real advantage at this level, during a big game, on a grass field, in the cold. FH is accustomed to playing on a brand new artificial surface--this is a detail that matters. I believe FH will travel well, and certainly better than most teams, but they will not have the crowd they've historically had. A number of folks will likely be out hitting the outlets for Black Friday, so that may encourage Cumberland'ers to make a day of it and take in the game before heading home. Outlets in Gettysburg Cumberland'ers--skip Hagerstown outlets for tax free clothing purchases in PA, js.