Allegany County Football Team


Varsity Poster
Nov 7, 2008
The semi pro team started in the summer and had lots of newspaper coverage for the first 2 games...then they disappeared. Did they fold? Play out the season? Actually went to the first game but didnt recognize any local player names except for Hast
A player told me Hast imploded the team like he did with the Cougars when he took over the financials. This time I believe it was more coaching than financials. He was trying to run a 6-2 defense as I was told in a pro-style offense league. That's impossible. The offensive scheme was also very basic and it was said he didn't want to change so there was a lot of conflict.
They play the first 4 games or so at home before hs games start then they finish the last half of the season away. After first couple games when they play away coverage dwindles and the team is so bad.
Plus, the guys that travel dwindle. There are a lot of guys and there always have been that just want to see themselves in uniforms in front of family and friends. Not real football or team players.

When I played years back is was the same thing. 40 dressed at home 20 away. Some of the best games were away with the 20 players minus the phonies.
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