Jailer - question


Hall of Fame Poster
Nov 27, 2001
Hey Jailer, since you will be the home team announcer for Saturday - question about the public address system.

Is there a rule or anything in regards to what can be said through the PA while plays are in progress? There were a couple times tonight and in a few previous games, where (regardless of who had the ball) when you would kinda give a play-by-play of the on field action.

One instance, I remember off the top of my head was when the QB for FH did a play fake and then ran a bootleg, while the play was going on you said "Graves with the keeper!" - that sort of tips off the other team (if they are listening). Maybe they don't even hear it, I dunno.

You definitely weren't doing anything malicious, I'm not accusing you of that - and it happened a few times for either team. I just wonder if you might use caution if that is not allowed, as a coach might be able to complain and /or get a penalty called on the home team.

If it's not a rule, then carry on. Just thought I would ask.
And beyond that, Jailer....... I've been to a couple games at the stadium this year, Alco and FH both. I have one request- turn the damn thing down. Geez, it's way too loud all the time!!!! Say what you please, but PLEASE don't scream at me!! Thanks.
The only thing the announcer is suppose to say during the game is who ran the ball, how much yardage they pick up. And who made the tackle. Oh, I forgot the fouls that are called .
Originally posted by FHHSAHS:

Is there a rule or anything in regards to what can be said through the PA while plays are in progress? There were a couple times tonight and in a few previous games, where (regardless of who had the ball) when you would kinda give a play-by-play of the on field action.

One instance, I remember off the top of my head was when the QB for FH did a play fake and then ran a bootleg, while the play was going on you said "Graves with the keeper!" - that sort of tips off the other team (if they are listening). Maybe they don't even hear it, I dunno.
The MPSSAA has issued clear directives with respect to this matter: "Do not attempt to do play-by-play." I think Jailer does a nice job, but the "play-by-play" thing is universally recognized as a giant "no-no."

While we're on the topic, if anyone has ever been to a Mountain Ridge game you might notice that their announcer, while generally positive and upbeat, never shuts up, and I mean never shuts up for the entirety of the game. His non-stop "twaddle" (see what I did there) includes everything from imploring Miner fans to get on their feet and cheer on the defense to the price of chicken wings at Coney Pizza, the size of the pepperonis at Fat Boys, the upcoming date of Frostburg Derby Days, and in one instance saying "that's my boy" when his son scored a touchdown. Seems like a stand up guy, but literally he doesn't shut up even for a second the entire

This post was edited on 11/4 8:13 AM by PolkHighPride
Add down and distance and you nailed it,Green

This post was edited on 11/4 8:19 AM by OneRing
If you are going to call the penalties, call the right penalties. So many times the PA guy doesn't call the penalty correctly.
Thanks for the information fella;

First of all, the equipment used at the stadium for horrible! Little or no control over the volume at all. I hear it all the time. People on the home side they can hear...while the visitor side complain it is to loud. I try to adjust it the best I can, but there doesn't see to be a happy medium here.

As far as the game calling...I agree...I over do it on the play calling at time. When I am in the booth, I do the offensive team and my spotter gives me the defensive numbers. You are right in that I should not call the play as it happens and I will work on that. So thanks for that constructive critique.

I will try to do better. I appreciate the atta boys and will work to make it a better experience this Saturday.

Good luck to both teams Saturday....IT'S HOMECOMING FOLKS and all about Cumberland coming together... :)
Re: Thanks for the information fella;

This was totally meant as constructive on my part. I don't envy the PA announcers.

When FH played at Silver Oak this season, they had no announcer or scoreboard operator so I volunteered to do both. Good Lord. I ended up having to focus solely on the scoreboard and only call occasional plays like TDs and turnovers. I've never been nervous behind a microphone in my

Hats off to the public address guys!! Thanks for the response Jailerman.
Re: Thanks for the information fella;

Thank you so much. You are absolutely right, you have to really concentrate when announcing because so much goes on. Then you get the occasional announcement for people for lost keys, selling something at the concessions, plus knowing the signals of the officials, yard, down and of course who is running the ball and the tackler.

There has been many a night I come home with a terrific headache and have to unwind...but I love doing it and that's the final thing with me.

Once again, thank you for your is appreciated... :)
Re: Thanks for the information fella;

You do a good job Jailer. I enjoy your announcing, just a few minor things. I know you really get into the game and do a good job !!

This post was edited on 11/5 4:57 PM by GREEN75
Not sure who did the PA announcing at Little Homecoming but they did a great job anytime a player was hurt making sure to give the players their due

Worst thing a PA guy can do is not know the players for the home team or not know how to say their names. The FH guy was killing me early in the season with his lack of preparedness.
A funny story about player names...

...a few years back, I was doing the Sidwell Friends game at the stadium. If you know anything about the Friends, they are from all over the place meaning different countries and origins to name a few.

Some of those Muslim, Jewish, Mexican or whatever names really got wild doing that game.

For instance, (this is not his real name), a players name was Muhammad Lester Abudabe El Bey. Try saying that ten times without goofing it up. Well I did! To top it off, the guy who I took over the announcing duties knew I was having trouble with that name. So as the game goes on, I relied on him for names to call...guess what?...even though the kid was not even in the play...he would tell me he was and I would announce this name over and over again...mispronouncing it every time. got to him so bad that he busted out laughing and finally told me what he was doing. That's just one time.

Then there was the game where there was a play at the school end of the field. I was into the game and really concentrating on the game. Well, everyone knows that the brain and the mouth don't always work together. As I said...I was into the game and there was a flag thrown on the play. Instead of saying "a penalty flag on the play," my mouth said..."there is a FAG on the play!"

Have you ever had one of those moments where everyone in the stadium stops, turns and looks at you like..."What did he just say/" Again, my partner was just howling in the booth.

Yeah, announcing can be tough...but fun some times as well... :)
I really respect the way Jailerman came in here and addressed the (mild) criticism like a true professional.

I'm looking forward to a hard-fought and well played game tomorrow and I hope both teams come away injury free.
This post was edited on 11/6 1:48 PM by BoyznBlue
Originally posted by BoyznBlue:
I really respect the way Jailerman came in here and addressed the (mild) criticism like a true professional.

I'm looking forward to a hard-fought and well played game tomorrow and I hope both teams come away injury free.
This post was edited on 11/6 1:48 PM by BoyznBlue
What game are u watching tomorrow? lol
Jailerman, I think you do a great job announcing, personally. As a FH fan I'd much prefer you to do our announcing. The FH announcer rarely even gets the down right.

EDIT: Oh, and I really like the play by play. It adds to the excitement, IMHO.
This post was edited on 11/8 9:45 AM by 4R341
Fine job on PA today. Glad it wasn't as loud as it is when FH is home team. Please call the FH PA people and tell them how to use the daggone thing. Thanks.
Jailer does a great job......and to take the constructive comments as he did, thay;s a stand up guy right there. Nice job today.

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