How much more terrible does #8 have to play


Junior Varsity Poster
Aug 2, 2006
before Alkire pulls the plug on this experiment? Hey Zack, just don't get into any professional trouble and you won't have to worry about professional retaliation from HR,
Just know… we should all denounce the people that do this… it’s not the right thing to do. You know these kids read this board. Now I’m all for calling out coaches when they F up… they are adults though they know it comes with the territory.
Just know… we should all denounce the people that do this… it’s not the right thing to do. You know these kids read this board. Now I’m all for calling out coaches when they F up… they are adults though they know it comes with the territory.
This isn’t the first time #8 had been called out for terrible play. Go see the Dunbar thread. If he reads this board then he should have the thickest skin of anyone in allegany county
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I personally don’t give a crap what any adult’s career stats or interests are but these are high schools kids and this is high school football. Never should we drag kids down. It is high school football - should not be the reason we put down KIDS. Everyone wants to say kids are different, no - the way adults act are different and it affects the kids.
Do Better!
Yeah, Fh did score 56. Do you realize #25 had a higher passer rating and threw for more touchdowns than #8 did tonight?
A FH QB with a passer rating? Lol
How many MAD stickers is passer rating worth these days? You can talk about pass plays, inefficient/ineffective passing game, doing xyz,...but calling out a specific child under your anonymous username is yellow bellied, small man complex, piss ant mentality bs---that's what I realize.
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A very delicate situation. Even more so for someone in my position knowing families and sons. It's not a place for an open forum. So I personally would not come to any social media outlet and be negative about the play of any individual player.

What I will say, strictly from a X's and O's philosophy perspective, that leaves me a little perplexed is that coaches are asking #11 to rarely come in at QB solely on extremely crucial situations. The past two weeks, he comes in on 3rd and 5, 3rd and 11, 4th and 7, etc., with the game on the line. He comes in for one or two snaps and then comes back out. This is not an alternating QB situation. You are asking someone to come in cold for a play or two behind the first down sticks with the entire drive on the line who hasn't taken a snap the entire game. Nor has he been real game repetitioned for that situation. I don't know any program at any level (outside of a brief wildcat formation) that does this. What I'm not doing is being negative about someone's play. What I am doing is questioning the coaching decision here. #11 comes in on 4th and 7 at Mountain Ridge and scrambles 8 yards for a first down. Six games in and this is the first time all season that a QB ran for a first down. Then he comes right back out the next snap. He probably earned the right to at least finish the drive at that point.

The passing issues at FH are not relegated to one position. All three facets of a passing game have issues - the QB, the pass protection and the receivers.

Lastly, the fact #8 is even playing football right now after the injury bug bit him the last two seasons is amazing in itself. If there was an Area Courage Award - he gets it. That is the dude I want on my front lines leading the way in any facet of life. The greatest compliment I could give another human. I'm not worried about his future.
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Just know… we should all denounce the people that do this… it’s not the right thing to do. You know these kids read this board. Now I’m all for calling out coaches when they F up… they are adults though they know it comes with the territory.
Karen alert, Karen alert, Karen alert. Attention, attention, a Karen alert has been issued.
is anyone interested in SS610’s athletic resume? He is quick to talk sh*t on a high school kid. I mean he could be a former POY for all I know. I’m betting that he sat the bench.
First, he didn't use the players name. He used a number. That's been the unwritten rule for a few years now. Every person on here at some time or another has talked about players. When you say the line play is weak and terrible, does that not refer to a bunch of players? It's easy enough to figure .out who you're referring to. It's ridiculous.

Everyone makes the playoffs now. Which one of you is going to pay for the participation trophies or the "safe space" for these young men? And, what's next, penalties for hitting too hard?
4R341, you seem like a sensible person. When u say using the jersey number to identify a kid to bust his chops on here is ok, it’s not. You might as well use his name. Everyone knows who “8” is. When a poster uses the jersey # to say a kid was injured or whatever that’s different. I have 2 ?s for u.
Did u play and what if your son was that kid?
4R341, you seem like a sensible person. When u say using the jersey number to identify a kid to bust his chops on here is ok, it’s not. You might as well use his name. Everyone knows who “8” is. When a poster uses the jersey # to say a kid was injured or whatever that’s different. I have 2 ?s for u.
Did u play and what if your son was that kid?
You're right. The jersey number allows you to cross-reference the player if you know where to look. However, it's been used on here for years to reference both bad and good gameplay. Sometimes it's a coach. Sometimes a kid makes a boneheaded play. That's life. We all mess up. Constructive, and sometimes not-so-constructive, criticism can motivate a struggling player. But if not, we learn from it and move on. Even ignore it if it's people being asshats. If you can't live with that, don't play in a spectator's sport. People watch and talk. Either on here or in real life. You're not going to stop that.

Now, if a kid commits an illegal crime on or off the ball field, I don't think it should be discussed on here. And, sometimes that happens on here, too.

No, I didn't play on an official team, but played a lot recreationally without pads. I went to FH, and while I wanted to play, it ,just never happened. My fault. I focused on academics. I still love football, though, including FH football. And, I still thoroughly understand the game.

My son did play pee wee, but after that he developed a damn video game addiction. He still went out and played football all through high school with his friends just as I did - without pads. He just wouldn't commit to the dedication required for organized play.

Had he played and would've been criticized his feelings would've been hurt. Human nature to not like any kind of criticism. When he was little I worked long and hard with him to improve his ability and understanding of the game. Myself, I probably would've been butt hurt when someone insulted him, but I would've used it as a tool to further motivate him. If he's not good enough, he's not good enough. It's a team sport. The best players should play or the whole team suffers. Kids need to be taught how to lose and not internalize it. Parents could help with this if they wanted to instead of trying to protect them from the harsh reality of life. Sometimes the coaches decisions, especially where there's the perception of nepotism or cronyism, need to be called out. It's the team as a whole who loses when you don't play your best players.

I'm not saying to come on here and be disrespectful (e.g. calling people names, etc.). But some kids are taught by their parents to not accept the truth when it hurts their feelings. That is a much worse insult to the young man's learning and development as a man. They don't need some safe space where they can hide from the truth. Do that and you're setting them up for failure and disappointment and some seriously thin skin. They'll just run away any time they're criticized.
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The bureaucrat in me said post this link with the County School system policy on Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation - applies to a wide category of people and circumstances. Does it apply to the example of this thread and the individual who started it? I don't know so you be the judge. The parameters seem fairly wide.

If you have to even think about looking up what the policy is cyber bullying and harassment then the internet is no place for you to ever be lmao
It’s just a forum about football. Everyone should be able to express their opinion.
To voice ones opinion, or to offer constructive criticism (if there is such a thing) is one thing. To use this platform to tell high school student athletes that they suck, or are terrible is well, just not acceptable. Just my opinion.