Can't believe there is even talk about Alco dropping FH.

I hope. Like I said yesterday, at least Fort Hill and Allegany settle it the old fashion line-up your 11 players and I'll line up my 11 and see what happens.
I have been known to toss out some hyperbole every now and again. Last year's 1A West Regional with Allegany was the closest score and most competitive game FH played all year. And that's fine.

But, I think it's a fair discussion to ask why Alco should play FH twice. If Allegany is going to schedule a Dunbar, why continue to put FH in the regular season. If they already play plenty of competitive teams why add a team in the top 500 nationally.

On a personal note.... once they move out of my school a huge chunk of my attachment goes with it.
I have been known to toss out some hyperbole every now and again. Last year's 1A West Regional with Allegany was the closest score and most competitive game FH played all year. And that's fine.

But, I think it's a fair discussion to ask why Alco should play FH twice. If Allegany is going to schedule a Dunbar, why continue to put FH in the regular season. If they already play plenty of competitive teams why add a team in the top 500 nationally.

On a personal note.... once they move out of my school a huge chunk of my attachment goes with it.
Same reason the Redskins play the cowboys twice a year and a chance to meet in playoffs because they are in the same division. Yankees and RedSox. The big high school rivalry in Ohio and many other examples. Here is an idea. Why don't the mpssaa create an 1/2 A class so the likes of Northern Southern Hancock and every other team that can't compete has a chance to win a trophy.
Same reason the Redskins play the cowboys twice a year and a chance to meet in playoffs because they are in the same division. Yankees and RedSox. The big high school rivalry in Ohio and many other examples. Here is an idea. Why don't the mpssaa create an 1/2 A class so the likes of Northern Southern Hancock and every other team that can't compete has a chance to win a trophy.

I know of no public school extra curricular activity whose stated mission is to win a trophy.
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Oh this conversation about not playing FH must be hyperbole.

...every other team that can't compete has a chance to win a trophy.

The stated mission of high school sports is not winning trophies. I thought it was clear what I was addressing about the post.
"If Allegany is going to schedule a Dunbar, why continue to put FH in the regular season."

I thought I was pretty clear in what I was addressing about the post but if you want to spin it with your mission statement for high school sports...have at it.
Why does Allegany play fort Hill? Why does Rice play Texas?

Couldn't resist, lot of hyperbole going on on this board lately.
I hope. Like I said yesterday, at least Fort Hill and Allegany settle it the old fashion line-up your 11 players and I'll line up my 11 and see what happens.

I don't know why this idea is controversial. Alco and FH are still going to settle it "the old fashion way," because they play in the playoffs every year any way. It's not like when a city team dropped Martinsburg never to be seen again, lol.
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You mean both city teams.

Lol, you caught me. I said "city team" waiting for a member of the hype machine to jump out there. Yeah, both city teams dropped Martinsburg. I don't understand why Alco dropped them because it was still a competitive series. Does anybody have any info about that?
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BoyznBlue Fort Hill schedule obsession post #461

Since I rarely start a thread on this message board, you probably should say: BoyznBlue responds to yet another post started by an obsessed FH person on MD Varsity. Of the top 8 posts right now, 6 of them are about the FH schedule. Brian H actually started 2 of them, lol
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Maybe I am an "obsessed FH person". I'd rather be obsessed with my team than constantly obsessing over another team. This thread was started because one of your own stated Allegany should/may drop Fort Hill. I figure that will eventually happen but I hope not.

How's the schedule business coming along? This time next year there will be no mention of Fort Hill's schedule because you are gonna provide us with a RESPECTABLE and competitive schedule. Git 'er done.
Maybe I am an "obsessed FH person". I'd rather be obsessed with my team than constantly obsessing over another team. This thread was started because one of your own stated Allegany should/may drop Fort Hill. I figure that will eventually happen but I hope not.

How's the schedule business coming along? This time next year there will be no mention of Fort Hill's schedule because you are gonna provide us with a RESPECTABLE and competitive schedule. Git 'er done.
You arent obsessed with a school that's not yours? Seriously? That school that isnt yours is right in the title of the post you made. When you aren't obsessed with the school that isn't yours, you're obsessed with posters on here that went to the school that isn't yours. The derp is strong with you, son.
Git'a life.
PS It had to devastate you that there we're no sweaty boys for you to watch tonight. Should the pee wee parents be concerned over your presence at games tomorrow?