Athletes are transferring everyhwere these days in high school. WV made it easier by relaxing the transfer rules within WV so now chaos has ensued in some parts of the state. Athletes transfer to play for the best team in their Area, because they don't like a coach, because another teams "system" fits them better, because their team is not good and we could go on and on.
Add into that mix athletes who have become one sport athletes, do travel in that sport and train exclusively for that sport. Then you have high school athletes who are now only playing for elite travel teams in certain sports, they no longer compete for their high school teams. From what I read the next thing to enter into the mix is NIL at the high school level.
The issue at Fort Hill is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what will unfold in the future. If you look at scores their is very little parity left in many high school sports. It's a shame because for 95% of these kids and families they have transferred, spent a lot of money to travel, sold houses and other things not even considering what really matters and that is the academic side of it.
We've lost our way. Sports teaches life lessons and makes you a better citizen, parent and spouse. If your talented, work hard and excel then you may earn a scholarship and the very rare ones like Ty get a shot at the pros. For the rest of these familes I'm not sure they have considered the impact of decisions based soley on athletics and not the big picture.