While it would be kind of nice to see that, can we really say, aside from bragging rights, does FH gain much from an X's and O's standpoint most years by adding Keyser and Frankfort to the schedule (even if it were an option)?
If we want to talk gate money, concessions money, or community "whateverness"...okay, maybe. But most years if Frankfort isn't competitive, are the crowds really going to be much different than Bridgeport or Dunbar? Idk..maybe, but over time, probably not.
I'm just looking at it from an on-field POV. Also, a scheduling POV. FH plays Northern, Southern, Ridge and Alco. Add Keyser and Frankfort...now you only have three spots to fill with Bridgeport, Dunbar, Or teams like Briar Woods or Hollidayburg, etc...and hope that they can match the few open spots you have. Sure that "only" leaves 3 spots to fill, so I'm sure that is appreciated from TDH and people who make the schedule. I get it. But dang, I like having those teams on the schedule. Do we possibly cut off our nose to spite our face? IDK. Maybe I'm over thinking it. And it's not really an option anyway, because Frankfort and Keyser aren't going to be back on the schedule anytime soon.
So it's a moo point. Like a cow's opinion...it's just "moo."