Curley game moved to 3:30. Lot's of issues to deal with.


Hall of Fame Poster
May 29, 2001
The Fort Hill vs. Archbishop Curley varsity football game has officially been moved to a 3:30 pm game today (Thursday) at the same Archbishop Curley school field. The game was originally set for 7:00 pm. This story is long, but in need of being told.


Curley originally set up a bye week this weekend on purpose. Their head coach wanted to travel south for personal reasons that need not be discussed. They are leaving early Friday. When Fort Hill had a last minute opening due to the MPSSAA telling them that Avalon was not eligible to play, FH scrambled to find another opponent and found Curley. And Curley was gracious enough to say OK, but only if they play in Baltimore on a Thursday night. FH agreed. The contract was set up to be played at a different field like Calvert Hall. But as time passed Curley realized they could not get that field or any other field nearby with lights. So they decided to make it at their school field with portable lights they use quite frequently for home games. FH was certainly good with that.

Then the weather hit this week with no signs of the rain slowing down all weekend. On Tuesday Coach Murphy expressed concerns about the condition of their grass field and the poor drainage. After looking at the field Wednesday and looking at the weather reports, Curley decided it was best to move the game up to 3:30. They told FH they could NOT bring the cheerleaders, the band, and the two fan buses for reasons already explained very well in another thread by eagleinsider. There is no conspiracy, the logistics don't make sense for Curley, their students and parents and the school grounds are not suited for this 3:30 change with school letting out, soccer, etc mixing in with all the FH fans. Don't jump to stupid conclusions. Be thankful Curley has done all they can to make this game happen. Their admin and coach have worked extremely hard when all they really wanted was a bye week...first to find us a better field, then to arrange for portable lighting, then to assist FH with the weather hassles. They have been first freaking class!

However, it is not in Fort Hill's best interest to travel 2.5 hours to play a 3:30 game on a Thursday or Friday. Granted there is no school in Allegany County due to Parent / Teacher Conference Day. But that puts a major bind on parents and teachers who wish to support their children who play for FH. Parents and Teachers meeting is a very important school function. It is unfair to them big time. If Fort Hill was located in Baltimore it might not be such an issue. But driving that far makes it really tough for a 3:30 start. Coach Appel also has major concerns about the condition of the field whether the game is at 3:30 or whenever. The weather is calling for more rain tonight and early tomorrow. In fact, the game may be cancelled after all if after checking the field, Curley decides it's in everyone's best interest they not play here. There are no other field options. Curely was given the option of traveling to Greenway Avenue Stadium but declined due to logistics on their part.

The biggest problem is this: neither Curley nor FH can control the fans, the cheerleaders, the band from traveling to this game in their own vehicles. Big surprise. I can promise that Curley's campus will be bedlam if what they say it true about logistics. FH has cancelled the buses for all involved, but that won't stop those same people from traveling. School officials at FH or Curley have no control over fans that drive here.

After talking with FH coaches, I believe they want the game cancelled if all these detriments are in place. Mostly because they don't want kids getting hurt if the field is a poor muddy quagmire. That benefits nobody. I would warn Curley again, the fans, cheerleaders and band are going to be at this game rain or shine. They just won't come on buses in an official capacity. W

For the record, Curley has been extremely gracious and accommodating. They had no reason to play this game but agreed to help FH out. And they did a great deal of work to make this happen on top of it all. FH Coach Todd Appel and Curley Coach Sean Murphy coached together at the Big 33 game this past June and have gotten to know each other fairly well. We cannot thank Curley enough for doing all they can to make this game happen. Mother nature just didn't want to cooperate.

If the game time is changed again or if it is cancelled I will post it here and on the website immediately.
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They will have a hard time finding a place to park. The campus will be closed to all buses. I have nothing to do with the buses though. Don't be surprised if this game is cancelled, especially if they find the field to be in bad shape tomorrow morning. As of now though the game is set for 3:30. Keep checking in here. I will stay up to date.
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Let me guess the ND-Clemson game Saturday night. I'd want a bye week too. LOL
Someone official at Fort Hill needed to explain all this "officially" yesterday, it would have eliminated all the bedlam.

Unofficial people close to the program started fanning the flames prematurely.
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Like the lettuceman said...the first person who jumped to a "stupid conclusion" was the one person who knows Coach A better than all of us. Keep that in mind.
Well the term "official" is a very loose term in today's internet/social media society. Facebook or a message board or Twitter or whatever talks about these things as fact...and that only fans the flames as you say Lettuce. People take those type of social media rumors as fact when they are not. This situation was under discussion as both sides were trying to weigh all possibilities. It makes no sense to make an official announcement only to change it 2 hours later. That is how mother nature works with sporting events. Sometimes there can be no official announcement until we see what the weather holds. We've all seen baseball games cancelled a half hour before it starts. The goal was to get this game played.

Everyone was trying to work out a way to get the FH fans, cheerleaders and band to this game. Logistics were not advantageous for a 3:30 Thursday game on that campus.
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Well the term "official" is a very loose term in today's internet/social media society. Facebook or a message board or Twitter or whatever talks about these things as fact...and that only fans the flames as you say Lettuce. People take those type of social media rumors as fact when they are not. .

Especially when they come from someone with the last name Appel. Just saying. It wasn't Dave Christopher who lit the fuse or some schmoe. Not a cut against anyone in particular at all, and I agree the situation really pushed everyone's buttons.

But if Michelle Obama tweets "We bomb Russia in 10 minutes"...people gonna think the jets have already taken off. Ya dig?
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I'm as big a FH fan as anyone. but some of you FH fans and parents are insane. The world does not revolve around you. Other people exist. Just because something like this doesn't fit another schools agenda you jump on them because they don't meet our demands. No wonder FH has problems getting games. They are a nightmare to deal with outside of just getting their ass beaten in the field. I have finally ce to realize this.

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